46 filmų

Šešiolikmetis Donis, vyresnės klasės moksleivis, jau žino, kas yra mirtis. Po nelaimingo atsitikimo, per kurį jis vos liko gyvas, Donis pastebi, kad gali keisti laiką ir likimus. Su juo vykstančios permainos gąsdina visus artimuosius. Išmokęs keliauti po kitus pasaulius, Donis suvokia, kad net patys nereikšmingiausi poelgiai gali sukelti milžiniškus kataklizmus.

Praėjus 5 metams, ten kur košmaruose lankydavosi kruvinasis Fredis Kriugeris, nežinodami apie šių namų praeitį, čia atsikrausto nauja šeimyna. Netrukus jis ir vėl apsireikš jaunojo Džesio Valšo sapnuose, bandydamas užvaldyti ne tik jo mintis, bet ir kūną. Džesio mergina Liza, bando padėti atsikratyti įkyrių vizijų, tačiau ar užteks jos meilės nugalėti įsikūnijusį demoną.

2023 rugsėjo 21

A young couple's life is turned upside down when the husband sleepwalks and turns into someone else after dark. His wife, overwhelmed by the fear that he will harm their newborn baby, can no longer sleep.

2006 balandžio 21

Rouz gyvena tarsi košmare – jos vienintelė dukrelė Šeronsunkiai serga. Medikai jai negali pasiūlyti jokių viltį teikiančių gydymo būdų. Nusivylusi motina griebiasi bet ko, kas gali pagelbėti jos vargšui kūdikiui. Rouz su dukrele išsiruošia į kelionę, tačiau kažkokiu būdu net nepajutusios kerta portalą į kitokį pasaulį. Kitoje portalo pusėje jos išnyra keistame ištuštėjusiame ir šiurpą keliančiame Tyliosios kalvos miestelyje.

1985 rugpjūčio 2

A young girl, with an amazing ability to communicate with insects, is transferred to an exclusive Swiss boarding school, where her unusual capability might help solve a string of murders.

1994 spalio 14

Cast and crew from earlier A Nightmare on Elm Street installments are terrorized by Freddy Krueger and his razor-fingered glove as he crosses over into the real world.

2021 kovo 12

Looking for an escape from her recurring nightmares, 18-year-old Sarah submits to a university sleep study, but soon realizes she's become the conduit to a frightening new discovery.

Laukdama ketverių metų bausmę kalėjime baigiančio atlikti savo vyro, jauna moteris, rodos, turėtų tik džiaugtis, tačiau ima jausti vis didėjantį nerimą. Vieno priepuolio metu nevalingai save sužalojusi, moteris patenka į ligoninę, kur jai paskiriami nauji, dar neregistruoti antidepresantai. Tačiau šalia pagrindinio poveikio jie turi ir netikėtą šalutinį. Sulig kiekviena tablete moters galvoje kyla vis žiauresnės ir drastiškesnės mintys, kurias seka atitinkami veiksmai. Ar vaistai gali priversti žudyti? Galbūt kai kuriais atvejais šalutinis poveikis yra būtent toks.

A socially awkward woman with a fondness for arts and crafts, horses, and supernatural crime shows finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life.

In this highly influential silent horror film, the mysterious Count Orlok (Max Schreck) summons Thomas Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim) to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen (Greta Schroeder). After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger. Meanwhile Orlok's servant, Knock (Alexander Granach), prepares for his master to arrive at his new home.

During a hallucinatory incident, Kristen Parker has her wrists slashed by dream-stalking monster, Freddy Krueger. Her mother, mistaking the wounds for a suicide attempt, sends her to a psychiatric ward, where she joins a group of similarly troubled teens.

Geidulinga ispanų sirena, vardu Elvira, moko jauną vyrą tantrinės meilės.

2014 rugsėjo 12

Young newlyweds Paul and Bea travel to a remote lake cottage for their honeymoon, where the promise of private romance awaits them. Shortly after arriving, Paul finds Bea wandering and disoriented in the middle of the night.

1941 kovo 28

A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.

2012 rugpjūčio 24

A burgeoning stand-up comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, a stale relationship, and the wild spurts of severe sleepwalking he is desperate to ignore.

1983 rugsėjo 2

Christie Parson has constant nightmares of her father's death whom died in a swimming pool. Christie's mother thinks it was an accident, but Christie believes it was murder. Christie then sees an unknown figure dressed in a cape following her and harassing her. But still nobody believes her, until her boyfriend sees the figure himself. The figure hides in the town mortuary which is owned by Hank Andrews and his demented son, Paul. Both are trying to form rituals to bring back Dr. Parson's spirit. But, who is this figure and why is he harassing Christie?

2008 rugsėjo 26

In the aftermath of a car crash, a man discovers his dreams are tied to a stranger's sleepwalking.

2005 rugpjūčio 31

A video library clerk becomes obsessed with a sleepwalking woman and takes it upon himself to save her from catastrophe.

1924 spalio 26

Lloyd's look at married life and the issues of the in-law. Adventures include a ride on a crowded trolley with a live turkey; A wild spin in a new auto with the in-laws in tow. Finally, a sequence in which Hubby accidentally chloroforms his mother-in-law and becomes convinced that he's killed her!

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