29 Filme

1899 werden die Zeitungen der Branchengrößen Joseph Pulitzer (Robert Duvall) oder William Randolph Hearst in New York City von Waisen und Ausreißern verkauft. Einer von ihnen ist Jack Kelly (Christian Bale). Er hat das Leben auf der Straße satt, mit all seinen Schwierigkeiten und Entbehrungen, und will endlich raus aus der Armut. Vorher aber gilt es, sich dem Verleger Pulitzer entgegenzusetzen, der den Lohn der Zeitungsjungen kürzen will. Als hätten die nicht eh schon kaum was zum Überleben! Jack weiß, dass die Zeit zum Handeln gekommen ist. Also organisiert er einen Streik, mit dem er die Sympathien der Öffentlichkeit gewinnt. Werden die Jungen ihre Forderungen durchbekommen oder knicken sie am Ende unter dem Druck von oben ein?

29. März 2012

Der 19-jährige Roman, wegen Totschlags verurteiltet, steht nach vier Jahren Haft an der Kippe zwischen vorzeitiger Entlassung und Verbüßung der Vollstrafe. Ein Job bei der Wiener Bestattung bringt ihn zurück ins Leben

23. September 2021

Der 14-jährige Drogendealer Johnny lebt in einem Jugendheim. Als er erfährt, dass er am Wochenende nicht mehr nach Hause kann, bittet er einen seiner Kunden, den berühmten Erfolgsschauspieler Antony, um seinen Wochenendvormund.

7. Oktober 1955

Die Geschichte eines Mordprozesses, bei dem ein mexikanischer Junge des Todes eines Mädchens beschuldigt wird. Der undurchsichtige Anwalt , der den Fall des Jungen aufgreift, ist nur daran interessiert, ihn zu verteidigen, damit er seine von Kommunisten unterstützte Organisation für ihre eigenen hinterhältigen Zwecke ausnutzen kann. Er und seine Organisation holen einen idealistischen Rechtsprofessor dazu, der sich bereit erklärt, den Jungen vor Gericht zu vertreten.

In the slums, teenager Frankie Warren hangs out with a rowdy gang who one day knock him out in a fight. In court, the boys refuse to reveal who struck the knockout blow, and all are subsequently sentenced to a reformatory, cruelly run by two corrupt guards. New deputy commissioner Mark Braden arrives determined to change things, but despite the help of Frankie's sister, Mark's reform plans -- and Frankie's future -- may be sabotaged from within.

17. April 1932

Mrs. Doray sits with a Juvenile Court Judge to learn more about problem children and what to do about them. One of the cases involves 13 year old Arthur, "the worst kid in town", who moves cars away from fiire-plugs without the knowledge of the owners. The judge gives Arthur and friend Nutty another chance. However they run into further trouble when they break into Mr. Doray's drugstore to get medicine for Nutty's grandmother. Mr. Doray is not sympathetic and completely against his wife's plan to become Arthur's guardian. More incidents occur with Mr. Doray quick to judge prior to getting all of the facts. Mrs. Doray must choose between her marriage and Arthur.

Ein rauflustiger Vorstadtjunge aus Liverpool gerät, zur Armee eingezogen, unter Mordverdacht und will nach Irland fliehen. Pfarrer, Freundin und die Erinnerung an den gefallenen Vater veranlassen seine Umkehr.

23. Januar 1972

Report on vandalism

20. Oktober 2017

Toto, a teenage orphan, is recruited by a notorious death squad. Irma, the groups leader, soon becomes a maternal figure to the young boy. As the two form a familial bond, their loyalties will be put to the test when one of their targets turns out to be a familiar face.

15. September 1999

Oliver flees from abuse of his family and seeks refuge in the violent streets of Caracas, where survival is only possible in an environment of corruption, crime and sniffing glue to escape hunger, like other children in the same situation. Soon, the child becomes part of the clashes between drug gangs and corrupt policemen.

A case of juvenile violence called "Horrible Tortures" shocks the city. The highest sentencing is life in prison. However, one of the most important criminal in the case, Beep, is only sentenced to seven-year imprisonment. The verdict has the other story behind.

15. März 2013

The story of Helena, a recently graduated attorney who works as a public defender of children and adolescents in the courts of the city of Santos, Brazil, and her brother, the teenager Caio, who will commit a serious crime. De Menor participated in Films in Progress at last year's San Sebastian Festival.

21. Januar 1939

After a socially conscience reporter adopts a slum orphan after she causes his brother's gang to go to prison.

25. März 1976

Juvenile Liaison is about the day-to-day assignments of the juvenile liaison section of the Blackburn, Lancashire police force. The documentary provides a captivating snapshot of how juvenile offenders were dealt with in the '70s.

5. Juni 1938

An entry in MGM's Crime Does Not Pay series, this short tells the true story of how a young man, ignored by his parents, gets into a gang and starts a crime spree which leads to murder.

16-year-old juvenile offender Ji-gu reunites with his young mom who he thought was dead, and the two try to make up for their time lost.

1. August 1957

A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.

22. Februar 1949

A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.

12. Dezember 2018

Roxana follows a young mother’s return to the juvenile detention center she was once incarcerated in, now as a trained somatic therapist. Through an intimate look into the lives of incarcerated youth, we will see the consequences of childhood trauma.

The world of Salvador, a young and naive petty thief is changed by the arrival of his cousin Angel, an ex-convict in search of easy money, and with a hideout. Salvador gets wrapped up in Angel's twisted dealings in an attempt to escape from his suffocating family, dragging along his family and friends, in his criminal path. Where will this all lead?

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