8 elokuvaa

Emma ja Adam tapaavat toisensa nuorten kesäleirillä ja myöhemmin he törmäävät muutaman vuoden välein eri yhteyksissä. Lopulta kumpikin asettuu Los Angelesiin, eikä aikaakaan kun he jo aloittavat suhteen. Pari kuitenkin sopii, että ongelmien välttämiseksi kyse on pelkästään seksistä. Varsinkin lääkärin kiireisessä ammatissa toimiva Emma toivoo, että tunteet pidetään poissa pelistä.

2 toukokuu 1992

Tapahtumapaikkana on aina taksi, jossa toisiaan sivuavat mitä erilaisimmat ihmiskohtalot. Elokuvan ehdottomina helminä ovat kohtaukset New Yorkista: Itä-Saksalaisen emigrantin ja Brooklyniläisen YoYon kumppanuuden kehittyminen, Roomasta: suositun koomikon, Roberto Benignin sanallinen ilotulitus sekä Helsingistä, missä apeat miehet potevat elämän tuskaa hyisen yön kynnyksellä.

Two men meet in Barcelona and after spending a day together they realize that they have already met twenty years ago.

An actor who is considering the role of a supermarket manager arrives at a grocery store on the outskirts of Los Angeles to do some field research. He subsequently becomes stranded, without a car or cell phone, and accepts a ride home with Scarlet, a cashier who is about to interview for a new job. The actor rediscovers the essence of his craft while helping Scarlet gain the confidence she needs to change her life.

17 lokakuu 2010

Leo meet Javier at a bus stop while he tries unsuccessfully to flirt with a colleague from work. Leo's comments make Javier suspect that he is getting into his head to read his mind.

9 syyskuu 2021

A film inspired by one of Germany's most visited blogs. The author of the site www.notesofberlin.com, Joab Nist, posts pictures of real announcements, notes, information that people leave in the streets of Berlin. The film follows 15 genuine notes and protagonists. The result is 15 funny, tragic, fascinating episodes about people and the city they live in. Twenty-four hours from the life of the city. The story begins with a note attached to a street lamp, with the message “For one minute please just stand here in silence, look at the sky and contemplate how amazing life is”. Is it possible that only a very drunk young man notices the text and looks upwards? An extraordinary mood picture of present-day Berlin and a declaration of love for the city.

21 toukokuu 2022

The powers of love are always at work. But when they do so in an ancient southern Italian town at sunset, they seem just a little more magical.

Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.

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