7 Filme

13. Juni 1986

Self-made millionaire Thornton Melon decides to get a better education and enrolls at his son Jason's college. While Jason tries to fit in with his fellow students, Thornton struggles to gain his son's respect, giving way to hilarious antics.

13. August 2016

When a small town woman with southern charm is given a big promotion managing a store in the Big Apple, she tries to adopt a big city personality and it leads to disastrous results.

9. Februar 2007

Eva is beautiful, irresponsible, self-absorbed and emotionally disconnected. Her life is all about the right clothes, the right people and the right places. Her life is turned upside down when she loses her job and alienates her friends by cheating on her boyfriend. She soon finds herself among "common" people where she makes a surprising new acquaintance.

9. November 2023

The sleepy, religious and passionless town of Kampong Bras Basah has suddenly been awoken with the arrival of a lingerie shop called La Luna! But while the villagers slowly begin to welcome the shop owner with open arms, the iron-fisted religious leader of the kampung is hell-bent on driving the shop out of town at all costs!

7. Oktober 1956

Fender is a lowly clerk in the warehouse of clothing manufacturers Ranting and Co. His one ambition is to have an overcoat of his own. Refused one by the cold hearted Ranting he asks a tailor friend, Morry, to make him one instead, but dies of cold before he can take delivery of it. Unwilling to give up his only desire even in death, he returns as a ghost to persuade Morry to steal him the overcoat he so coveted in life.

1. Januar 1980

A short film that tries to deter young people from shoplifting.

TK Maxx boasts a somewhat unique business model for the fashion sector, with its buyers purchase stock throughout the year depending on the opportunities they come across.

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