15 部电影

2021 年 02 月 12 日

一個追尋美國夢的韓裔移民家庭,毅然從加州移居到阿肯色州,希望藉著經營農場開創新天地。一家之主積及(Steven Yeun)雄心壯志,視之為夢想之地;但妻子莫妮嘉(韓藝璃)卻愁腸百結,認為這片窮鄉僻壤無可作為,更為兩名子女的成長感到擔憂。夫妻二人終日忙於工作且經常發生爭執,直到安排了 粗口爛舌 但慈祥睿智的外婆(尹汝貞),從南韓來到美國協助照顧孫兒,始為這個家庭帶來翻天覆地的變化,讓他們醒悟到原來在奮力建立家園的同時,竟遺忘了「家」的真締。歷盡千山萬水,終於領會到只要夢想不滅,到處是吾家的道理。

1941 年 08 月 29 日

In 1900, a clan attempts to strike a deal with a Chicago industrialist to get him to build cotton mills in their Deep South town.

1996 年 03 月 22 日

The wife and mistress of a cruel school master collaborate in a carefully planned and executed scheme to murder him. The plan goes well until the body, which has been strategically dumped, disappears. The psychological strain starts to weigh on the two women when a retired police investigator begins looking into the man's disappearance on a whim.

1933 年 12 月 28 日

An ambitious New York socialite plans an extravagant dinner party as her businessman husband, Oliver, contends with financial woes, causing a lot of tension between the couple. Meanwhile, their high-society friends and associates, including the gruff Dan Packard and his sultry spouse, Kitty, contend with their own entanglements, leading to revelations at the much-anticipated dinner.

1973 年 06 月 01 日

Neil Agar, a security agent with the State Department, is dispatched to Peckham, California to investigate the death of a bacteriologist working at government-sponsored Brandt Research. His investigation is soon complicated by a growing number of deaths, all men who died of congestive heart failure caused by sexual exhaustion.

1949 年 07 月 15 日

When illegal casino owner Charley Kyng develops heart disease, he is advised by a doctor to spend more time with his family. However, he finds it difficult to keep his work separate from his life at home. His son, Paul, feels ashamed of Charley's career and gets into a fight at his prom because of it. Meanwhile, Charley's brother-in-law, Robbin, who works at the casino, begins fixing games due to his extreme gambling debts.

1949 年 10 月 08 日

A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.

2008 年 11 月 11 日

A man is broken hearted at the loss of his lover, then later visits the same pain on the next woman with whom he becomes involved.

2016 年 10 月 14 日

Astrid is a comedian who makes people laugh for a living; her husband Markus is her manager and the two of them work well together. They have a nine-year-old daughter and are expecting their second child. When they learn that their child will not be born healthy, they are at first optimistic that they will be able to meet this challenge – although they have no idea what awaits them. But the closer it gets to the due date, the more Astrid begins to worry about the future of her unborn child as well as that of her family and her career. After many discussions and arguments Astrid realises that the decision that will affect all their lives must be made by her alone. What complicates matters further is the fact that, as a successful entertainer, she is in the eye of the public and the media.

1955 年 10 月 07 日

A Mexican boy accused of rape and murder becomes a pawn for Communists and red-baiters. A courtroom drama set in 1947 and underlying post-WW2 acute problems facing the USA such as stormy race relations and the growing threat of local communism.

1952 年 01 月 29 日

A rich man buys a husband for his dying daughter and she finds out.

1997 年 12 月 30 日

Drama about a 12-year-old boy who fantasises about having enough money to be able to cure his grandmother's serious heart condition. When he finds himself in a haunted house, the mysterious owner 'grants' him one wish - the Midas touch. The boy soon learns that it is more of a curse than a blessing when everything he touches turns into gold.

2016 年 05 月 25 日

Thomas can neither accept or change what he is. His perversion is a burden and his abstinence, a struggle. At his daughter’s birthday party, he happens to meet her newest friend, Mathilde. What was supposed to be a random event becomes a true battle for him.

Andrea Rispoli falls in love with Anna Andersson, a Swedish girl who has just inherited the boarding house where he's staying. When Anna is discovered to be suffering from a potentially lethal heart condition, Andrea decides to do whatever it takes to raise the money for he treatment. Even if it means risking his own life...

1943 年 01 月 30 日

Inga, an unemployed actress meets a sweetheart Kim, from days long gone at a train station. Over coffee they reminisce about their romance and how Inga left Kim for a moderately successful acting career and the attractive theater director Leo Waller.



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