3 Filme

14. September 1969

A New York City bank teller becomes a media celebrity when he refuses to comply with his employer's demands that he shave his beard.

27. August 1948

A bee is flying among Donald's flowers when he notices a veritable paradise of flowers in the guise of wallpaper Donald is hanging. The bee is rather frustrated when he is unable to stay on the flowers so Donald has some fun with the bee tormenting him with the fake flowers. The bee gets his revenge when Donald is accidentally pasted to the ceiling by the wallpaper making him an easy target for the bee's stinger.

20. September 1940

Donald is washing windows on a high-rise; Pluto is his assistant, hauling the rope for the platform and refilling buckets but mostly sleeping. And when things are finally going well, Donald makes the mistake of tormenting a bee.

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