17 部电影

劇情描述伊森韓特 在逮捕無政府恐怖組織「辛迪加」的領導人連恩後,接下新任務是阻止餘黨、以約翰拉克為首的12個「使徒」的瘋狂計畫,伊森韓特得早一步比「使徒」先拿到鈽元素,避免讓「使徒」在72小時內製造出核彈攻擊主要城市。然而,伊森韓特這項搶走鈽元素的任務執行失敗,他必須接受中情局的監督,讓中情局特務沃克 進入IMF團隊,並且借助盟友伊爾莎 的消息,合力再找回鈽元素。

2009 年 07 月 01 日

本片由《落日殺神》導演麥可曼恩執導,製片成本約台幣26億元,改編自美國1930年代聞名的銀行大盜約翰狄林杰的真實故事,聯邦探員如何與黑幫份子鬥智鬥勇,將一幫同夥逮捕入獄的故事,現代版的羅賓漢傳奇故事。強尼戴普飾演美國史上最厲害的銀行的搶匪,而克里斯汀貝爾飾演追捕約翰的FBI探員梅爾文普維斯以及《玫瑰人生》的瑪莉詠柯蒂亞演出強尼戴普的女友。 約翰狄林杰以周詳的計劃及精準的行動搶劫各大銀行,並成為聯邦調查局局長胡佛及他最頂尖的幹員梅爾文普維斯(克利斯汀貝爾飾演)的頭號通緝犯。當時沒有人能夠阻止狄林杰和他的那幫兄弟,就算他被逮捕入獄,他總是有辦法大膽地成功越獄,他的個人魅力和挑戰公權力的行為迷倒了他美麗的女友比莉(瑪莉詠柯蒂亞飾演),而且成為飽受經濟大蕭條之苦的平凡老百姓心中的英雄人物,因為他們覺得狄林杰專門搶劫以往剝削他們的銀行,為他們出了一口氣。 狄林杰幫可以說是意氣風發,沒有一家他們無法搶劫的銀行,後來的狄林杰幫加入了變態殺手「娃娃臉尼爾森」,以及搶匪兼綁匪艾文卡爾皮斯。但是當他們以大膽豪氣的作風搶劫銀行的同時,胡佛也在計劃藉由追捕這名惡名昭彰的不法之徒,把他的調查局擴大成全國性的執法單位,也就是日後成立的FBI聯邦調查局。於是他把狄林杰列為美國的頭號公敵,然後派他最頂尖的幹員,被稱為「FBI的克拉克蓋博」的梅爾文普維斯率領人馬,大張旗鼓地追捕狄林杰以及他的手下。 狄林杰幫並非等閒之輩,他們不斷地以強大的火力和機智的反應逃過梅爾文普維斯的埋伏和追捕,FBI只能靠一群來自達拉斯的幹員,策劃一場史詩般的背叛行動,梅爾文普維斯才能以全新的幹員和更強大的火力逼近他們的獵物。這時候狄林杰知道大勢以去,於是回到他開始搶劫銀行的城市,做最後一次的困獸之鬥... 本片總共有144個場景,導演盡量避開棚內搭景,而去歷史發生地取景,跟隨著當年狄林杰在美國中西部各地搶劫銀行的路線一路拍攝。片中狄林杰最後的喪生之地芝加哥林肯街的「傳記電影院」,劇組更找來古董電車及各款古董車,並在現代的柏油路上鋪上鵝卵石,並掛上1930年代店家招牌和樣貌,連強尼戴普被槍殺倒地的地點,也跟當年狄林杰一模一樣,仿古已仿到幾可亂真的地步。

1994 年 09 月 28 日

The mostly true story of the legendary "worst director of all time", who, with the help of his strange friends, filmed countless B-movies without ever becoming famous or successful.

2021 年 08 月 13 日

延續前作故事發生多年後,盲人老兵諾曼(史蒂芬朗 飾)繼續隱瞞身分與一位神祕小女孩同住。這集他對上的並不是缺錢搶劫的年輕屁孩,而是一群為了不明原因企圖綁架小女孩的暴力惡徒。為了自衛反擊,諾曼這次創造了更多令人不安驚恐的氛圍,利用斷電、煙霧彈讓對手置身黑暗,感受他口中「我要讓你們看到我眼中世界」的威脅。


2013 年 06 月 07 日


2018 年 08 月 03 日

Angel is released from juvenile detention on the eve of her 18th birthday. Haunted by her past, she embarks on a journey with her 10 year-old sister that could destroy their future.

2019 年 03 月 15 日

2001年,山西塞外城市。模特兒巧巧(趙濤 飾)與計程車司機老闆斌哥(廖凡 飾)是一對戀人。斌哥每天在外面呼朋喚友,巧巧希望能早日與他成親。某日,斌哥在街上遭到競爭對手的襲擊,巧巧慌亂中發現斌哥的包中有自製手槍,她朝天鳴槍。巧巧被判刑五年。出獄以後,巧巧開始尋找斌哥以便重新開始,然而事情卻發生了意想不到的變化。

2008 年 02 月 29 日

LITTLE CHENIER: A CAJUN STORY is the story of a young man who lives a simple life on a houseboat in the Louisiana bayou with his mentally handicapped brother until one is accused of a crime in the small town.

2000 年 03 月 04 日

A rich cross-section of urban USA find their lives changed when their fates collide at gunpoint. At the centre of it all are Helen and Warren Harding, an up-scale couple on the brink of divorce, whose awakening in the night by a burglar sets off a catastrophic series of events.

2012 年 03 月 02 日

A murder mystery set in the world of illegal teenage gambling. A 17-year old must find his best friends' killer before the game is exposed.

1954 年 11 月 01 日

A framed man escapes prison and takes a wealthy woman's Jaguar with her in it. After she tries to escape numerous times, they begin to develop feelings for each other, and enter a road race that ends in Mexico.

Made in the form of an extended news report and narrated by journalist Dina Čolić-Anđelković, the film presents a snapshot of the chaotic Belgrade criminal underworld in the early 1990s which sprung up against the backdrop of Yugoslav wars. The film is composed of fragments from interviews with individuals directly involved with criminal activities either through perpetrating them or through trying to stop them.

1970 年 01 月 01 日

Sally is a photographer with an eye for the erotic.

1995 年 03 月 11 日

When a child gets hold of a loaded handgun, someone often dies. Last year, 24,000 Americans lost their lives to handguns...and 3,600 of them were children. This profoundly disturbing documentary tells the stories of five handguns that killed five children--and how their deaths might have been prevented.

Two Cowboys find themselves in a duel

Matt Burkett's original Practical Shooting VHS tapes, vol. 1-3, are now available on a two-disc DVD set, which is over 155 minutes long. Watch and learn as professional shooter Matt Burkett teaches his student (Kevin Elpers) the techniques required to be a successful IPSC handgun shooter. Everything is covered: Safety, Equipment Choice and Set-up, Stance, Grip, Eye Dominance, Sight Information, Weak/Strong Hand, Target Transitions, Draws, Reloads, Trigger Control, Shooting while Moving and much more! Guest star Don Golembieski (master gunsmith) takes you through equipment selection and maintenance.



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