31 elokuvaa

7 heinäkuu 2022

Kun Thorin eläkesuunnitelmat keskeytetään Goor the God Butcherin toimesta, hän pyytää apuun kuningas Valkyrien, Korgin ja entisen tyttöystävän Jane Fosterin, joka nyt selittämättömällä tavalla käyttää Mjolniria mahtavana Thorina. Yhdessä he lähtevät tuskalliseen kosmiseen seikkailuun paljastaakseen God Butcherin koston mysteerin ja pysäyttääkseen hänet ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä.

Seikkailufantasia, jossa yksinäinen ja onneton ihmispoika Kyuta törmää näkymättömässä maailmassa asuvaan yksinäiseen petoon Kumatetsuun. Heidän välilleen muodostuu myrskyisä ystävyys, joka kasvaa vahvemmaksi, kun peto ja oppipoika pikkuhiljaa tajuavat, kuinka paljon tarvitsevat toisiaan. Suuri seikkailu on edessä…

21 maaliskuu 2008

A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a tragic accident. Fearing the manifestations may be connected, they investigate and learn that some mysteries are better left unsolved.

3 toukokuu 2019

In a kingdom ruled by a young and unpredictable king, the military commander has a secret weapon: a shadow, a look-alike who can fool both his enemies and the King himself. Now he must use this weapon in an intricate plan that will lead his people to victory in a war that the King does not want.

Monster High'ssa™ on alkanut uusi kouluvuosi, ja Clawdeenin™ pikkusisko Howleen on päättänyt olla hurjempi kuin koskaan. Haave suosituksi tulemisesta osoittautuu kuviteltua helpommaksi toteuttaa, kun hän kohtaa Gigi Grant™ -nimisen hengen, joka lupaa kolmen sijasta täyttää hänen 13 toivettaan! Monsterit kuitenkin oppivat varomaan mitä toivovat, koska jokaisella toiveella on pimeä puoli, ja Monster High'ssa™ on pian kaikki mullin mallin! Lähde Frankien™, Clawdeenin™, Draculauran™ ja heidän hyytävien monsteriystäviensä mukana taikalampun syvyyksiin pelastamaan koko Monster High'n™ sielu… totutun tyylikkäänä joka askeleella!

20 maaliskuu 2007

Laura's expecting. Her husband, Steven's a loving guy but has little time for her. Her mom lives thousands of miles away. Forced to give up on her dreams, she's always been a bit edgy. A C-section drives her over the edge, making her see things in a different light. A creepy babysitter doesn't make things any better. She begins seeing things, trusts no one, as she goes into self-destruct mode.

30 huhtikuu 2024

Dos Jonze is an Ex Navy Seal and winner of the prestigious Medal Of Honor who is pushed to the brink when the man who murdered his mother is released early from prison and his niece is beaten within an inch of her life. Avenging the blood of the innocent, Dos decides to take the law into his own hands and clean up the streets one scumbag at a time.

23 lokakuu 2018

An adventurous group of friends dare to break into the abandoned orphanage and quickly find themselves trapped and fighting against unnatural forces.

2 lokakuu 2015

A young woman who is getting over the recent death of her sister, comes home one night to find her front door unlocked and suspects she might not be alone in the house.

22 lokakuu 2016

A group of teenagers try to escape a creature that lives among the shadows and is hunting them down one by one.

Akira wakes up with Ticket stuck to his hand. Along with Right, they fight off another puppet which has attached itself to Schwartz.

18 tammikuu 1947

On Groundhog Day, Porky Pig goes hunting groundhogs and takes his dopey dog, Mandrake. They soon encounter Grover Groundhog, who is none too thrilled to be the objective of a hunter on his big day.

24 marraskuu 2017

The curious case of a missing shadow. Napoleon visits a police station and lodges a complaint that his shadow is missing. This unique case becomes the talk of the town. Napolean also reveals that god has come into his dream and gives him a clue that a certain accident is actually a murder.

19 tammikuu 2024

A young mother's shadow takes on a life of its own, terrorizing her and her daughter over the course of one night.

4 heinäkuu 2019

A space occupies it, awaiting to be unlocked by a freeing action or notion. What lies ahead is its determination.

What happens after THE END? The fable of Isabela, a phantasmagorical journey of a girl searching for her true self.

1 tammikuu 1967

A short avant-garde film from Finnish director Eino Ruutsalo.

8 lokakuu 2011

A man slips into the shadow world, wandering alone through the streets along the walls...

16 maaliskuu 2024

A man leaves his house for a stroll while his shadow stays back.

30 lokakuu 2014

One night, while his master was out, a young page notes that the door of his private workshop remained open. Out of curiosity, he goes through the door and ventures into the workshop, but he will discover what he should never have.

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