14 部电影

1997 年 08 月 22 日

作为一枚政治筹码,海军情报官欧尼尔(黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰)成为了美国历史上第一个参加特种部队“海豹突击队”训练的女性军官。凭借此事,一直呼吁男女平等的参议员狄海雯(安妮·班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰)获得了诸多选票。然而,利欲熏心的狄海雯根本就不关心欧尼尔作为个体的感受和遭遇,因为她心里明白,欧尼尔根本不可能完成特种部队里残酷而又可怕的训练。让所有人大吃一惊的是,欧尼尔不仅出色的完成了训练任务,甚至有可能通过最终考试成为特种部队正式的一员,在此节骨眼上,狄海雯只得使出阴招,以欧尼尔为同性恋的虚假理由将其逐出了队伍。在朋友的帮助下,欧尼尔揭穿了狄海雯的阴谋,不仅如此,她还一次实战任务中凭借着自己的智慧大展拳脚,获得了同伴的尊重。

1998 年 05 月 15 日

  加州的参议员Jay Bulworth在党内提名选举中落败,政治前途一片黯淡,尘世生活也不使他留恋。心如死灰的Bulworth买了一份一千万美元的保险,并安排杀手暗杀自己以留下大笔抚养金给家人。Bulworth之后在L.A.南部作了一次演讲,却鬼使神差地抛开了陈腐的讲稿自由发挥,他的尖锐言论震惊了听众和他的竞选阵营的同时,也获得了一位黑人美女的好感。Bulworth索性一不做二不休,在比华利山再次发表了他惊世骇俗的演讲,在这之后Bulworth仿佛上了瘾,他甚至将黑人说唱文化的技巧带入演讲里。这一段时间放松无顾忌的生活,尤其是与Nina的相识让Bulworth产生了继续生活的勇气和欲望。但当他打电话去取消安排的那场暗杀时,却被告知整个程序已被启动,他手忙脚乱地应付这个自己设好的局,幸好有Nina在旁相助。

染血斧头、燃烧的女童照片、自封于胶袋一呼一吸的人头,急速跳跃的凌乱影像,先声夺人为沉郁躁动风格定调。亚祖(杰昆·菲尼克斯 饰)从退役军人变身合约杀手,受雇为参议员从绑匪手中救回被卖当娼的爱女,不惜一切以暴易暴,杀出重围救人自救。林恩·拉姆塞继《凯文怎么了》(2011)后再带来暴力惊慄的强烈冲击,犹如从马丁·斯科塞斯《出租车司机》(1976)的倒后镜,近距离凝视驾驶座上杰昆·菲尼克斯的满脸于思,逐步揭开沉默背后压抑的童年创伤,与纽约街头的腐败沉沦。本片获第70届戛纳最佳男主角及最佳编剧奖。

1972 年 06 月 29 日

比尔麦凯是来自加利福尼亚州的美国参议院候选人。 他没有赢的可能,但是他愿意改变参议院

2000 年 03 月 31 日


2004 年 05 月 08 日

亨利是一个青年男子同性恋,远离家人到大学享受自由. 问题是,他的父亲是一个保守的美国参议员,校园里同性恋是公开的秘密. 当父亲的政治生涯进入决选时,亨利如何处理....

1958 年 09 月 01 日

A huge, alien structure resembling an inverted cone, appears in the woods outside a small rural town. Sent from Washington to investigate the origin of the mysterious object, a team of investigators discovers that intelligent parasites from inside the "cone" can attach themselves to humans' nervous systems and control their minds, taking control of the authorities and workers, making communication with the outside world impossible, and leaving the responsibility of stopping the invasion up to seven people who have thus far been able to avoid possession by these creatures from parts unknown.

2007 年 07 月 14 日

Documentary that explores the lives of 14 female U.S. senators and the uniquely feminine challenges they face, including the sometimes difficult balance between their roles as public servants and wives and mothers.


2019 年 05 月 25 日
1983 年 10 月 10 日

Based on the true story that shocked the nation and led to vast changes in how law enforcement handled missing children cases...John and Reve Walsh deal with their grief in front of the whole country when their son, Adam, is abducted and later found dead.

2004 年 10 月 17 日

Paul Wellstone was the charismatic Minnesota progressive who used grassroots organizing to get elected and give ordinary people a stake in government. His 3rd election campaign was cut short when his small plane crashed into the north woods of Minnesota just 11 days before the 2002 election. Wellstone! explores the origin of his politics, his controversial road to the United States Senate, his deep bond with his wife and 'co-senator' Sheila, and the legacy of a life of progressive populism.

1970 年 03 月 21 日

The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.

This film explores how iconic Nevada Senator Harry Reid set the foundations for a green new deal.

2023 年 09 月 29 日

Nelly Don the Musical Movie is a true Kansas City story about Nelly Don, a trailblazer who ignited a fashion revolution in the early 1900s to become a global sensation. Yet on the coattails of her success, drama ensues from an abusive husband and affair with a US Senator to the fake adoption of her biological son and her mobster-linked abduction. History comes alive with music, propelling the sensational story of her meteoric rise to fame in the fashion industry.



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