301 部电影

2023 年 07 月 21 日


隨著戰爭陰雲籠罩世界上空,各國緊鑼密鼓抓緊軍事競賽。為了搶佔先機,美國陸軍中將萊斯利·格羅夫斯(馬特·達蒙Matt Damon 飾)找到量子力學與核物理學領域的扛鼎人物羅伯特·奧本海默(基里安·墨菲Cillian Murphy 飾),力薦其擔任曼哈頓計畫的首席科學家以及洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的總負責人。經過兩年爭分奪秒的研發,豐碩的蘑菇雲終於在荒原的上空騰起,也宣告著絞肉機一般的二戰即將落下帷幕。奧本海默有如將火種帶到人間的普羅米修斯,可是對人性的參悟和對未來的擔憂迫使他走向與政府相悖的道路。更可悲的是,凡人鍾情的物慾也將一世天才裹挾至煉獄之中,永世燃燒…

1987 年 11 月 20 日

溥儀(尊龍 飾)的一生在電影中娓娓道來。他從三歲起登基,年幼的眼光中只有大臣身上的一隻蟈蟈,江山在他心中只是一個不明所以的名詞。長大了,他以為可以變革,卻被太監一把燒了朝廷帳本。他以為是大清江山的主人,卻做了日本人的傀儡。    解放後,他坐上了從俄國回來的火車,身邊是押送監視他的解放軍。他猜測自己難逃一死,便躲在狹小的衛生間裡,割脈自殺。然而他沒有死在火車上,命運的嘲笑還在等著他。文革的風風雨雨,在他身上留下了斑斑傷痕。

1977 年 10 月 07 日

1901年1月27日,著名作曲家歌劇大師威爾弟去世,這也正是意大利北部兩戶家庭產子的同一天。阿弗雷德(Robert De Niro飾),富有的農場主的孫子;奧爾茂(Gerard Depardieu飾),貧窮的農戶的孫子。兩人從小就結下了友誼,然而因為地位階級與出身經歷的不同,注定了兩人天壤之別的迥然人生。由意大利著名導演貝納多·貝托魯奇執導的史詩巨作《一九零零》,以20世紀初期意大利社會動盪時期為故事背景,時間跨越40年,講述了階級矛盾和家族紛爭下仇恨和抗爭的故事。本片被西方國家視為階級鬥爭電影讀本,加上電影情節的大膽尺度,影片被長期禁映。本片演員陣容豪華,巨星雲集,包括羅伯特·德尼羅、傑拉德·德帕迪約、唐納德·薩瑟蘭、多米尼克·桑達、伯特·蘭開斯特、斯特林·海登、斯坦芬尼·桑德萊裡、勞拉·貝蒂等眾多大牌明星。

2011 年 01 月 21 日


1995 年 02 月 25 日


2006 年 06 月 06 日


1968 年 10 月 15 日

Vixen lives in a Canadian mountain resort with her naive pilot husband. While he's away flying in tourists, she gets it on with practically everybody including a husband and his wife, and even her biker brother. She is openly racist, and she makes it clear that she won't do the wild thing with her brother's biker friend, who is black.

1976 年 09 月 17 日

A cashier poses as a writer for blacklisted talents to submit their work through, but the injustice around him pushes him to take a stand.

1987年的「6月民主運動」,為反全斗煥軍事獨裁政權,全國各地上百萬人的示威抗議遊行,眾志成城下扭轉了韓國的民主未來。而在6月民主運動前,本部電影描述一段不可不知的真實故事-「樸鍾哲拷問致死事件」。「只是拍了一下桌子,那孩子就死了」...1987年1月,接受警方調查的一名22歲大學生朴鍾哲,在偵訊過程中猝死,為了湮滅其真實死因,治安本部(警方)朴處長(金倫奭 飾)要求以最快速度火化遺體。但值班檢察官崔桓(河正宇 飾)深感案情不單純,質疑死因,要求一定要驗屍,警檢雙方展開激烈攻防。警方逕自公佈死因為「休克致死」,但根據現場遺留下的痕跡與解剖結果,皆指向朴鍾哲乃因不當拷問致死!追蹤此案的尹記者(李熙俊 飾)寫了「大學生朴鍾哲,水刑拷問途中因窒息而亡」的報導,引發全國國民軒然大波,朴處長指示趙班長(朴喜洵 飾) 與其手下警員,要他們務必要平息此事。意圖埋藏真相的警察、想要找出真相的檢察官與媒體,雙方爆發大戰。一個大學生之死改變了一切……

1988 年 02 月 05 日

Successful surgeon Tomas leaves Prague for an operation, meets a young photographer named Tereza, and brings her back with him. Tereza is surprised to learn that Tomas is already having an affair with the bohemian Sabina, but when the Soviet invasion occurs, all three flee to Switzerland. Sabina begins an affair, Tom continues womanizing, and Tereza, disgusted, returns to Czechoslovakia. Realizing his mistake, Tomas decides to chase after her.

1968 年 03 月 04 日


2015 年 10 月 27 日


2020 年 09 月 17 日

In her public persona, Eleanor “Tussy” Marx was a translator, actress, a children’s rights activist and a persuasive labour organizer, a tireless powerhouse determined to carry on her father’s work. She held her own with twentieth century gods, including both her father and his colleague Engels. In her privately life, however, she was vulnerable and her attraction to the self-indulgent and self-important Edward Aveling led her into misery and ultimately proved fatal.

1985 年 08 月 16 日

After his rich father refuses to pay his debt, compulsive gambler Lawrence Bourne III joins the Peace Corps to evade angry creditors. In Thailand, he is assigned to build a bridge for the local villagers with the help of American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle and the beautiful and down-to earth Beth Wexler. What they don't realize is that the bridge is coveted by the U.S. Army, a local Communist force, and a powerful drug lord. Together with the help of At Toon, the only English speaking native, they must fight off the three opposing forces and find out what is right for the villagers, as well as themselves.

2009 年 09 月 24 日

Giuseppe Tornatore traces three generations of a Sicilian family in in the Sicilian town of Bagheria (known as Baarìa in the local Sicilian dialect), from the 1930s to the 1980s, to tell the story of the loves, dreams and delusions of an unusual community.

1996 年 05 月 15 日

After a fictitious marriage with a Russian emigrant, Cellisten Louka, a Czech man, must suddenly take responsibility for her son. However, it’s not long before the communication barrier is broken between the two new family members.

1999 年 10 月 03 日

Animals on a farm lead a revolution against the farmers to put their destiny in their own hands. However this revolution eats their own children and they cannot avoid corruption.

2008 年 11 月 07 日

By the year 2056, an epidemic of organ failures has devastated the planet. The megacorporation GeneCo provides organ transplants on a payment plan - and those who can’t fulfill their plans have their organs repossessed. In the midst of this, a sickly teenager discovers a shocking secret about herself, her father, and their connection to GeneCo.

In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.

1998 年 07 月 28 日

In a crumbling Europe, powerful mafia families have emerged from the anarchy to vie for control of the lucrative arms trade.



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