63 Filme

24. Juli 2015

Außerirdische nutzen real gewordene Versionen von Kultfiguren aus 80er-Jahre-Videospielen, um eine Invasion der Erde zu starten, da sie Aufnahmen jener alten Spiele zu Gesicht bekommen und diese als Kriegserklärung der Menschen missinterpretiert haben. Die Menschheit ist schnell überfordert von den angreifenden Videospielfiguren, das herkömmliche Militär ist machtlos. US-Präsident Will Cooper erinnert sich an den einzigen, der vielleicht helfen könnte: sein Jugendfreund Sam Brenner. Dieser war in den 80ern ein Videospiel-Champion und weiß also bestens, wie man gegen Pac-Man, Donkey Kong und Co. besteht. Sam schart weitere Old-School-Arcade-Gamer und eine Waffen-Spezialistin um sich, um mit diesen einmal mehr die Videospielfiguren zu besiegen. Nur dieses Mal nicht in der Arcade-Halle, sondern in der wirklichen Welt...

Vier Teenager entdecken beim Nachsitzen ein altes Videospiel, doch statt einem ungefährlichen Spaß vorm Fernseher wird das Quartett in die Dschungelwelt von Jumanji gezogen! In dieser unwirtlichen Umgebung bekommen es die Schüler mit Nashörnern, schwarzen Mambas und einer unendlichen Vielfalt an Dschungel-Fallen und -Puzzeln zu tun – allerdings in den Körpern der Figuren des Games. Der bescheidene Spencer wird zum Abenteurer Dr. Smolder Bravestone, Football-Spieler Anthony „Fridge“ Johnson zum Zoologen und Waffenspezialisten Moose Finbar, It-Girl Bethany zum Kartografen/Kryptografen Shelly Oberon und die unsportliche Außenseiterin Martha zur Kämpferin Ruby Roundhouse. Um das Spiel zu gewinnen, müssen sie in ihren neuen Körpern allerlei gefährliche Abenteuer überstehen...

20. April 2024

Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.

Akio wishes he had a better relationship with his reserved father Akira. One day Akira suddenly quits his job and retires without giving out any explanation to the family. Thinking it could be a good tool to be close to his father, Akio gives him software of online game "Final Fantasy XIV". By teaching his father how to play the game and secretly interacting with him as an anonymous online avatar, Akio hopes to know his father better through the adventures with other players in the game; little does the young man know what Akira is going through...

Vom Nischenprodukt für Computerfans zur Multimilliarden-Dollar-Industrie - die Geschichte der Videospiele aus Sicht der wichtigsten Entwickler und Profi-Spieler. Mit den beliebtesten Ikonen der Branche, Spielern und Computerfreaks wie Zach Braff, Chris Hardwick und Sean Astin.

In this hilarious arcade showdown, a humble novice goes head-to-head against the reigning Donkey Kong champ in a confrontation that rocks the gaming world to its processors! For over 20 years, Billy Mitchell has owned the throne of the Donkey Kong world. No one could beat his top score until now. Newcomer Steve Wiebe claims to have beaten the unbeatable, but Mitchell isn't ready to relinquish his crown without a fight. Go behind the barrels as the two battle it out in a vicious war to earn the title of the true King of Kong.

31. März 2021

This documentary offers an honest look at our fraught, complex relationship to video games from the perspectives of gamers and their concerned parents.

11. September 2020

Once upon a time in a retro fantasy point-and-click adventure game, the King and his owl companion met a normal shopkeeper in a cavern.

Two men and one woman addicted to videogames are interviewed to tell their stories. In this documentary, they are animated characters resembling the ones on computer games.

The PlayStation Revolution is an independent documentary feature film that uncovers the incredible story behind the creation of the Sony PlayStation. It is an essential watch for anyone interested in video games and the history of the biggest entertainment industry on earth. The film investigates why Sony decided to enter the video games business, when it was already dominated by both Nintendo and Sega, who not only produced their own hardware but made and published fantastic games. To compete, Sony would not only have to design and build a new piece of hardware, but they would have to find a way to persuade the game development industry to take a chance and develop games for it long before it even came out!

From dungeon-like basements to worldwide phenomenon, ADVENTURE NEVER ENDS: A TABLETOP SAGA explores how tabletop role-playing games have fought their way through decades of trial by fire to emerge at the height of pop culture- now shaping and bringing together millions of lives through storytelling. The film takes a behind the curtain look at an open community of fans, as well as youth programs who use tabletop role-playing games to promote socialization, team building, and empathy.

Tempting Hearts is a romantic comedy that tells the love story between Zhou Qiwen (Jerry Yan), the disgraced founder of a gaming company and the creator of a blind dating app called Chen Ran (Ren Suxi). Forced into bankruptcy by the “playboy” comments about him, Zhou Qiwen confronts the instigator, an employee for a blind dating app for an explanation. Signing up to join the dating app might not have been such a bright idea, that is, until Qiwen is matched with the creator of the app herself, Chen Ran. Throughout their dating shenanigans, the pair gradually lose their hostility towards each other, thus begins the start of something that could be wonderful if only they dare to open their hearts to each other. Inspired and Based on Jeff Chang's hit song of the same name from 27 years ago.

It is a story of an underdog that hopes to win an esports tournament and gain his son’s trust. Main character is a middle-aged game streamer and not a successful one: his audience is constantly making fun of him. He’s behind his rent, ex-wife is taking a full custody over his son. The only hope is an FPS tournament with a prize pool of 5,000,000 RMB that will change his life for the better.

Kyle möchte einen Pure Pwnage Film drehen. Jedoch dreht sich Jeremys Leben nicht mehr um Computerspiele. So ist also Überzeugungsarbeit angesagt.

In 2014, YouTuber DenkOps (Chris Denker) created a fictional version of himself inside of a pro wrestling video game. 8 years and 1.5 million fans later, it's time to turn fiction into reality. This documentary follows Chris's odyssey into the very real world of professional wrestling, with every bump, botch, & breakdown that occurs along the way. Can he make it through training and prove he has what it takes to do this for real? Or will he find himself... in danger? It’s definitely not a game anymore.

13. März 2009

Just as they finish their groundbreaking violent video-game masterpiece, the gaming legends known as The 2 Bobs discover that their precious software has been stolen, and with it, their livelihoods, genius reputations, everything they own.

A 2006 French documentary on Shooting games (STG).

7. Februar 2004

In 1999, Konami Corp. introduced a Japanese-influenced coin-operated arcade stand-up to the U.S. It's draw was unheard of for a video game: the combination of music, competition, and interactive video-gameplay along with actual physical activity. Four years later, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) has become one of the most popular game crazes stateside and found easily in video game stores and in nationwide retail markets. This story explores the youth culture surrounding the game and follows a group of devoted players and documents their interactions at various arcades and tournaments.

A 2005 French documentary on fighting games

Through first hand accounts and dramatic recreations, director Jay Cheel examines the mental breakdown of a man who loses his cool during a friendly night of board games, proving that even the most trivial things sometimes have the highest stakes.

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