37 部电影

2023 年 07 月 28 日


2017 年 03 月 10 日


一個法國家庭的日常生活,因為家裡最小的孩子羅蒙而天翻地覆,因為他被逮到在生物課的時候打手槍並且用手機拍攝下來。面對被學校退學的危機......而這一切都只是女孩們男孩們想要在彼此間「找樂子」的一種討戰。但不幸的只是,他被逮到了。 從這個事件開始,性成為家庭中最主要的禁忌與樂趣,我們將隨著影片進入這個家庭的親密性愛世界,探索父母親的性生活,幾個從18至22歲孩子們的性生活,甚至......阿公的性生活!

2022 年 12 月 02 日

一起長大的兩小無猜好朋友里歐(伊登丹布林 飾)和雷米(古斯塔法夫德韋勒飾),幾乎無話不談,也常常留宿對方家中。當他們進到青春期對於情感懞懂曖昧的年紀,因為同儕對於他們親密關係的嘲笑和質疑,讓里歐心生畏懼而刻意與雷米保持距離。心思細膩的雷米對於里歐的行徑無法理解也感到憤怒,兩人的關係從密不可分逐漸分崩離析、漸行漸遠!

2003 年 08 月 20 日

Tracy is a normal 13-year-old trying to make it in school. After befriending the most popular girl at school, Evie, Tracy's world is turned upside down when Evie introduces her to a world of sex, drugs and cash. But it isn't long before Tracy's new world and attitude finally takes a toll on her, her family, and old friends.

2006 年 01 月 20 日

兩個生活背景截然不同的高中生,兩人在不同領域各自精彩,然而命運的巧妙安排,兩條平行線在某一天忽然交疊…。除夕假期的一個卡拉OK比賽中,兩人被同伴簇擁上台獻唱,原本就喜歡唱歌的特洛伊(Zac Efron 飾)立刻獲得掌聲,而害羞的凱碧(Vanessa Anne Hudgens 飾)一開口,天籟般嗓音也立刻驚艷全場,兩人就在舞臺上彼此唱和,也對彼此留下了深刻的印象…只是他們對音樂的熱情與歌舞劇的夢想,並沒有得到其他朋友的支持。在這樣重重阻礙之下,特洛伊以及凱碧如何彼此鼓勵,在兼顧現實的情況下,一步步向歌唱的夢想前進?

2016 年 11 月 23 日

劇情圍繞著1980年代美國加利福尼亞州的一位上班族保羅(Paul)展開。每個上班日的早晨,保羅的大腦都會一一喚醒他的器官,如心臟、肺、胃、膀胱和腎臟。一天,保羅醒來後去洗澡,心臟聽見了一旁廣播播的音樂,便控制保羅在浴室裡跳舞。大腦擔心此舉可能會引發一連串意外而導致保羅喪命,便阻止了心臟。在上班的途中,心臟想吃頓豐盛的早餐、在沙灘上玩耍和向美女買太陽眼鏡,但大腦為了讓保羅準時上班,且杞人憂天地擔心這些行為都可能讓保羅喪命而不允許,甚至奪走了心臟的控制權。 到了公司,保羅開始和其他幾十位同事反覆地將數據輸進電腦。大腦察覺了保羅的生活是多麼的無趣,這樣下去他便會哀傷孤獨地死去。午餐休息時間,大腦將控制權還給了心臟,讓心臟帶著保羅去做早上它想做的所有事。之後,保羅繼續工作,只是不再死氣沉沉。他開始開心且手舞足蹈地工作,歡樂的氣氛也影響到旁邊的同事甚至老闆,最後大家都跳起了舞來。片尾,保羅幻想著同事們與他一起從事其他有趣的活動,並與賣太陽眼鏡的美女共組家庭。

2022 年 09 月 16 日

A teenage girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" meets a dashing rebel who teaches her a more sinister way to play social politics.

2015 年 01 月 30 日

Oppressed by her family setting, dead-end school prospects and the boys law in the neighborhood, Marieme starts a new life after meeting a group of three free-spirited girls. She changes her name, her dress code, and quits school to be accepted in the gang, hoping that this will be a way to freedom.

2015 年 09 月 30 日

A group of normal 14-year-old teenagers at a secondary school in Zürich with the normal yearnings for love and acceptance. But the power of social media, with its high-gloss selfies and perpetual pressure towards cooler and sexier, increasingly forces the kids to deny their true feelings. So a tragedy runs its course, one in which it is almost impossible to differentiate between perpetrator and victim, guilt and innocence.

1969 年 06 月 10 日

During summer vacation on Fire Island, three young people become very close. When an uncool girl tries to infiltrate the trio's newly found relationship, they construct an elaborate plot that has violent results.

2016 年 07 月 05 日

While fulfilling her community service hours at a horse rescue ranch, Emma forms an unlikely bond with an abused show horse who won't let anyone ride him.

1976 年 03 月 27 日

This musical adaptation of Pinocchio from 1976 features the incomparable talents of Danny Kaye, Sandy Duncan, Flip Wilson, and Clive Revill. Framed by the story of a young theater girl's desire to study and work apart from her father, the story of Pinocchio is presented as a subplay with the young girl as Pinocchio (Sandy Duncan) and her father as Geppetto (Danny Kaye). The famous Carlo Collodi story of a lonely woodcutter whose marionette comes to life is presented faithfully and engagingly.

2023 年 10 月 10 日

Discover STRoNG, as strong as they are fragile, a new documentary which takes a modest look at mental health and depression in high-level sport through the testimonies of surfer Jérémy Florès, swimmer Camille Lacourt, skier Perrine Laffont, handball player Valentin Porte and fencer Ysaora Thibus.

1936 年 09 月 18 日

A well-bred young English lad living in lower Manhattan tries to gain acceptance from his not-so-well-bred peers at school.

In this grim German drama, a troubled 14-year-old boy's pent-up rage and frustration leads him to involvement with a bad crowd and gets him caught up in an inescapable spiral of increasingly self-destructive and deadly violence.

2019 年 10 月 01 日

Spin classes can be a bit intimidating. But for Brit, the fear is real when her first class turns into a ride for her life.

2014 年 10 月 10 日

The Lesson tells the story of Zane, a devoted teacher mentoring the senior class in a Latvian high school. She tries to live her life in the most meaningful way possible. She takes her mission as a teacher seriously, and works hard to help her students develop their talents. Even so, as a younger teacher it’s hard for Zane to keep her distance from the class – the students soon become a sort of family to her. When she realizes she’s falling in love with one of them, the others start to feel left out. She faces a stark choice between personal happiness and the pressures of society.

2011 年 02 月 12 日

Young Vinnie and Jonah are bored on the mean streets — tagging, BMX-ing — when Jonah peer pressures Vinnie to join him in breaking and entering a house. When they find more than Christmas pressies inside, it tests mateship, moral codes and festive spirit.

2014 年 07 月 26 日

Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.



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