38 部电影

2015 年 01 月 16 日

神秘的秘鲁,生活着一种十分稀有的果酱熊,他们拥有非常高的智商和语言能力。当年果酱熊夫妇帕斯图佐和露西曾与来自伦敦的探险家结下深厚的友谊,并且学到了压制果酱的技巧。时至今日,一场灾难摧毁了果酱熊安宁快乐的生活,露西阿姨将淘气的侄子送上开往伦敦的邮轮,嘱咐他在那个友好的国度展开新的生活。万里漂泊而来的小熊懵懵懂懂来到帕丁顿火车站,可是当代人的冷漠却让他倍感失落。幸运的是小熊遇到了布朗一家,并且得到了一个好听的名字——帕丁顿(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)。善良的女主人玛丽(莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰)殷切要帮助帕丁顿找到可以栖身的地方,而男主人亨利(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)则时刻想把这个突如其来的麻烦赶走。在此过程中,搞怪不断的帕丁顿和布朗一家关系逐渐融洽,而自然历史博物馆的标本师米莉森特(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)则怀着邪恶的目的悄然向帕丁顿接近……

2001 年 12 月 28 日

  在星巴克工作的山姆(西恩•潘 饰),虽已成人,但智力水平只有7岁。一次偶然,他收留了一个流浪女。该女子帮山姆生下了一个女儿后消失得无影无踪。他给女儿取名叫露西(达科塔•范宁 饰),因为他最喜欢甲壳虫乐队的《天空中戴钻石的露西》。他非常疼爱自己的孩子。露西在山姆的细心呵护下慢慢地长大了,她发现爸爸不能看懂稍微复杂一些的故事。她在拒绝长大,希望和爸爸一样。父女两的生活是那么幸福。地区的教育官员发现了这个特殊的家庭,他们认为山姆没有能力照顾露西,于是把露西带走了。伤心极了的山姆一心要挣回露西的抚养权,于是他自以为是的去找该地区最好的律师……


2009 年 07 月 29 日



  吉恩·蒂尔尼饰演一名个性倔强的寡妇,在她丈夫亡故后坚持带着女儿独立生活,并且偏偏要搬入一家鬼屋居住。此屋原来真是有个船长的幽灵居住其中,船长因意外窒息死亡而 被人传为自杀,心有不甘,乃继续占住旧居,希望可以“扮鬼”将人唬走。不料寡妇未但没有被唬走,还在船长的 幽灵协助下成为畅销小说家。可惜她后来提早掉入花心作家的圈套而跟船长分手,直至她年老逝世的一刻两人才破镜重圆。这部人鬼恋的故事拍得既风趣又浪漫,男女主角个性鲜明,形成了相当吸引人的戏剧张力。雷克斯·哈里森饰演的船长和当时为童星的纳塔利·伍德饰演的女儿都表现精彩,摄影与配乐亦有很高的水准。


2017 年 12 月 22 日

一位名叫Gordon的森林警长临近退休,正在寻找合适的接班人来接替自己,而Paddy,一个有着灵敏嗅觉且头脑机灵老鼠成为了其心目中的有力人选。它们俩相互配合,致力于破解Gordon职业生涯中的最后一个案件——到底是谁偷走了松鼠的坚果?电影根据Ulf Nilsson撰写并由Gitte Spee绘制插图的故事书改编而成,配音阵容包括瑞典著名演员斯特兰·斯卡斯加德以及梅琳达·金纳曼等人。本片导演Linda Hambäck曾参与过柏林电影节最佳短片提名作《末路黄花》和奥斯卡最佳纪录长片《寻找小糖人》动画部分的制作。

2006 年 06 月 25 日

To celebrate her 80th birthday, the Queen is holding a children's party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. She has invited many classic characters from British children's literature. But when the baddies, led by Cruella de Vil, discover that they have not been invited, they steal the Queen's handbag containing her spectacles and the text of her speech; without it, the Queen will not be able to make a speech at the party. Can the goodies find the handbag in time?

2009 年 11 月 16 日

BBC 4台开播Women We Loved 系列电视剧,此系列包含三个人物传记电视电影,讲述英国三位杰出的女性偶像——margot fonteyn, gracie fields 和enid blyton will 的艺术生涯。 11月16日将播出首部曲 enid,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特(Helena Bonham Carter)将出演英国著名儿童故事书作家伊妮德·布莱顿(Enid Blyton)。布莱顿虽然已去世四十多年,但其创作的儿童读物《诺弟》(Noddy)、 《五个小孩》(The Famous Five)和《七个小孩》(The Secret Seven)等儿童文学作品经久不衰,并在去年被评为“英国最受欢迎作家”。

In Bamse and the Witch’s daughter Croesus Vole finds gold in the beavers' dam. To demolish the dam and get the gold he tricks the witch's daughter Lova to enchant Bamse. With Bamse gone, it's up to the children to help each other to stop Croesus - but to do that they have to be friends.

2017 年 02 月 23 日

A fairy tale set in the bucolic countryside of Central Europe at the turn of the 20th century. Anka, an orphan girl, bravely sets off in the pursuit of a home, facing the hardships of life, and ultimately finds her place with the help of a magical world and its mysterious creatures.

2013 年 07 月 01 日

In this hilarious picture book, The Twilight Zone comes to the carrot patch as a rabbit fears his favorite treats are out to get him.

Laura, her husband Almanzo and their daughter Rose leave South Dakota and head for Missouri in search of a better, more financially stable life. It's a daunting journey, but they're sustained by their resolve. However, they're faced with an even greater challenge after their arrival: an ailing and bedridden Almanzo is unable to tend their new land. With winter fast on its way, Laura attempts to clear the land herself and plant the acres of apple trees that they hope will ensure their future.

1976 年 06 月 10 日

One class of school children from a small village make the trip to Zagreb. One of the boys gets sick and the class is forced to go home. During their journey the train gets stuck in a snowstorm.

2016 年 09 月 04 日

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Roald Dahl’s birth, film and television personalities take turns championing their favourite of Dahl's 10 best-selling children’s books, culminating in a nationwide vote. Rik Mayall reads from George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Under president Isimo, the Netherlands must be made clean and fresh. All ugly children are deported, but some escape and launch an uprising. Adapted from Koos Meinderts’ children’s book.

1976 年 12 月 28 日

A TV adaptation of Roald Dahl's classic book.

2007 年 03 月 13 日

The little puppy Aston finds a lonely a cold stone in the forrest a decides to bring it home a care for it. Based on the childrens bokk with the same name.

2021 年 11 月 03 日

This year's story follows Nicole, the granddaughter from last year's ad, who is now all grown up with a family to make Christmas traditions with. We follow her and her two adorable children, Max and Ella, as their new stepdad Mike moves into their family home. At the heart of the story is a very special storybook – a precious item belonging to Max from his birth father. The book celebrates the power of storytelling and how it can deepen family bonds; as the family are shown delighting in the magic of Disney storytelling, beautiful animation springs off the pages, igniting the true spirit of Christmas. Follow their emotional journey as we see them combine existing festive traditions with wonderful new ones. In partnership with Make-A-Wish. Featuring "Love Runs Deeper" by Gregory Porter.



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