5 elokuvaa

Cheech and Chong are hired to drive a limo from Chicago to Las Vegas by two shady Arabs - Mr. Slyman and Prince Habib. Unbeknownst to them, five million dollars of dirty money has been stuffed throughout the car.

30 kesäkuu 1951

While visiting Paris, Bugs Bunny wanders past the restaurants of Louie and Francois, rival chefs who fight to cook him until he promises to teach them the recipe for 'Louisiana Back-bay Bayou Bunny Bordelaise à la Antoine'.

22 marraskuu 2023

An overview of the day-to-day operations of a Michelin 3-star restaurant in central France.

1 toukokuu 2020

"Good Business Sense" is a short comedy film about how business sometimes gets in the way of romance.

In the year 2000, Les Blank, along with co-filmmaker Gina Leibrecht, visited Richard Leacock (1921-2011) at his farm in Normandy, France and recorded conversations with him about his life, his work, and his other passion: cooking! With the flair of a seasoned raconteur, Leacock recounts key moments in his seventy years as a filmmaker and the innovations that he, D.A. Pennebaker, Albert Maysles and others invented that revolutionized documentary filmmaking, and explores the mystery of creativity. With the passing of both Blank and Leacock, the documentary is a moving insight into the lives of two seminal figures in the history of film.

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