9 films

Tras un infructuoso asalto a una casa, Dave se ve obligado a huir, dejando tras de sí a su hermano Kenneth, quien por no delatar a su hermano deberá pasar cuatro años en la cárcel. Al cabo de ese tiempo, Kenneth quiere retomar las cosas justo desde el lugar en que las dejó pero las cosas, inevitablemente, han cambiado: Sylvie, su novia, no quiere volverlo a ver y Dave ahora es un abstemio empecinado en volver al buen camino. Lo que ignora, además, es que Dave y Sylvie tienen algo más que esconder: ambos sueñan con una vida banal, honesta y ordenada en el seno de la cual podría incubarse su futura pequeña familia. (FILMAFFINITY)

14 september 2001

1944. Un destacamento de soldados del ejército alemán en retirada tras el avance de las fuerzas aliadas, se refugia en un bunker antitanques. Prácticamente sin municiones, los hombres se preparan para afrontar un ataque de las fuerzas enemigas que le rodean, sabiendo que tienen muy pocas posibilidades de sobrevivir. Pero cuando descubren un misterioso laberinto de túneles bajo tierra, se verán sumergidos en una nueva pesadilla... Creyendo que el enemigo ha entrado en su refugio, se verán encerrados en un juego mortal del gato y el ratón con un enemigo invisible. A medida que crece su miedo, también lo hace el convencimiento de que algo maligno se oculta en la oscuridad.

The Northern most thrust into the wintery Ardennes of General Manteuffel's Fifth Panzer Army fell on the inexperienced 106th US Infantry Division, who had not only just arrived in the Europe but had only been in the line for five days, in what was supposed to be a 'ghost front'. One of the best German infantry divisions, the 18th VG fell on the over extended 106th dug in on the Schnee Eifel, where two US regiments were surrounded and forced to surrender.Major General Jones was unable to stem what became a general retreat but, as in all retreats, both the best and the worst of human nature was on display. Small groups of officers and men fought on repeatedly, delaying the German spearheads on the road to St Vith and buying time for elements of 7th US Armd Div to arrive. After a desperate fight, Field Marshal Montgomery controversially took over the Northern shoulder of the Bulge and ordered 7th Armd Div and the remnants of the 106th to abandon St Vith.

22 november 1969

In a village in the Ardennes, during the German occupation, finding rations is becoming almost impossible. Clovis, an ordinary labourer, decides to cross the occupied zone to bring back enough potatoes to feed his family. His plan is a success but Clovis rapidly becomes obsessed with storing the precious tubers.

21 september 2017

A retiring gun for hire gets assigned the job of guarding a young, feisty Hungarian beauty in a remote cottage somewhere in the French Ardennes. Heat, stench and boredom push their relationship to the edge until only an irrevocable deed can establish some sort of new order.

Viviane está de regreso en Montherme con sus padres y su medio hermano menor, Marc. Este estudiante de secundaria de quince años hará el duro aprendizaje de la independencia.

In this programe we examine the background to the campaign with a leading American historian before following the advance of one of Hitler's most successful panzer commanders, Hasso von Manteuffel, Fifth Panzer Army. We will travel in wintery conditions from the German border into the lightly held US front line. From the outset small groups of GIs did their best to delay the advance of the panzers, buying time for the vital crossroad town of Bastogne to be reinforced by 101st US Airborne Division. Under the cloak of bad weather, the Germans initially advanced successfully but more slowly than planned However, Germany's chronic lack of fuel hamstrung the advance. The British XXX Corps deployed to the River Meuse amidst controversy over Montgomery's role and injudicious words but the panzer spearheads were halted short of the river as the skies cleared and the feared fighter bombers returned.

in 1944 when the Germans launched their last major offensive of the war they had to compensate for their lack of aircraft, manpower and armour. They did this in the main by the use of surprise and artillery. This film examines the German Field Artillery and how it was used in the The Battle of the Bulge.

In 1944 Adolf Hitler decided that his only military option " as Defeat was staring Germany in the Eyes" was to carry out a major offensive in the west to split the Allies Western Front by capturing Antwerp. This would he hoped buy time to halt the Russians in the East. this film examines his dilemma and the plan that was produced.

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