12 部电影

1998 年 11 月 06 日

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

2022 年 12 月 30 日

愛莉絲(安娜坎卓克 飾)長期受到男友賽門的精神虐待,與兩位閨密出遊時仍備受監視、活在賽門的控制中,朋友們試圖讓愛莉絲理解自己正處於一段不健康的關係,並幫助她掙脫束縛,但隨之而來的是賽門的反撲,愛莉絲必須運用勇氣和智慧保護自己和朋友們不受傷害……。

2019 年 02 月 13 日

紐約市建築師娜塔莉(Rebel Wilson 飾)在工作上一向力求表現。可惜不但沒人請她設計下一座摩天大樓,她還老是被差遣做些送咖啡和貝果的雜務。更雪上加霜的是,對愛情總是嗤之以鼻的她,因遇到搶匪而失去意識,醒來之後發現她的噩夢竟然成真:她的人生變成了一齣浪漫喜劇,而且女主角不是別人,正是她自己。


1945 年 11 月 29 日

伯奈姆是小說家,精心創作的小說卻無人問津﹐只好借酒消愁﹐終日酗酒﹐漸漸酒精中毒。 有一天﹐情人海倫來看他﹐她力勸他同哥哥一起去聽音樂會﹐但伯奈姆溜到哥哥的屋裡﹐偷走哥哥的錢﹐跑到酒吧買酒揮霍﹐哥哥隨即離開他。 伯奈姆第二天又偷了一架打字機準備當掉。不料那天是猶太人的休息日﹐所有當鋪都關門﹐於是伯奈姆在街上流浪。為了使伯奈姆恢複健康﹐哥哥與海倫特地將他送到酒精中毒患者的收容所,在那裡﹐他終日希望回家﹐但一場恐怖的幻覺使他陷入絕望,逃出收容所﹐但酒癮又發作﹐竟偷了海倫的衣服去當鋪。 此事被發覺後﹐他自慚沒臉見人﹐要用手槍自殺﹐結果被海倫勸住伯奈姆重新做人﹐發誓不再喝酒﹐然而他能夠嗎?窗口仍掛著的那瓶酒﹐靜靜地搖曳著……

1996 年 04 月 26 日

A successful veterinarian and radio show host with low self-esteem asks her model friend to impersonate her when a handsome man wants to see her.

1997 年 04 月 01 日

Twenty-somethings learn the ups and downs of single life in the 90's as they struggle with commitment, jealousy, and the nightmare of dating a friend of a friend.

1953 年 05 月 24 日

Marty Pilletti is a 36-year-old butcher who lives with his mother, who is always asking him why he doesn't find a nice girl and get married. The truth is Marty is lonely and would like nothing better, but he has low self-esteem and admits to his mother that he's ugly and no one wants him. He's tired of going to the Saturday night dance with his buddies and then going home more depressed than he was when the evening started. But at one of those dances he meets Clara. They have a great deal in common but Marty will have to overcome peer pressure if he and Clara are to have a relationship.

1998 年 06 月 20 日

Aussie boys of Asian descent candidly discuss their status as a "minority within a minority".

2010 年 03 月 19 日

One boy is about to learn an important lesson in self worth and esteem... An overweight college boy is short of confidence and struggling to make friends, when Brock Branigan P.I gives him some words of advice that will change his life forever.

2023 年 09 月 28 日

Hair or No Hair is a short dramatic film about a young Black woman. She has been hiding behind wigs for years until her Alopecia is exposed publicly. She uses this experience as a catalyst to break free of the shame she feels towards her baldness.

Zoe's reserved nature speaks volumes when her familiar, unwanted inner critic comes out to play.



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