14 Filme

22. August 1997

In response to political pressure from Senator Lillian DeHaven, the U.S. Navy begins a program that would allow for the eventual integration of women into its services. The program begins with a single trial candidate, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, who is chosen specifically for her femininity. O'Neil enters the grueling training program under the command of Master Chief John James Urgayle, who unfairly pushes O'Neil until her determination wins his respect.

15. Mai 1998

A suicidally disillusioned liberal politician puts a contract out on himself and takes the opportunity to be bluntly honest with his voters by affecting the rhythms and speech of hip-hop music and culture.

A traumatised veteran, unafraid of violence, tracks down missing girls for a living. When a job spins out of control, his nightmares overtake him as a conspiracy is uncovered leading to what may be his death trip or his awakening.

29. Juni 1972

Bill McKay is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from California. He has no hope of winning, so he is willing to tweak the establishment.

31. März 2000

A senior at an Ivy League college, who depends on scholarships and working on the side, gets accepted into the secret society The Skulls. He hopes it betters chances at Harvard but The Skulls is not what he thought and comes at a price.

8. Mai 2004

The gay son of a conservative senator who is also the poster boy for his father's re-election unknowingly befriends a gay activist bent on destroying the hypocritical campaign.

1. September 1958

A huge, alien structure resembling an inverted cone, appears in the woods outside a small rural town. Sent from Washington to investigate the origin of the mysterious object, a team of investigators discovers that intelligent parasites from inside the "cone" can attach themselves to humans' nervous systems and control their minds, taking control of the authorities and workers, making communication with the outside world impossible, and leaving the responsibility of stopping the invasion up to seven people who have thus far been able to avoid possession by these creatures from parts unknown.

14. Juli 2007

Documentary that explores the lives of 14 female U.S. senators and the uniquely feminine challenges they face, including the sometimes difficult balance between their roles as public servants and wives and mothers.


25. Mai 2019
10. Oktober 1983

Based on the true story that shocked the nation and led to vast changes in how law enforcement handled missing children cases...John and Reve Walsh deal with their grief in front of the whole country when their son, Adam, is abducted and later found dead.

17. Oktober 2004

Paul Wellstone was the charismatic Minnesota progressive who used grassroots organizing to get elected and give ordinary people a stake in government. His 3rd election campaign was cut short when his small plane crashed into the north woods of Minnesota just 11 days before the 2002 election. Wellstone! explores the origin of his politics, his controversial road to the United States Senate, his deep bond with his wife and 'co-senator' Sheila, and the legacy of a life of progressive populism.

The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.

This film explores how iconic Nevada Senator Harry Reid set the foundations for a green new deal.

29. September 2023

Nelly Don the Musical Movie is a true Kansas City story about Nelly Don, a trailblazer who ignited a fashion revolution in the early 1900s to become a global sensation. Yet on the coattails of her success, drama ensues from an abusive husband and affair with a US Senator to the fake adoption of her biological son and her mobster-linked abduction. History comes alive with music, propelling the sensational story of her meteoric rise to fame in the fashion industry.

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