6 Filme

23. November 2011

The story follows veteran police officer Dave Brown, the last of the renegade cops, as he struggles to take care of his family, and fights for his own survival.

27. November 2019

While on a forgettable first date together in Ohio, a black man and a black woman are pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. The situation escalates, with sudden and tragic results.

After saving a Black Panther from some racist cops, a black male prostitute goes on the run from "the man" with the help of the ghetto community and some disillusioned Hells Angels.

1. März 2007

A shooting accident in which a dutch police officer shoots a young Moroccan rapper creates polarization about the issue of racism among citizens of a multicultural society.

2. April 2022

After a confrontation leaves a racist police officer dead, charismatic out-of-work actor Jean-Michel tries to convince Audrey, a hip street photographer, to flee the city with him.

Pinky and the Pinky Police is a Newfoundland film aired at the Zedric's Film Festival 1984. It won a golden award for best flick.

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