14 部电影

2019 年 10 月 04 日

亚瑟·弗兰克是一个依靠扮演小丑赚取营生的普通人,患有精神疾病的他和母亲一同住在哥谭市的一座公寓里,幻想成为脱口秀演员的亚瑟为了这个目标而努力的生活着,但是现实却屡次击败他的梦想,亚瑟渐渐地变得越来越癫狂,某天在地铁上,亚瑟为了自保杀害了几名嘲笑他的人,同时,一个疯狂的想法在亚瑟心灵萌发…… 在看似和平的哥谭市,即将发生翻天覆地的巨变。

  沃特(丹泽尔?华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)是一名纽约地铁调度员,负责控制各条线路的调配运营。某日,一群恐怖分子劫持了地铁123号线,匪首雷德(约翰?屈伏塔 John Travolta 饰)为前美国雇佣兵,声言要提供1000万赎金才释放人质。巧的是,该数额正式保险金、商业贷款等提取的上限。地铁123号线在隧道里飞驰,乘警多人毙命,司机被挟持,乘客人人自危。沃特因工作失职被调离,后因雷德点名,才被迫参与谈判,面对贪污的质问,他的坦诚拯救了一名年轻乘客的生命。面对劫匪提出的高额赎金和苛刻条件,纽约市长如坐针毡,正当他准备划破钱款平息事端之时,丧心病狂的劫匪又突然改变了主意。作为高速运输管理局要员,沃特决定用自己替换人质,与劫匪展开了一场惊心动魄的生死搏斗……

名不见经传的摄影师里昂•考夫曼为求拍摄到令画廊主人苏珊满意的震撼性作品,每晚穿梭于纽约街头的阴暗角落。某晚里昂跟踪几名黑人,并在铁铁站内营救了被这伙人骚扰的美丽日本女子,然次日便从报纸上得知该女子失踪的消息。里昂向警方提供线索,却遭冷遇。 里昂的这组作品受到苏珊赏识,同时好奇心又促使他继续追查多年来发生在某地铁线上的连续失踪案件。很快他便注意到一个经常出没地铁站、西装革履一脸严肃而又令人不寒而栗的神秘男人

1988 年 04 月 15 日


1984 年 01 月 23 日

Tony Silver and Henry Chalfant's PBS documentary tracks the rise and fall of subway graffiti in New York in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

2023 年 12 月 19 日


1905 年 06 月 05 日

The camera platform was on the front of a New York subway train following another train on the same track. Lighting is provided by a specially constructed work car on a parallel track. At the time of filming, the subway was only seven months old, having opened on October 27, 1904. The ride begins at 14th Street (Union Square) following the route of today's east side IRT, and ends at the old Grand Central Station, built by Cornelius Vanderbuilt in 1869. The Grand Central Station in use today was not completed until 1913.


2013 年 11 月 01 日

A man tries to track down a potential love interest on a crowded train using a smartphone app.

1976 年 01 月 23 日

Watching My Name Go By is a 1976 BBC documentary on the birth of graffiti in New York City, and the fight to both prevent it, and expand it's artistic value. In 'Watching my name go by' kids in New York have a unique kind of occupation - sitting on the subway stations ' watching my name go by'. Eleven to 17-year olds compete to see how many times they can 'get their names up ' in a colorful way - a kind of graffiti cult game which has its own rules and regulations. It's illegal and dangerous-some New Yorkers think it's a kind of ' art others think it's disgusting.

2021 年 04 月 18 日
2022 年 03 月 15 日

A lone Commuter trapped in a speeding MRT train has to push against the force of the speed and escape before it crashes into the LAST STOP.

1983 年 09 月 25 日

An incredible historic document showcasing the roots of Old School Hip Hop movement with all its disciplines involved: Djing, Mcing, Breakdancing, and Graffiti. Featured in the "NYC: Urban Image" show at MoMA PS1 1983.

2004 年 05 月 01 日

A regular Wednesday night in Tokyo's subway. The train is filled with more and more people...

1998 年 01 月 01 日

This documovie delves into the history of the NYC graffiti movement, tracing it thru 3 generations of well known writers. In depth conversations with ALI, BAMA, CRASH, KET, PART ONE, STAN 153yb, TERROR 161 and ZEPHYR classify this as sureshot cult classic



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