6 Filme

22. September 2005

Hotshot gambler Jake Green is long on bravado and seriously short of common sense. Rarely is he allowed in any casino because he's a bona fide winner and, in fact, has taken so much money over the years that he's the sole client of his accountant elder brother, Billy. Invited to a private game, Jake is in fear of losing his life.

3. Dezember 1982

The true story of Frances Farmer's meteoric rise to fame in Hollywood and the tragic turn her life took when she was blacklisted.

After learning that a brain aneurysm will kill him in about 90 minutes, a perpetually unhappy man struggles to come to terms with his fate and make amends with everyone he has ever hurt.

13. November 1950

George Bird is a salesman of agricultural machinery who finds out that he hasn't long to live. On his doctor's advice, he goes to an exclusive seaside resort to spend his savings on one last holiday.

Jane likes things to be clean. Jane has just turned 40. Jane died sometime last week. She’s cold all the time, her skin is grey, and her appetite is nonexistent. Something is wrong.

A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.

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