12 Filme

Ethan Hunt and his IMF team embark on their most dangerous mission yet: To track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity before it falls into the wrong hands. With control of the future and the world's fate at stake and dark forces from Ethan's past closing in, a deadly race around the globe begins. Confronted by a mysterious, all-powerful enemy, Ethan must consider that nothing can matter more than his mission—not even the lives of those he cares about most.

15. Juli 2022

When a shadowy CIA agent uncovers damning agency secrets, he's hunted across the globe by a sociopathic rogue operative who's put a bounty on his head.

29. Juli 2016

Nachdem Jason Bourne nicht nur sein Gedächtnis, sondern auch seine Freundin verloren hat und einen eigenen Feldzug gegen die ihn jagende CIA antrat, um endlich hinter das Geheimnis seiner Vergangenheit zu gelangen, ist er mithilfe von Nicky Parsons untergetaucht. Doch das Leben eines auf der Flucht lebenden Agenten mit besonders modifizierten Fähigkeiten kann nie lange ruhig bleiben. Denn inzwischen weiß Jason Bourne zwar, wer er ist, aber nicht, was diejenigen, die ihn erschaffen haben, mit ihm vorhatten. Also versucht er – verfolgt von der CIA – die versteckten Wahrheiten in seiner Vergangenheit zu finden.

21. Juni 1996

U.S. Marshall John Kruger erases the identities of people enrolled in the Witness Protection Program. His current assignment is to protect Lee Cullen, who's uncovered evidence that the weapons manufacturer she works for has been selling to terrorist groups. When Kruger discovers that there's a corrupt agent within the program, he must guard his own life while trying to protect Lee's.

10. Februar 2012

Der CIA-Agent Matt Weston muss einen gefährlichen Kriminellen aus einem CIA-Versteck holen, das unter Beschuss steht, und ihn an einen sichereren Ort bringen.

11. Oktober 1996

Samantha Caine, suburban homemaker, is the ideal mom to her 8 year old daughter Caitlin. She lives in Honesdale, PA, is a school teacher and makes the best Rice Krispie treats in town. But when she receives a bump on her head, she begins to remember small parts of her previous life as a lethal, top-secret agent.

3. November 1995

Max Kirkpatrick is a cop who protects Kate McQuean, a civil law attorney, from a renegade KGB team out to terminate her

16. August 2022

When a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring, Sniper and CIA Rookie Brandon Beckett goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero and assassin Lady Death to uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization.

30. Oktober 2015

When a rookie operative's mistake costs the lives of his entire team, he's forced on the run and must piece together the truth by re-creating the events of the ill-fated mission with only the audio recording to guide him.

5. November 2005

An edgy action thriller set in Las Vegas during a terrorist attack. A genius computer loner takes control of the city and the attack as he fights with his fits of overwhelming depression and obsessions with love and death.

An Interpol agent is out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his battle with depression has to be won first before he can be thoroughly trained in martial arts. After his training, Ortega hunts down his adversaries for a final reckoning.

In this fun thrilling action movie, a team of skilled criminals is hired by a private syndicate to steal a biological weapon that is being guarded by the military. The weapon has the potential to cause an apocalypse, and the team's mission is to prevent the military from using it. However, they soon find out that they have been betrayed by the syndicate's rogue agent, who has his own plans for the weapon. Will the team stop the agent and prevent the apocalypse?

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