18 elokuvaa

Hilpeä ja lämminhenkinen komedia viidestä pariskunnasta, jotka valmistautuvat vanhemmuuteen. Jännityksen ja yllätysten keskellä heille alkaa valjeta universaali totuus: vaikka mitä tekisi, elämä ei aina vastaa odotuksia.?

30 joulukuu 2020

Toisen maailmansodan kynnyksellä brittiläinen leski palkkaa itseoppineen arkeologin kaivamaan mystisiä maanmuodostumia maillaan, ja tämä tekee häkellyttävän löydön.

11 marraskuu 2016

Michèle vaikuttaa yhdeltä niistä naisista, joita mikään ei voi horjuttaa. Suuren videofirman johdossa hän hallinnoi sekä liiketoimiaan että rakkauselämäänsä yhtä rautaisella otteella. Jouduttuaan kotonaan tuntemattoman miehen hvökkäyksen kohteeksi, Michèle jatkaa elämäänsä kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunut. Itsepäisesti hän alkaa kuitenkin jäljittää hyökkääjäänsä, mikä johdattaa heidät molemmat kieroon leikkiin, joka voi minä hetkenä hyvänsä muuttua tappavaksi.

18 kesäkuu 1976

Morgan and his friends are on a hunting trip on a remote Canadian island when they are attacked by a swarm of giant wasps. Looking for help, Morgan stumbles across a barn inhabited by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they discover the entire island is crawling with animals that have somehow grown to giant size. The most dangerous of all of these, however, are the rats, who are mobilizing to do battle with the human intruders.

26 helmikuu 2016

Kun menestynyt kolmekymppinen Katri saa tietää miehensä Mikon eläneen kaksoiselämää virolaisen Sirlen kanssa, päättää hän paeta siltä seisomalta kohti lentokenttää ja unelmien ulkomaita. Katri ottaa löytämänsä rahakassin ja karkaa matkoihinsa huomaamatta autonsa takapenkille piiloutunutta naapurin laiminlyötyä 8-vuotiasta Annaa, joka pakenee rikollista isäpuoltaan Teroa. Mikko ja Tero syöksyvät yhdessä takaa-ajoon.

1 helmikuu 1984

A horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world, with disastrous consequences. As he ruminates on his place in any world and loses his grip, he also loses his wife and his children's respect, and critics tear him apart. The final undoing of this screenwriter is a deadline that must be met at all costs, costs that perhaps are too great.

2 maaliskuu 2018

An astronaut braves a pioneering solo mission into deep space, leaving behind her loving husband. Through disjointed communications, she discovers her life on Earth has changed forever.

One day at the end of the 1800s, 14-year-old Lise’s life is changed forever. She is the eldest of her siblings, the first in her family to go to school and full of hope and confidence in life. But when her mother goes into labour, it quickly appears that something is wrong. As night falls and the labour progresses, Lise begins to understand that a day that began in childhood might end with her becoming the woman of the house.

1 lokakuu 1974

Who is the father of Ann Collins’ baby? Her husband had a vasectomy years ago. And Ann hasn’t been with another man. Even more mysterious: as the baby grows inside her, Ann begins to change. She is beset by strange illnesses, pours tablespoons of salt on her food, turns the thermostat to 50 degrees, speed-reads academic tomes. But much bigger shocks are yet to come. Barbara Eden stars in this hypnotic, swiftly paced blend of horror and sci-fi from Richard Matheson, the popular and prolific writer who also penned the novel I AM LEGEND and several notable THE TWILIGHT ZONE scripts.


10 helmikuu 2019

In a Home for unwed mothers in 1962, a pregnant girl tries to save her friend’s memories in order to save their friendship.

19 maaliskuu 1976

Kent, Lasse, Olle and Sven are in their mid-twenties and have been friends since childhood. At a restaurant they meet two young women and one of them, Lena, becomes pregnant. Now, who is the father? Well, it's definitely not Kent, but the others convince him to accept the fatherhood.

1645. Guadeloupe. Ibátali, a Kalinago native and wife of a French colonist, leads Olaudah, an escaped African captive, on a journey where he may lose his freedom and his life. She is ready to sacrifice him to save her own skin. But their wounds bring them together. Will this be enough to make them something other than what colonisation has decided they should be: a savage to be exterminated, an African to be enslaved?

14 toukokuu 1938

Mrs. Burgess explains menstruation to her teen-aged daughter by showing her diagrams in a medical book. Her daughter-in-law Mary then tells Mrs. Burgess that she wishes that she, too, knew more about her body. She also reveals that she may be expecting a baby and is apprehensive about her safety and the changes that a new baby will bring to her life.

8 syyskuu 2014

An informational documentary that invites you to explore another side of pregnancy and childbirth which is not often shown in the mainstream media. In this documentary we take a look at the Midwifery Model of Care, show and tell what a birth center is and what one can expect with an out of hospital birth experience. We answer the most common questions and address the concerns most people have about out of hospital births. We also discuss C-section, VBAC, ICAN, Interventions, the importance of a proper diet during pregnancy and more. We hear three women share their personal birth stories; In and out of hospital experiences. This documentary is full of good information and is a must see for all women of childbearing age interested in pregnancy and childbirth, regardless of where they choose to give birth.

20 helmikuu 1973

After 18 years of marriage, a middle-aged couple has to face the prospect of having their first child.

This educational film is an introduction to the ergot fungus, including lifecycle, cultivation, medicinal uses, and toxic effects. The film also summarises methods for the chemical extraction of ergoline compounds.

4 maaliskuu 2023

A look at the daily life of midwives across Quebec.

Upcoming horror project from DuHBuu FiLMS.

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