93 部电影

2011 年 05 月 20 日

吉尔(欧文•威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)携未婚妻伊内兹(瑞秋•麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)陪着岳父岳母来巴黎度假。他希望留在巴黎完成自己的第一部小说,但是伊内兹及其父母坚决反对。在一次用餐时,伊内兹遇到了昔日同学保罗夫妇,他们一同出游。保罗到处卖弄,跟导游(卡拉•布吕尼 Carla Bruni 饰)喋喋不休,令吉尔反感不已。午夜时分,他独自走在巴黎的街头,却被一辆路过的马车吸引住了。他随马车来到了一个名流派对,阴差阳错地结识了海明威、毕加索、菲茨杰拉德、达利(阿德里安•布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)、斯坦因(凯西•贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)等,而且他更是迷恋上了毕加索和莫迪尼亚里的情人阿德里亚娜(玛丽昂•歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)...伍迪艾伦凭此片获69届金球奖最佳编剧


1950年代,美国女性的社会地位表面看来有了明显提高,然而在如威斯理般著名的女子大学里,教师们教授学生,仍是一切围绕将来的好姻缘打转,并不鼓励她们主动获取自己感兴趣的知识,也不注重培养她们的心里素质。美丽成熟的凯瑟琳(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)大学毕业,怀揣理想和热情来到该学校担 任艺术史教师时,便因想散播自由的种子碰壁连连。 然而因为风趣、率直、热情、渊博,凯瑟琳很快赢得了学生们的喜爱,她的几个学生,想同男孩一样干出一番事业的琼(朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰)、活泼好动的丽薇(玛吉·吉伦哈尔 Maggie Gyllenhaal 饰)等,也慢慢地展露出真性情。然而,另一名学生贝蒂(克斯汀·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰)要结婚的消息,又将自由浪漫的氛围打破。

2013 年 12 月 06 日


1979 年 09 月 01 日


1982 年 08 月 27 日

一个思想前卫的女学生,在一次与一个已婚男人春风一度后,萌生了结婚的念头。于是她计划好自己的结婚和生育计划,并决定找一个合适的对象执行这个组建家庭的任务。一个英俊的律师不幸被看中,但他不想被婚姻束缚,她却偏要拉他进婚姻的牢笼。 侯麦的《喜剧与谚语系列》之一,细致如水的笔法带出一个让你会心微笑的好故事。影片有侯麦一贯的淡雅抒情,但这次添上了牛奶,显得有些甜腻。故事引人发笑的地方在于女主角并不是因为爱情才要结婚,而是因为她那个有点可笑又不切实际的婚姻计划,由此制造出来的幽默正是侯麦试图论证的爱情中理想与现实的落差。

2021 年 09 月 17 日


1990 年 09 月 21 日

This made-for-TV documentary introduces the layperson to concepts and technologies that were emerging in computer interface design in the late 1980s and early 1990s: hypertext, multimedia, virtual assistants, interactive video, 3D animation, and virtual reality.


2016 年 11 月 07 日

The Renaissance master Botticelli spent over a decade painting and drawing hell as the poet Dante described it. The film takes us on a journey through hell with fascinating and exciting insights into Botticelli's art and its hidden story.

Both a visit to a very peculiar exhibition at the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany, as well as an unprejudiced look at the artistic depiction of violence throughout history and the ways in which that depiction has been gendered.

2020 年 05 月 02 日

A documentary celebrating Lee Miller, a model turned photographer turned war reporter who defied anyone who tried to pin her down, put her on a pedestal or pigeonhole her in any way. The film's director, Teresa Griffiths, and editor, Clare Guillon, won the 2021 British Academy Television Craft Awards for Factual programs.

2024 年 03 月 13 日

X-ray images were invented in 1895, the same year in which the Lumière brothers presented their respective invention in what today is considered to be the first cinema screening. Thus, both cinema and radiography fall within the scopic regime inaugurated by modernity. The use of X-rays on two sculptures from the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum generates images that reveal certain elements of them that would otherwise be invisible to our eyes. These images, despite being generally created for technical or scientific purposes, seem to produce a certain form of 'photogénie': they lend the radiographed objects a new appearance that lies somewhere between the material and the ethereal, endowing them with a vaporous and spectral quality. It is not by chance that physics and phantasmagoria share the term 'spectrum' in their vocabulary.

What started as a simple tomb became over a 2,000 years history the universal seat of Christendom and is today one of the most visited museum in the world with invaluable collections of Arts, Manuscripts, Maps. Using spectacular 3D modelisation and CGI to give viewers as never before a true understanding of the history of this architectural masterpiece and its extensions, the film will also use animation to tell relevant historical events. This heritage site reveals new untold secrets with the help of historians deciphering the Vatican’s rich archives and manuscripts collection and following the restorations at work (newly discovered frescoes by Raphael) and recent excavations. A story where Religion, Politics, Arts and Science meet to assert religious authority and serve as a spiritual benchmark.

For more than a decade, Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler's right-hand man during the infamous Third Reich, assembled a collection of thousands of works of art that were meticulously catalogued.


2023 年 04 月 28 日

Already a successful portrait photographer, Hannah sets to reinvent this art form. Abandoning herself to a creative process that might easily be mistaken for madness, she's soon visited by mirror images of herself, as well as her daughter's ghost. Inspired by the life of photographer Hannah Maynard (1834-1918).

In 1940, the German artist Charlotte Salomon (1917-43) undertook an extraordinary artistic adventure, during which she combined painting, text and music: in only eighteen months, she painted more than a thousand paintings. In 1943, she was arrested by the Nazis and sent to the Auschwitz extermination camp.

根据荷兰幻想艺术家 M. C. 埃舍尔(M. C. Escher,1898-1972 年)的自述,从他的日记、信件和演讲稿中摘录了他的肖像。

2010 年 01 月 09 日

Documentary in which art critic Waldemar Januszczak argues that beauty is still to be found in modern art, despite several recent books claiming the contrary.



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