
14 部电影


打敗機械哥吉拉之後,哥吉拉帶著嬰兒哥吉拉來到位在南太平洋的巴斯島上,並且將這塊孤立的土地當做牠們的家。一年後,一顆奇怪的隕石從天空掉在島上,觸發了一連串不尋常的事。從隕石裡長出的神秘水晶形成火山口狀,無數謎樣的水晶體隨著一種奇異的能量開合。 G對策中心為了打敗哥吉拉,同時進行了兩個計畫,分別是製造打敗哥吉拉的新型戰鬥兵器「機械土龍」(M.O.G.E.R.A.)為主的「M計畫」,與透過精神控制操控哥吉拉的行動的「T計畫」,對於「擊潰哥吉拉」這件事抱持著強烈信念的G部隊隊員結城,打著以小哥吉拉為誘餌引出哥吉拉的方法在巴斯島上佈置了無數陷阱與地道。此時,為了支援T計畫而來到島上的新城功二與佐藤清志,在島的中央處發現了無數謎樣的水晶體林立,於是兩人對此展開調查。另一方面,超能力者三枝未希則接收到了化身為精靈魔斯拉型態的小美人姐妹傳來帶有不吉祥意味的訊息。 正當G部隊因為完成機械土龍而熱血沸騰的當下,以地球為目標的巨大怪獸卻正急速逼近,而這隻怪獸的真實身分是由飛散到宇宙的G細胞產生變異而誕生的宇宙怪獸:太空哥吉拉。 為了阻擋太空哥吉拉,G部隊出動機械土龍,卻被太空哥吉拉輕鬆打敗,降落到巴斯島上的太空哥吉拉,也在與哥吉拉首次的對峙中以強橫的實力壓倒哥吉拉,並使用結晶體把小哥吉拉給制伏。 大久保博士也因為T計畫失敗而被G對策中心除名,不甘心的大久保博士選擇與犯罪組織勾結綁架了身為T計畫核心人物的未希,打算控制哥吉拉來進行犯罪...... 此時太空哥吉拉對日本各地發動攻擊,最後選擇了福岡作為登陸地點。回到日本的新城功二等人,將與大久保勾結的組織一網打盡,救出受困的未希。 而完成修理、強化,並以太空哥吉拉為首要目標再次出戰的機械土龍,以及從鹿兒島灣登陸北上的哥吉拉,與太空哥吉拉三者將以福岡當做舞台進行決戰。

1973 年 01 月 30 日

Tom Kovack is a hard-nosed race car driver until a sudden supernatural vision causes a near-fatal crash while he's hurtling down the backstretch at 140 miles per hour. Michele Brent is the woman who convinces Kovack that his visions are significant. She leads him to the manor house that appeared in his vision, which in turn leads him into a world of revenge and murder from beyond the grave. Kovack must tap into his newfound power to conquer the evil forces at work.

2014 年 07 月 17 日

In a world where past meets present and the present gets lost in time, reality is blurred for 5 College psychology students who are pushing all boundaries during an ESP experiment over a lost weekend...

1978 年 01 月 01 日

A documentary –actually three episodes of a canceled TV series edited together– examining various phenomena, including ESP, psychic surgery and past-life hypnosis.

1945 年 06 月 01 日

When a man dies of a heart attack, a stage and radio mentalist believes he has willed him to die because he was angry with the man. Riddled with guilt, the mentalist cancels further shows, breaks off his engagement to his female partner, who can read minds while in a hypnotic trance, and takes refuge in the eerie wax-museum-cum-home of another woman friend.

1960 年 03 月 31 日

A woman with extra-sensory perception has a vision of a murder.

2012 年 04 月 13 日

A genius hacker and his dog help an enigmatic young woman to free the remaining test subjects of a black ops ESP test lab.

2021 年 11 月 11 日

In a small Ontario research facility, team 12-B has stumbled upon something very dangerous, very powerful… and very intelligent.

1969 年 12 月 09 日

Professor Samuel Hale Constable is a government expert in the field of cybernetics. He and his wheelchair-bound wife Lenore became parents late in life, only to lose their daughter Mary before she reached adolescence. Now their daughter's spirit seems to be reaching out to her grief-stricken father from beyond the grave, encouraging him to give up the important project on which he's been working.

Joan Crawford plays a widow named Joan Fairchild who stumbles upon a group of ESP enthusiasts that decide to use their abilities to scare her to death. Extended version of an episode of the series "The Sixth Sense". This was Joan Crawford's last acting role. Aired Sep 30, 1972.

2020 年 07 月 27 日

A man is coming home after a long day outside. Something or someone is starting to follow his path, trying to reach him. But his extrasensorial perception begin to warn what's happening.

Mondo-style shockumentary about various aspects of the occult and paranormal. An investigation into the fringes of psychic spirituality with so-called experts, it includes demonic possession, exorcism, seances, Voodoo ceremonies, hypnotism, ESP, psychic surgery, and more. A warning bell alerts squeamish viewers to avert their eyes from the more graphic scenes.


2001 年 01 月 01 日

Spoons and forks bend and these movements remind you of plants. They are unnatural movements but why can we easily accept them? "Supernatural power" is expressed as a "beauty", not with an occult point of view.



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