9 部电影

由任天堂、照明娛樂攜手大銀幕呈獻,改編自家傳戶曉遊戲的《超級瑪利歐兄弟大電影》(THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE),由《少年悍將GO!》電影版共同創作者亞倫霍瓦夫 、米高傑勒尼克聯合導演 ;《LEGO 英雄傳2》《迷你兵團2》馬修霍高編劇;照明娛樂創辦人及CEO基斯梅勒丹德利、任天堂「瑪利歐之父」宮本茂攜手監製,環球影業及任天堂投資製作,並由環球影業全球發行。 《超級瑪利歐兄弟大電影》雲集多位荷里活當時得令的巨星人氣配音演出,包括:基斯柏特聲演瑪利歐 (Mario)、安雅泰萊采兒聲演碧姬公主 (Princess Peach)、查理丹聲演路易吉 (Luigi)、積伯克聲演大魔王庫巴 (Bowser) 、薛夫洛根聲演咚奇剛 (Donkey Kong)、賽巴斯汀曼尼斯葛爾柯聲演拆屋工布拉奇 (Spike)、基根米高奇聲演奇諾比奧 (Toad)、 弗雷德阿米森聲演庫朗奇剛 (Cranky Kong) 、奇雲米高理查森聲演卡美克 (Kamek)。

2011 年 01 月 28 日

《驅魔殿堂》向觀眾展現出無孔不入的魔鬼如何入侵全球最神聖之地。 根據真人真事改編,《驅魔殿堂》講述神學院學生米高哥費克 (哥連奧當諾飾) 被迫到梵帝崗認識有關驅魔的過程,縱然他本人對於這備受爭議的儀式甚至他自己的信仰亦有着很大的質疑。帶着滿腔懷疑,米高不斷質疑上司在對待“被魔鬼附身的人”,要找的不是魔鬼,而是精神科醫生。 其後,他被送到去異教魯卡斯神父 (安東尼鶴健士 飾) – 一個曾執行過上千次驅魔儀式的傳奇神父 - 他的懷疑開始逐點崩潰,他開始看到一些科學也無法解釋或控制的現像…而一股極其暴力及可怕的邪惡勢力令他不得不質疑他所相信的一切。

1994 年 03 月 30 日

Born of a flower and growing to only a couple of inches tall, poor Thumbelina is worried she'll never meet someone her own size, until she happens to catch the eye of Prince Cornelius of the Fairies. Just as soon as she finds love, however, it's torn away from her when she is kidnapped by Ms. Toad. Now Thumbelina has to escape Ms. Toad's grasp and search for Prince Cornelius. Luckily, there's a whole city of animals willing to help her.

潦倒的銀行職員片桐回家見到一隻會說話的巨大青蛙,說需要他的協助,拯救正面臨巨蟲來襲的東京。另一邊廂,片桐的同事小村事業岌岌可危,同時老婆突然離家出走,連家貓也不知所蹤了。瀕臨崩潰邊緣的他陪侄子到醫院看病,讓他憶起老婆從前跟他說的一個故事——盲柳與沉睡的女人。 繼《燒失樂園》及《Drive My Car》後,村上春樹的作品再度改編成電影。作曲家皮亞科德首執導筒,以別樹一幟的敘事手法,將村上的數個短篇小說糅合成這部穿梭於魔幻與寫實的動畫。電影被譽為「最能呈現村上世界的作品」,獲得安錫國際動畫影展評審團特別獎及布魯塞爾國際動畫影展最佳動畫長片殊榮。

1996 年 03 月 19 日

This film follows the lead character, Max Hell, who goes on a mission to rescue Dr. Trixi T from the clutches of the evil Mickey O'Malley.

Two secret lovers, a disgruntled husband, a narcoleptic hitman, and the mysterious phone-operator pulling all the strings. Over the course of one increasingly booze fueled evening, the hitman trails the odd love birds on their final late night tryst. But this kill may not go so swimmingly, once the margaritas start flowing and a psychoactive toad is thrown into the nightcap cocktail.

2002 年 01 月 01 日

This is the story of a toad named Baz, who has suddenly, for no good reason which is apparent, disappears. As Baz is gone, the story of the theories put forth to his possible plight is told by his friend Daz, whose "mates call him Dazza" and who tells the story as he thinks it went. Daz tells the audience that he knows not where Daz went, only that he disappeared "like a fart in a fan factory" and that since he's disappeared, nobody around knows what happened to him. In this short film, Daz tells us his theories on what may have happened...

2020 年 09 月 16 日

Short documentary, shot over fours years, showing the incredible daily migration of the western toad tadpoles, a designated indicator species on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Two filmmakers journey to Arizona's Sonoran Desert to find bufo alvarus, a psychedelic toad. TOAD TO NOWHERE is a documentary about healing, hallucinogens, and looking within to explore the unknown.



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