18 elokuvaa

9 tammikuu 2015

Entinen CIA-agentti Bryan Mills lämmittelee suhdetta ex-vaimoonsa Lenoreen, mutta se loppuu traagisesti ja yhtäkkiä. Mills saa tekstiviestin, jossa Lenore ehdottaa tapaamista, mutta Mills löytääkin Lenoren kuolleena asunnostaan. Onko syyllinen ex-vaimon limanuljaskalta vaikuttava uusi miesystävä vai venäläinen mafia? Mills tajuaa olevansa epäilty numero yksi ja poliisien tullessa hän pakenemaan rikospaikalta. Mills etsintäkuulutetaan ex-vaimonsa murhasta ja saa peräänsä komisario Franck Dotzlerin, joka on kuitenkin takaa-ajossaan koko ajan askeleen jäljessä. Mills ei halua jäädä todistelemaan poliiseille omaa syyttömyyttä, vaan ottaa vanhat oppinsa käyttöön metsästäessään Lenoren oikeita murhaajia ja poistamaan samalla itsensä epältyjen listalta.

Mr. Bean suuntaa tavanomaiselle aurinkolomalle Etelä-Ranskaan. Hänen matkansa Lontoosta Ranskan Rivieralle muuttuu kuitenkin pian sekasortoiseksi sekoiluksi. Tuttuun tapaansa Mr. Bean aiheuttaa tahattomasti kaaosta, minne ikinä hän meneekin. Kaikki huipentuu Mr. Beanin videopäiväkirjan riehakkaan spontaaniin esitykseen Cannesin elokuva-festivaaleilla.

26 maaliskuu 1969

When half-breed Indian Yaqui Joe robs an Arizona bank, he is pursued by dogged lawman Lyedecker. Fleeing to Mexico, Joe is imprisoned by General Verdugo, who is waging a war against the Yaqui Indians. When Lyedecker attempts to intervene, he is thrown into prison as well. Working together, the two escape and take refuge in the hills, where Lyedecker meets beautiful Yaqui freedom fighter Sarita and begins to question his allegiances.

2 huhtikuu 1993

Mischievous Huck Finn is unnerved when his father, reemerging after years away, kidnaps him in an attempt to take away a $600 inheritance from his late mother. Fearing for his life, Huck fakes his own death and escapes. He soon runs into his friend, Jim, a slave fleeing his master. Together, the pair embarks on a raft journey down the Mississippi River, staying ahead of pursuers who blame the slave for Huck's alleged murder.

28 tammikuu 1937

Pépé le Moko, one of France's most wanted criminals, hides out in the Casbah section of Algiers. He knows police will be waiting for him if he tries to leave the city. When Pépé meets Gaby, a gorgeous woman from Paris who is lost in the Casbah, he falls for her.

14 heinäkuu 1938

Pepe Le Moko is a notorious thief, who escaped from France. Since his escape, Moko has become a resident and leader of the immense Casbah of Algiers. French officials arrive insisting on Pepe's capture are met with unfazed local detectives, led by Inspector Slimane, who are biding their time. Meanwhile, Pepe meets the beautiful Gaby, which arouses the jealousy of Ines.

Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?

Having been a spy for Quantrill's raiders during the Civil War, Jeff Travis thinking himself a wanted man, flees to Prescott Arizona where he runs into Jules Mourret who knows of his past. He takes a job on the stage line that Mourret is trying to steal gold from. When Mourret's men kill a friend of his he sets out to get Mourret and his men. When his plan to have another gang get Mourret fails, he has to go after them himself.

17 maaliskuu 1952

An unexpected bond develops between a fugitive killer and a runaway orphan on an odyssey across England.

1 marraskuu 1968

America's DJ Dick Clark and Robert Walker Jr. star as two country boys who decide to rob a pile of cash from a bootlegger, assisted by the man's restless wife (Diane Varsi). But the heist doesn't go as planned and takes a tragic turn. The trio of would-be thieves then takes off for California, but with the police already on their tail, it's clear that a trail of blood and death is going to follow them all the way there.

29 syyskuu 1956

Daffy Duck is a detective who is hunting for the Shropshire Slasher.

27 joulukuu 1938

By a daring ruse and inside help, Pete Rennick, a noted criminal behind bars on federal charges, escapes from the prison, and all of the law-agencies and local police are out to catch him with roadblocks and every car searched, but the escapee gets away. Bill Hasford, a private detective, investigating a racket finds it leads to the wanted man, and has the biggest adventure of his career.

20 joulukuu 1978

"Revansa" (Revenge) appeared not so long after the preview movie of the series, "Un comisar acuza" (The Police Inspector Calls). In this sequel we meet up with police inspector Tudor Moldovan, once again, who wasn't actually killed and who has returned to put an end to Paraipan's actions once and for all. When Paraipan kidnaps Moldovan's kid, the police inspector makes up his mind to punish Paraipan and his bosses and to finish off the fascist movement, lead by Zavoianu and his allies. Together with the communist that fight to gain power, Moldovan takes out his enemies one by one.

29 lokakuu 1957

In Mexico, a financier on the run poses as a man he just murdered, only to find out that the man was also a murderer.

28 toukokuu 1933

The circus arrives in Great Shows. Rainey Big Ben and Kit Denton, the star of the show, are informed that no representation will be allowed in the city, and that their presence is not desired by the local potentate. This incomprehensible hatred is equaled only by the Kit 's father's contempt for women. Kit, who criticized his father's contemptuous attitude towards Alicia, his girlfriend, Kit's father tells him of the drama he lived in Big Ben many years earlier.

15 maaliskuu 1946

Lee Preston, aka Leland Bruce, kills a man in self defense but flees to the redwood country when the law makes it a murder charge. There he meets Lynn O'Malley, the niece of Sandy McTavish who runs the trading post. Lee learns the reason why this is good trapping country is because the timber barons across the lake are ruthlessly cutting the trees and driving the animals across the river. The trappers appeal to him to take a petition to the Governor which would prohibit the timber people from coming to their side of the lake. At first, because he is a wanted man, he refuses but does so later for the sake of the people even though he knows it will lead to his arrest.

Vangelis is a lazy guy who's trying to earn some money to marry his beloved, but he is captured by the police who confused him with a wanted man. Eventually, the true crook is arrested and Vangelis returns to his beloved.

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