16 elokuvaa

Nuoret rakastavaiset Harry ja Monika pakenevat kaupungin tukahduttavaa arkea kesäksi saaristoon. Syksyn lähestyessä he joutuvat palaamaan kaupunkiin ja huomaavat rakkautensa haalistuneen.Kesä Monikan kanssa oli ohjaaja Ingmar Bergmanin varhainen mestariteos ja nuoren näyttelijän Harriet Anderssonin läpimurtoelokuva. Anderssonin vastanäyttelijä oli Lars Ekborg.Bergman on muistellut elokuvan kuvauksia onnellisen vapauden aikana. Anderssonista hän on todennut: "Tämän alan kierossa viidakossa tapaa vain harvoja niin loistavia esimerkkejä elokuvallisesta neroudesta."Yksi elokuvan unohtumattomimmista hetkistä on otos, jossa Anderssonin esittämä Monika kääntää katseensa seuralaisestaan suoraan kameraan. Vaikutus oli hurja. Se oli mahdollisesti elokuvahistorian ensimmäinen illuusion särkevä kontaktinotto yleisöön.

7 elokuu 2020

Viikon mittainen rippileiri keskellä kauneinta kesää ja kolme nuorta. Itsevarma älykkö Aliisa, seurueensa keskipiste Jenna ja hiljainen ja herkkä Panu joutuvat leirillä vastatusten itsensä, muiden ja vähän järjestelmänkin kanssa. Vanhemmat ovat jossakin kaukana vaatimuksineen, odotuksineen ja juhlajärjestelyineen.

17 lokakuu 1975

Nuori sairaanhoitaja Liisa on saanut työpaikan samalta ulkosaarelta, jolla on viettänyt lapsuutensa Papan hoivissa. Hän tutustuu saarella asuviin Paulaan ja Pekkaan, joiden avioliitto on ongelmissa Pekan alkoholinkäytön vuoksi. Liisa ryhtyy viettämään aikaa läheisessä varuskunnassa palvelevan Ekin kanssa, mikä saa saarelle saapuvan poikaystävän Lassen mustasukkaiseksi.

2 lokakuu 1992

An architect witness the brutal massacre by the police of an anti-government meeting and escapes to a remote archipelago.

13 maaliskuu 1944

In the Stockholm archipelago in the 1880s, Carlsson move out to an isolated farmstead to help the widow Flood with the farm. Carlsson has big plans for the island, including having paying guests in the summer but Gusten, the son of the widow, is negative. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.

13 lokakuu 1958

Law graduate Ylva Markner spends the summer on the island of Väddö, where she gets involved in a quarrel concerning a last will.

The Swedish/American actor Jack Harris visits the old country for the first time in his life. One of the journalist, Ingrid Billberg, is particularly interested in getting an interview with him. She finds out secret information about his next movie, and to stop her from revealing it, Jack Harris gets her alone with him on an isolated island in the archipelago. Romance blossoms... Plot by Mattias Thuresson.

After five years of war, Clements, a professional seaman, has no ambitions other than to live in peace and carry out his activity. Having settled down in the archipelago of the Aegean Sea, he has founded a small sponge fishing company in an idyllic place and foresees an optimistic future. Unfortunately, he soon finds himself caught in a crossfire...

25 syyskuu 1948

To get away from his nagging wife, a man goes to a desert island to settle down there.

5 elokuu 1945

A smuggler's daughter falls in love with the son of a customs inspector.

3 syyskuu 1942

A lonely fisherman drowns and his elderly brother Efraim is left to do an inventory of the estate. He discovers that his brother had a son, Karl-Erik. Keeping it a secret, he travels to Stockholm to employ the young man as a hired hand. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.

Jan Froman is a young man with great plans for the future. He gets a job as an assistant janitor at a bank, but with inherited money he starts to buy and sell real estate which eventually increases in value. He falls in love with Margareta, whose father is a naval officer. Margareta is slighted by her fiance and follows Froman on a sailing trip in the archipelago. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.

Hugo Frejer terrorizes his family and surroundings with his unhappy mood.

24 kesäkuu 2015

In the jungles of the Solomon Islands, a remote archipelago in the South Pacific, a biologist is attempting to do something Charles Darwin and Ernst Mayr never accomplished: catch evolution in the act of creating new species. Albert Uy is on the verge of an amazing discovery in the Solomon Islands, but there's a threat looming on the horizon. The islands' resources are being exploited, putting all local wildlife at risk. It's a race against time to gather the evidence necessary to prove the existence of a new species before it's lost forever.

Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galápagos Islands, David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. Amongst the flora and fauna of these enchanted volcanic islands, Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Journey with Attenborough to explore how life on the islands has continued to evolve in biological isolation, and how the ever-changing volcanic landscape has given birth to species and sub-species that exist nowhere else in the world. Encompassing treacherous journeys, life-forms that forge unlikely companionships, and survival against all odds, Galápagos tells the story of an evolutionary melting pot in which anything and everything is possible.

31 maaliskuu 2016

Through the stories of Finnish archipelago's inhabitants and glimpses of their lives, and the breathtakingly beautiful images of the islands’ nature, the viewer gets to experience the rhythm and atmosphere of a concrete place that exists today, but that is completely timeless and otherworldly at the same time.

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