20 филмова

Филм прати догађаје из априла 2010. године, када се одвијала највећа катастрофа за коју је заслужан људски фактор. Нафтна платформа Дипвотер Хоризон у Мексичком заливу није вођена по прописима и дошло је до експлозије платформе и великог загађења услед цурења нафте. Узрок катастрофе била је ерупција нафте са морског дна која је настала након распада и експлозије нафтне платформе.

28. април 2023.

Oilman Paul Sturges' idyllic family vacation turns into a nightmare when they encounter a ferocious megalodon shark that will stop at nothing to protect its territory. Stranded and under constant attack, Paul and his family must somehow find a way to get his family back to shore alive before it strikes again in this epic battle between humans and nature.

30. јул 2004.

Dangerous missions are the bread and butter of the Thunderbirds, a high-tech secret force employed by the government. Led by Jeff Tracy (Bill Paxton), the Thunderbirds are at the top of their game, but their nemesis, The Hood (Ben Kingsley), has landed on their island and is attempting a coup by using the team's rescue vehicles. He'll soon discover that the Thunderbirds won't go down.


02. јануар 2011.

It is 2020. Findings by environmental scientist Professor Thom Archer suggest that Halo, the corporate energy company drilling on the Greenland Glacier are causing it to melt. Archer's warnings are ignored, so he heads to the Arctic to find indisputable evidence. Upon arrival, he realizes humankind is under immediate threat, and races home to save his family. The glacier collapses, with devastating consequences. Astonishing weather patterns emerge and plunge the world's temperatures into steep decline.

13. новембар 1996.

In a small and conservative Scottish village, a woman's paralytic husband convinces her to have extramarital intercourse so she can tell him about it and give him a reason for living.

26. јануар 1931.

When the government opens up the Oklahoma territory for settlement, restless Yancey Cravat claims a plot of the free land for himself and moves his family there from Wichita. A newspaperman, lawyer, and just about everything else, Cravat soon becomes a leading citizen of the boom town of Osage. Once the town is established, however, he begins to feel confined once again, and heads for the Cherokee Strip, leaving his family behind. During this and other absences, his wife Sabra must learn to take care of herself and soon becomes prominent in her own right.

Теретни авион којим управља капетан Франк срушио се у пустињи. При паду је погинуо један путник, и то једини лекар међу путницима. Остали релативно брзо организују живот уз мале залихе воде и хране. Могућност да ће икада бити откривени незнатна је, а капетан по природи није оптимиста. Међу путницима има и оних који сматрају да треба покушати и немогуће. Међу њима је и конструктор авиона, Елиот, који тврди да имају све елементе да од олупине срушеног авиона саграде нови...

17. април 1980.

When terrorists take over two oil rigs, and threaten to blow them up if their demands are not met, an eccentric anti-terrorism expert volunteers his unique commando unit to stop them.

05. јун 2009.

...За само 200.000 година човек је пореметио крхку Земљину равнотежу која траје четири милијарде година. Глобално отопљавање, угроженост врста, смањење енергената: човек угрожава властите животне услове. До краја овог века неуморна потрошња исцрпеће све природне изворе. АЛИ ПРЕКАСНО ЈЕ ЗА ПЕСИМИЗАМ. Имамо свега десет година да променимо тренд. Морамо постати свесни своје безобзирне експлоатације Земљиних ресурса и променити начин живота. Великом збирком досад необјављених фотографија 50 земаља снимљених из ваздуха те својим дивљењем, али и забринутошћу, Јан Артус-Бертранд придодаје ономе што бисмо сви заједно требали чинити. Води нас на сензационално путовање изнад Земље и открива необичан портрет наше планете. Она је тешко болесна, али има нову будућност ако је одлучимо заједнички написати.

25. јануар 1949.

Jenny Marsh, recently released from prison for killing a man, finds herself under the watchful eye of her parole officer, Griff Marat, who helps her secure a job caring for his ailing mother.

01. фебруар 2004.

A skeptical news reporter is invited by the CEO of Nexecon Petroleum to document the safety of Colossus, the largest drilling and refining platform ever constructed. As the powerful drill tears through the seabed, a fissure forms, revealing a hidden mirror ocean teeming with prehistoric life. When a team is sent to access the damage, it comes face to face with the most powerful oceanic predator that ever lived: Carcharodon Megalodon.

08. април 1994.

When a promised job for Texan Michael fails to materialize in Wyoming, Mike is mistaken by Wayne to be the hitman he hired to kill his unfaithful wife, Suzanne. Mike takes full advantage of the situation, collects the money, and runs. During his getaway, things go wrong, and soon get worse when he runs into the real hitman, Lyle.

05. октобар 2010.

In the midst of a tropical storm, the crew of an offshore oil rig must survive the rampage of a creature after invading its undersea habitat.

23. јул 1996.

Group of heroin smugglers finds shelter on abandoned oil rig after their ship had exploded. Soon they find that the oil rig was just cover for biological experiment. One of the results is Charlie - shape-shifting monster with ability to absorb the memory of its victims. However, even such creatures have their own bad habits.

18. новембар 1937.

An explosives carrier at an oil field falls in love with a colleague's daughter.

26. март 1939.

Gene Autry and his sidekick Frog look into a phony oil scam being perpetrated on a mission orphanage.

20. фебруар 1981.

When drillers on an offshore oil rig dredge up several prehistoric eggs, one man is attacked by what appears to be an unidentified deep-sea creature protecting them. Soon, strange symptoms and behaviors become apparent among the crew and one of the creatures grows to adult-size.

20. новембар 1987.

A photographer and her lover travel to Morocco for photo shoots. While traveling there she has erotic adventures with residents of the area. But she ends up having an affair with someone who ends up betraying her and she murders the man.

Life on an offshore oil drilling rig is becoming a burden for one of the riggers, who feels lonely and is frequently visited by a lone black dog that appears from nowhere.

25. октобар 2018.

A group of friends working on an offshore oil rig maintain close bounds and do their best to face the difficulties presented by living and working isolated out in the middle of the sea. A job promotion triggers events that disrupt, in an irreversible way, the group friendship and the protagonist’s own life on land. He is tested by the force of destiny and experiences the drama of an ordinary man facing a gradual process of isolation.

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