15 Filme


9. September 2009

When 9 first comes to life, he finds himself in a post-apocalyptic world. All humans are gone, and it is only by chance that he discovers a small community of others like him taking refuge from fearsome machines that roam the earth intent on their extinction. Despite being the neophyte of the group, 9 convinces the others that hiding will do them no good.

Outlaw Jesse James is rumored to be the 'fastest gun in the West'. An eager recruit into James' notorious gang, Robert Ford eventually grows jealous of the famed outlaw and, when Robert and his brother sense an opportunity to kill James, their murderous action elevates their target to near mythical status.

24. Oktober 2014

While holidaying in the French Alps, a Swedish family deals with acts of cowardliness as an avalanche breaks out.

27. Oktober 1964

American sailor Charlie Madison falls for a pretty Englishwoman while trying to avoid a senseless and dangerous D-Day mission concocted by a deranged admiral.

1. Juli 1956

In Johnny Concho, Frank Sinatra plays a man who goes from the town bully to town coward!

30. Januar 1957

A young cowboy, whose dedication to the principles of peace and reason has earned him a reputation for cowardice, overcomes his psychological aversion to violence after his elder brother unjustly censures him for not joining in a foolhardy gunfight in which their youngest brother is killed.

17. Oktober 1979

At forty years old, Martin Belhomme leads a quiet life with his wife and two children. One day, he falls hopelessly in love with Eva, a cabaret singer. He decides to follow her to Amsterdam. From then on, his life becomes very eventful!

18. Dezember 1948

Porky Pig and Sylvester the Cat spend the night in an old dark house, whose horrors only Sylvester sees.

16. August 1955

Pépé la Vache, who coveted Fernande's love, denounced her protector: Dominique le Corse, who was arrested. But Fernande was attracted by Jesus the Quail, a guy of dubious manners. Intimidated by Pépé, the Quail moved away.

Anestis is a nice guy but he doesn't have the courage to react when others bother him. When one of his close friends brings him some "magic" pills that give Anestis the superpowers of his dreams, everything is going to change...

A coward has to prove that he can be brave to marry the girl he is in love with.

A cowardly youngster and his friend run for their lives with their lovers as they are being chased by a dreaded don.

5. März 1953

A stranded ship. A man and two boys go to its rescue - uncle Arturo and his two nephews. The ship is empty, except for a little girl - the only survivor.

30. Juli 1957

Target of ridicule from fellow military academy, the cowardly Augustin did not want to return to their village for fear of confronting his grandfather, a revolutionary colonel. In love with the movie star Laura, Agustin flee to the capital but encounters the dangerous Humberto, another in love with the actress. Thanks to his "nine lives", he attains overcome perilous adventures and, incidentally, overcome their fears.

8. April 2021

It is said that before entering the sea, a river trembles with fear.

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