28. September 2018

Teddy Walker is a successful salesman whose life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally blows up his place of employment. Forced to attend night school to get his GED, Teddy soon finds himself dealing with a group of misfit students, his former high school nemesis and a feisty teacher who doesn't think he's too bright.

1. Juni 1998

Kevin, an intelligent guy helps out Maxwell to improve his reading skills. In return, Kevin wants Maxwell to take him out places since he is not authorized to go out. Being the social outcasts of the town, Kevin and Maxwell come to realize that they are similar to each other and accept that they are "freaks" and nothing will stop them.

24. März 1979

A young marginally intellectually-disabled girl and boy meet, plan to marry, and convince the world that they are entitled to a life of their own -- despite attempts by the girl's parents to separate them.

1. Januar 1967

An affecting observational documentary about the education of youngsters with learning disabilities at two Rudolph Steiner schools, in Bristol and Yorkshire. An extra on the BFI Flipside DVD Private Road

A documentary about young people with autism, and how arts and creative therapies help them to lead fuller lives.

7. Oktober 2018

MINDS Perform is a performing arts group consisting of members with learning disabilities. As they rehearse for a new song, they are transported into a kaleidoscopic world of music and dance. Commissioned for the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore.

A young student filmmaker in an attempt to shoot a documentary gets lost in New Orleans. Out of fear of making a mistake, he ends up making hundreds of mistakes.

Could dyslexia be a gift? Or can it only ever be a disability? Documentary maker Richard Macer sets off on a road trip with his dyslexic son Arthur to find the answer. En route, they meet Richard Branson and Eddie Izzard, and many other successful dyslexic people. - BBC

1. Januar 1979

Documentary about the obstacles handicapped people face when looking for love

People with learning disabilities often experience worse physical and mental health. This film is a starting point to address these inequalities.

Nobody's perfect. We've all got our strengths and weaknesses. Kristi knew her weakness and discovered Brad's -- dyslexia, a learning disability. She learned what a learning disability is, and about handicaps -- those you see and those you don't.

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