45 filmų

2022 kovo 4

Betmenas – sugrįžta į didžiuosius ekranus su istorija apie savo kaip kaukėto kovotojo už teisybę kelio pradžią. Gotamo miestui kenčiant nuo įvairiausių piktadarių ir nusikaltėlių, jaunajam milijonieriui Briusui Veinui trūksta kantrybė ir jis nusprendžia priemonių imtis pats. Siekdamas paslaptyje išlaikyti savo tapatybę, Briusas su nusikaltėliais ima kovoti vilkėdamas šikšnosparnį primenantį kostiumą, o dėkingi miesto gyventojai netrunka paslaptingąjį kovotoją pavadinti Betmenu.

Padedamas ištikimo liokajaus Alfredo ir policijos leitenanto Džeimso Gordono, Betmenas netrukus susiduria su Mįsliumi – paslaptingu žudiku, nusitaikiusiu į Gotamo elitą. Sekdamas Mįsliaus pėdsakais, Betmenas bus priverstas pasikliauti keisčiausiais sąjungininkais, atras savo šeimos ryšį su Gotamo kriminaliniu pasauliu ir turės pasitelkti visą savo išmintį, jėgas bei resursus, kad įvykdytų teisingumą galingiems korumpuotiems nusikaltėliams, baimės gniaužtuose įkalinusiems jo mylimą miestą.

2004 liepos 23

Po Moters-katės kauke slepiasi buvusi kosmetikos firmos "Hedare Beauty" konsultantė Patiencė Filips, kuri atsitiktinai išsiaiškino savo darbdavių paslaptis. Grožio imperijos vadovai Laurel ir Džordžas pasmerkė perdaug žinojusią merginą mirčiai, tačiau tinkamai neatliko žiauriaus nuosprendžio. Pacientės gyvybę išgelbėjo egiptietiškos veislės katinas, todėl mergina įgavo naujoviškų įpročių ir elgesio normų. Nuo šiol ji trokšta keršto savo žudikams ir kitiems įvairaus plauko niekšeliams...

Pabudus senovės blogiui, tik Betmenas gali išgelbėti Gotamo miestą nuo pražūties.

A man forced to bear power and stripped of humanity. A woman skeptical of happiness. Takeshi Hongo, an Augmentation made by SHOCKER, and Ruriko Midorikawa, a rebel of the organization, escape while fighting off assassins. What’s justice? What’s evil? Will this violence end? Despite his power, Hongo tries to remain human. Along with freedom, Ruriko has regained a heart. What paths will they choose?

The Joker is back with a vengeance, and Neo-Gotham's Dark Knight, Terry McGinnis, needs answers as he stands alone to face the old Gotham's most infamous Clown Prince of Crime.

One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.

After coming in contact with radioactive waste, small-time crook Enzo Ceccotti gains super-strength. A misanthropic, introverted brute, he uses his new powers for personal gain until he meets Alessia, a mentally ill girl who believes Enzo is the hero from her favorite anime Steel Jeeg.

Geats, Revice, and Ryuki wage a fierce battle royale that transcends beyond the Heisei and Reiwa eras.

Kai Trinė, geltonoji Reindžerė nužudoma, Galingieji Reindžeriai vėl iškviečiami praėjus beveik 30 metų nuo jų įpėdinių atėjimo. Rita Repulsa sugrįžta kaip supergalingas robotas, trokštantis keršto ir besinaudojantis laiko iškraipymu, kad jie būtų nužudyti dar prieš būnant iškviestiems tapti Reindžeriais. Jie turi susiburti paskutinį kartą, nugalėti savo seną priešą arba būti ištrinti iš egzistencijos.

In Madrid, Spain, a mysterious serial killer ruthlessly murders his victims by recreating the first appearance of several comic book superheroes. Cosme, a veteran police inspector who is about to retire, works on the case along with the tormented inspector David Valentín and his own son Jorge Elías, a nerdy young man who owns a comic book store.

As the Joker visits Metropolis with a plan to kill Superman for Lex Luthor, Batman pursues the clown to Superman's turf.

2026 spalio 2

Sequel to the 2022 film The Batman.

45 years ago, a man was subjected to the experiments of the secret organization Shocker and became a cyborg. Since that day, the man's sole mission has been protecting humanity and justice from the threat of Shocker. His name is Takeshi Hongo, the first Kamen Rider. After a long battle overseas, Hongo hears a certain girl is in danger and immediately returns to Japan. He then meets Takeru Tenkuji, Kamen Rider Ghost, who had been investigating the girl's whereabouts.

The film follows the Safari Ressha who run the Galaxy Line, their conductor named Lady, and the Shadow Line member pursuing them.

It's been a tough week for Peter Parker. His two best friends are mad at him, Aunt May is behind on the bills and Flash Thompson is still bullying him at school. It hasn't been a cake walk for Spider-Man either. The Enforcers are trying to destroy him, the Vulture is seeking revenge on Mr. Osborn, Electro is wreaking havoc on the city and his mentor, Dr. Connors, just transformed into The Lizard - a reptile on the rampage. But with great power comes great responsibility and Peter Parker wouldn't have it any other way!

The evil is back and this terrorizing the swim team at an all girl school. After turning the Principal into a frog monster they commence with their own brand of twisted training and punishment. But Kekko Kamen has also returned to right the wrongs and send the MGF packing once again or can she, they seem stronger and smarter then ever have been before, it's sink or swim time for Kekko Kamen.

The story begins with three Aliens in human form preparing for a ritual to feed the Fog Mother's "siblings". The Fog Mother last came to earth during the Prehistoric Age and is the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. Kenji and his kid sister are in the mountains, investigating all the deaths of animals and trees there. The Fog Mother sends the three aliens, "Gorai", "Zuu", and "Agito" to kidnap Kenji's baby sister for the sacrifice.

Studying music at a remote island academy, poor Mayumi (Aki Hoshino) and her classmates fall victim once more to erotic tortures at the hands of their corrupting instructors. Just in time, Kekko Kamen (Misaki Mori) takes center stage with a red mask on her head, nunchakus in her hands, and a song in her heart!

With Kai’s defeat, Ryotaro and the rest of the DenLiner crew resume their time-traveling adventures by founding a detective agency to keep any other surviving Imagin in check. But when a rogue Imagin swipes Owner’s spare Den-O Pass, it’s up to the DenLiner Police and rookie detective Kazuya, along with a little help from another Rider, to stop the evil Imagin and save the past, present, and future!

Spider-Man Versus Kraven the Hunter is a 1974 American superhero short film written and directed by Bruce Cardozo. It is a fan film that was endorsed by Marvel Comics and authorized by Stan Lee.

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