26 部电影

終極邊疆更加遼闊 今年暑假導演J.J.亞伯拉罕把星際爭霸戰帶進闇黑的元素,星艦企業號上的年輕軍官們朝最壯烈的旅程出發。亞伯拉罕聚集了創造2009年暢銷鉅作,好玩、幽默的《星際爭霸戰》製作團隊。這一次的旅程,動作場面更加刺激,感情戲更深層,企業號飛向緊張、九死一生的棋局,面對無法抵擋的毀滅力量。企業號上所有船員所相信的價值觀即將動搖,愛情受到挑戰,友誼遭到考驗,寇克艦長視如家人的船員也將做出重大犧牲。企業號一開始就經歷了充滿爭議的星際事件後返回地球,新任艦長正想重回太空展開更長久的和平探險任務,不過地球上卻不平靜。一場災情慘重的恐怖攻擊,曝露出了驚人的事實:星際艦隊遭到自己人攻擊,甚至整個世界都陷入危險。寇克艦長率領企業號出動,場景橫跨克林貢星球到舊金山灣。企業號碰上了擅於陰謀破壞的敵人。寇克帶著他們經歷到許多懷疑,周旋在朋友和敵人間、復仇和正義間,甚至是全面開戰和和平之間。

2017 年 09 月 22 日

鮑曼(傑克葛倫霍 飾)漫不經心又愛遲到的個性,終究讓女友提了分手,曾放話要在馬拉松比賽到場為女友加油的他,比賽當天早早就準備好加油牌,在豔陽下挾著汗水、站在終點線等待女友,好給她一個驚喜,只是誰都沒預料到,恐怖爆炸的發生來得比這驚喜更令人措手不及,炸毀了他們的愛情,也奪走了鮑曼的雙腿。一無所有的他,剩下的只有勇氣,他得想辦法重新站起來,一步步贏回愛人的心。

本片改編自英國有名的冤獄。故事敘述一個愛爾蘭青年蓋瑞因和一群吸大麻的朋友(包括他表哥)混在一起,而當時愛爾蘭解放軍的暴動令政府當局頭痛致極,極力拿人治罪,不巧,蓋瑞所居留的地方曾有愛爾蘭解放軍停留過,於是蓋瑞被列為頭號嫌疑犯,連帶的,他那位做獵腸的阿姨被指控為製作炸彈、甚至連一心護兒蓋瑞的父親(《水世界》、《大地英豪》、《異形Ⅲ》、《侏儸紀公園:失落的世界》彼得波斯特勒斯威特飾)也沒放過。於是他們成了解放軍家族被叛入獄……多年後,蓋瑞絲皮爾斯律師(艾瑪湯普遜飾)發現這宗大冤獄,主動提出幫他們父子兩平反。經過這麼多年的牢獄生活,其實他們也無所求了,蓋瑞所想要的不過是把刑期服完,可是他父親卻堅持著為自己清刷自己的名譽。最後父親的健康狀況愈來愈差,為了父親,蓋瑞決定放手一搏…… 好不容易贏得了官司,可是父親卻已死,這一場冤獄所付出的代價非常之大,對蓋瑞來說,這一切,全是為了他父親之名。而丹尼爾戴路易斯一路從青年演到進入中年,心情的轉折,榮獲 當年奧斯卡、金球獎、柏林最佳男主角提名。


1979 年 09 月 28 日

Spain, 1973. Dictator Francisco Franco has ruled the country since 1939 with an iron fist; but he is now a very old and sick man. The future of the weakened regime is in danger. Admiral Carrero Blanco is his natural successor. The Basque terrorist gang ETA decides that he must die to prevent the dictatorship from continuing.

2023 年 12 月 28 日

一場連續炸彈襲擊印尼首都雅加達。恐怖份子發出了一封神秘的勒索信,指出在雅加達各處埋藏13枚炸彈,並預告每8小時將引爆一顆炸彈,威脅政府須給付數億比特幣當作贖金。雅加達情報機關立即展開偵查,並調查出加密貨幣交易所的創始人奧斯卡(奇可庫尼亞萬 飾)與威廉(阿爾迪托普拉莫諾 飾)可能涉案其中,為了證明自己的清白,他們被迫與政府反恐機構攜手合作,為了阻止這場毀滅性的攻擊,政府必須與時間賽跑,否則雅加達居民的安全將受到前所未有的威脅…

2014 年 01 月 01 日

Deep in the jungles of Southeast Asia, a terrorist organization has stolen materials to create a dangerous chemical bomb. It is up to Captain Max Randall and his team of Marines to stop them. But when Randall's team kill the terrorist leader's son, the group responds by kidnapping General Wallace's daughter. It is up to Randall to save her and stop the terrorist attack.

2017 年 12 月 27 日


1951 年 10 月 25 日

The big national crime syndicate has moved into town, partnering up with local crime boss Nick Scanlon. McQuigg, the only honest police captain on the force, and his loyal patrolman, Johnson, take on the violent Nick.

1998 年 08 月 23 日

Journalist Amar falls for a mysterious woman on an assignment, but she does not reciprocate his feelings. However, when Amar is about to get married, the woman shows up at his doorstep asking for help.

1998 年 08 月 29 日

Hot-headed Hong Kong cop Ken Cheung (Julian Cheung) teams with die-hard Japanese Interpol agent Takami (Kenya Sawada) to stop a ruthless gang of Japanese terrorists. The crime fighters must race to find a hidden time bomb filled with noxious gas that threatens the city -- but first they'll have to survive attacks from vicious terrorist thugs. This action-packed adventure is a directorial debut for renowned action choreographer Bruce Law.

2010 年 04 月 01 日



A sociopathic beauty urges three nerdy pranksters to embark on a deranged rampage.

2006 年 08 月 08 日

A young man who has lost his family is swept up in extreme right wing ideology. He is mentored by a deranged professor who feeds him extreme ideology and teaches him how to make bombs. Making him the first domestic suicide bomber in history.

During the civil war in Cyprus, an island nation split between the Greeks and the Turks, a British peacekeeping officer is trying to prevent a Greek guerrilla fighter from escalating the violent situation even further.

2023 年 02 月 25 日

A documentary film-project by Dmytro Komarov. He was the first journalist to witness and film the horrors of the just-liberated towns of Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel. He saw the first emotions of people immediately after the de-occupation of Kyiv region, Kharkiv region, and Kherson region. The documentary is the author's view of the war from angles that you won't see in the news. Unique, rare, exclusive comments from those whose hands and minds are shaping our future victory. The main heroes of documentary are both ordinary Ukrainians who heroically show their strength and power every day for a year and high-ranking officials such as Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov, Major General Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk. Initially, "Year" was a series of journalistic reports, later they were edited into a two-part film.

The 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed 270 innocent people and began the new age of terrorism. Bound together in tragedy, the victim's relatives fought for justice, only to watch it unravel for Libyan oil.

In an attempt to free their jailed terrorist boss, Aslam, a group of terrorists plants a bomb on a flyover in Hyderabad. Their idea is to cause a traffic jam on the flyover and blackmail the government into releasing Aslam. Krishna is an average young man who goes out to withdraw money from an ATM. Unfortunately, he along with Nithya Menen and many others get caught in the traffic jam on the same flyover. What happens next? Watch to find out

2001 年 06 月 05 日

Special agent Major Hashemi is working on several terrorist cases. Meanwhile a news is received about a plan for bombing in Tehran.

Dmytro Komarov's documentary project The Year. Kharkiv Region. Dmytro Komarov will show Kharkiv in the first months of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. Viewers will hear the stories of people who found themselves in the epicentre of the brutal attacks: at the air defence base destroyed by a Russian missile, in the residential area of the city - Northern Saltivka - which was ravaged by shelling. The journalist will talk to those who played a key role in the liberation of the Kharkiv region. One of these people is Roman Hryshchuk, the commander of the 127th separate territorial defence brigade of Ukraine. He told us how the military practice of the past - using decoys in the form of dummies - helped to identify and destroy the occupiers. How did the full-scale war begin for Kharkiv? What plans did the enemy have for Kharkiv? What united people and gave them hope in the most difficult times? Find out in the documentary project "Year. Kharkiv Region".



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