40 filmų

Didžiausias Stiveno Spilbergo nuotykis ir vienas garsiausių jo filmų. Neįtikėtina istorija, prasidėjusi Dominikos respublikoje. Kasykloje rastas nepaprastas gintaras, kuriame sustingęs uodas. Netrukus paaiškėja, kad jis pritvinkęs dinozaurų kraujo. Mokslininkai padaro neįtikėtiną dalyką - iš kraujo mėginio paima DNR ir išaugina tikrus, gyvus dinozaurus.Visi jie gyvena saloje, kur įsikūręs Juros periodo parkas. Garsūs archeologai atvyksta jo apžiūrėti. Jie nenujaučia, kad jų laukia ne maloni popietė tarp gigantiškų gyvių, o tikras košmaras, kai plėšrieji dinozaurai ištrūksta iš savo narvų. Žiūrovų laukia įspūdingas filmas, susižėręs visus "Oskarus” už geriausius vaizdo ir garso bei specialiuosius efektus.

When scientists exploring the Amazon River stumble on a “missing link” connecting humans and fish, they plan to capture it for later study. But the Creature has plans of his own, and has set his sights on the lead scientist's beautiful fiancée, Kay.

1968 vasario 16

A mysterious artifact unearthed below a London subway station proves to have powerful psychic effects on the people around.

1957 gegužės 1

A giant prehistoric praying mantis, recently freed from the Arctic ice, voraciously preys on American military at the DEW Line and works its way south.

2014 rugpjūčio 15

Two years after the discovery of "Sue," the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton found to date, government officials seize the remains and claim that "Sue" was stolen from federal land.

1985 lapkričio 5

An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists of the time, and an on camera as well as voice-over narrative by Christopher Reeve. Shot on location in Los Angeles and New York at the American Museum of Natural History

1993 lapkričio 9

Could scientists recreate Hollywood's Jurassic Park using 100-million-year-old dinosaur DNA? Director Steven Spielberg, author Michael Crichton, actor Jeff Goldblum, and a host of scientific experts answer this compelling question in the award-winning Nova documentary, The Real Jurassic Park. Behind-the-scenes clips, interviews, and demonstrations with leading paleontologists investigate the viability of reviving the extinct species. All phases of logistics are addressed, including extracting prehistoric insect DNA, creating embryos for placement in host eggs, and more. The scientific analysis of the process leads to the examination of the ethics of recreating a vanished life form.

2009 spalio 11

While dinosaurs may have been some of the mightiest creatures ever to have walked the earth, they also could have been among the most bizarre. With extreme, exaggerated body parts, some predators were loaded with outlandish or disproportionately sized appendages. Join world-renowned paleontologists and travel the globe to unearth some of the lesser-known but most surprising members of the dinosaur family: Mamenchisaurus, whose neck alone was longer than the rest of its body; Chasmosaurus, adorned with a fashionable crown of frilly spikes to attract the eyes of potential suitors; Spinosaurus, with massive extensions from its vertebrae that could have supported a sail or a hump; and Parasaurolophus, whose tube-like head crest may look odd to us, but was a mating magnet back in the day.

2020 kovo 1

Five times, Earth has faced apocalyptic events that swept nearly all life from the face of the planet. What did these prehistoric creatures look like? What catastrophes caused their disappearance? And how did our distant ancestors survive and give rise to the world we know today?

2012 sausio 28

Miriam is an unemployed journalist who has a beat on a story that could turn her bad luck around. Her dad is an evangelical who believes the fossil record derived from Noah's Flood. For ten years, he has lived in the Mojave Desert, running a paleontology museum. Miriam ventures west to interview him about what made him a creationist.

David Attenborough brings to life, in unprecedented detail, the last days of the dinosaurs. Palaeontologist Robert DePalma has made an incredible discovery in a prehistoric graveyard: fossilised creatures, astonishingly well preserved, that could help change our understanding of the last days of the dinosaurs. Evidence from his site records the day when an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest devastated our planet and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Based on brand new evidence, witness the catastrophic events of that day play out minute by minute.

2013 vasario 15

Titans of the Ice Age transports viewers to the beautiful and otherworldly frozen landscapes of North America, Europe and Asia ten thousand years before modern civilization. Dazzling computer-generated imagery brings this mysterious era to life - from saber-toothed cats and giant sloths to the iconic mammoths, giants both feared and hunted by prehistoric humans.

1963 vasario 28

Polish educational cartoon about dinosaurs

1989 spalio 29

A stop-motion adaptation of the 1981 novel by geologist Dougal Dixon of the same name, which explores the speculative paths of evolution of modern animals into the far future.

2015 birželio 8

Imagine a biology lab filled by a 40-foot specimen, ready for dissection. The creature has skin like a crocodile, eyes the size of softballs and intestines large enough to fit your arm. T. rex Autopsy will go inside a full-size T. rex for the first time ever to reveal how the 65-million-year-old beast may have lived. Using cutting-edge special effects techniques, and in collaboration with esteemed veterinary surgeons, anatomists and paleontologists, T. rex Autopsy will build the world’s first full-size anatomically precise Tyrannosaurus rex, based on the very latest research and findings. The massive monster will be lifelike inside and out, giving scientists the chance to touch it, smell it, scan it, x-ray it and cut it open from head to toe.

Jau praėjo ketveri metai nuo Jurassic parko nuniokojimo, ir dr. Malcolmas ketina sužinoti, kad kažkas išliko. Kosta Rikos saloje, priklausančioje „Costa de las Cinco Muertes“, dinozaurai gyvena ir veisiasi laisvėje. Tai yra vadinamoji B zona: vieta, kuri tarnavo kaip genetinė laboratorija. Po to, kai Johnas Hammondas privertė įmonę bankrutuoti, jo sūnėnas Peteris perėmė ir yra pasirengęs imtis įmonės veiklos, išnaudodamas pavojingą zoną.

The film reveals the life, plight and loves of the eminent Mary Anning, an 1800's fossil hunter - navigating her career and research in a male dominated society at a time when women's research was largely unrecognised or plagiarised by men. Predominantly unknown despite her spectacular finds, including Icthyiousauri, a Pterodactyl and Plesiosaurus, and notwithstanding the fact that Darwins' 'Origin of Species' was largely influenced by her work. She is at last becoming the most celebrated paleontologist of all time.

Daktaras Alanas Grantas, norėdamas gauti finansavimą savo tyrimams, susijusiems su veliopiratoriaus intelektu, priima milijonierių poros Paulo ir Amanda Kirby pasiūlymą skristi virš Sorna salos Puerto Rike, apgyvendintos dinozaurų, genetiškai sukurtų pramogų parkui. Po avarijos nusileidęs saloje, Alanas sužino, kad kirbiečiai ieškojo savo paauglio sūnaus, praleisto saloje po parasparnio avarijos.

David Attenborough tells the story of the discovery and reconstruction in Argentina of the world's largest-known dinosaur, a brand new species of titanosaur.

In Morocco, new excavations on the site of Jebel Irhoud upset the generally accepted view of the dating of the appearance of man.

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