18. November 1997

On his way to be executed, the vehicle containing notorious serial killer Jack Frost collides with a hazardous chemical truck, turning him into a snow covered mutant and unleashing him on the unsuspecting town of Snomonton.

1. Oktober 1999

In Mystery, Alaska, life revolves around the legendary Saturday hockey game at the local pond. But everything changes when the hometown team unexpectedly gets booked in an exhibition match against the New York Rangers. When quirky small-towners, slick promoters and millionaire athletes come together.

25. Mai 2012

Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of two twelve-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a violent storm is brewing off-shore – and the peaceful island community is turned upside down in more ways than anyone can handle.

25. September 2020

Eine junge Frau kehrt in ihre Heimatstadt zurück, um sich an ihren missbräuchlichen Vater zu rächen. Kaum ist sie in der Stadt, stellt sie fest, dass ihr diese Chance genommen wurde, weil ihr Vater Tags zuvor einem Mord zum Opfer fiel. Sie sucht nach Antworten und findet sich dem finsteren Sheriff gegenüber und entdeckt ein Familienerbe, das beunruhigender ist, als sie je gedacht hätte …

When a big TV crusader Melvin P. Thorpe threatens to expose the Chicken Ranch to public scandal and close it down, Miss Mona doesn't go down without a fight.

3. Dezember 1999

Two escaped convicts roll into the village of Happy, Texas, where they're mistaken for a gay couple who work as beauty pageant consultants. They go along with it to duck the police, but the local sheriff has a secret of his own.

6. Februar 2003

A small Swedish village, Högboträsk, is so peaceful that crime is nonexistent. The police spend their shifts drinking coffee, eating hot dogs and chasing down runaway cows. This is all well and good for the village's own police, but the police management board wants to discontinue the local police force for lack of crime.

9. April 1971

Old Mexican-American sheriff Bob Valdez has always been a haven of sanity in a land of madmen when it came to defending law and order. But the weapon smuggler Frank Tanner is greedy and impulsive. When Tanner provokes a shooting that causes the death of an innocent man and Valdez asks him to financially compensate the widow, Tanner refuses to do so and severely humiliates Valdez, who will do justice and avenge his honor, no matter what it takes.

1. Oktober 1958

After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given just five hours to find and rescue her.

Author & amateur astronomer John Putnam and schoolteacher Ellen Fields witness an enormous meteorite come down near a small town in Arizona, but Putnam becomes a local object of scorn when, after examining the object up close, he announces that it is a spacecraft, and that it is inhabited...

9. Februar 2008

Ancient Native American legend of the Bone Eater rises up and begins terrorizing the local townspeople

8. Mai 1992

Following a series of drug deals and murders, three criminals -- Fantasia, Ray Malcolm and Pluto -- travel from Los Angeles to Houston, finally arriving in a small Arkansas town to go into hiding. Two detectives from the LAPD, who are already on the case, contact the town's sheriff, Dale Dixon, to alert him of the fugitives' presence in the area. Underestimating Dixon, the criminals have no idea what they are about to face.

7. März 1942

Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.

16. Dezember 2016

Los Reyes County, Arizona. Leland, a retired lawman, works with Wallace, the new sheriff who replaces him, when a vicious hit man, sent by a Mexican drug cartel, threatens their border small town.

30. Mai 1952

A small-town newspaper editor risks everything to expose a corrupt sheriff.

1. Oktober 1975

A black hole hits North Wisconsin and opens a door to other dimensions. Giant 15 meter spiders emerge from it, who have an appetite for human flesh! Dr. Jenny Langer and Dr. Vance from NASA try to save the world.

5. August 2021

Sein guter Freund Rudi macht Franz Eberhofer dafür verantwortlich, nach einem schlimmen Unfall nie mehr laufen zu können. Diese Schuld soll er nun begleichen, indem Rudi bei ihm zu Hause einzieht. Dabei sollte Rudi nach dem Urteil der Ärzte eigentlich längst wieder geheilt sein. Als wenn das noch nicht genug Chaos in Franz’ Provinzleben bringen würde, hat sich seine dauerhafte Freundin Susi zusammen mit ihrem ganz und gar nicht beliebten Bruder Leopold eine angsteinflößende Idee in den Kopf gesetzt: Sie wollen ein Familien-Doppelhaus auf dem Eberhofer-Hof bauen. Stress ist damit vorprogrammiert.

17. März 2017

When two youngsters meet and fall for each other, they must go on the run from the girl's corrupt father, who is also the sheriff of the town.

29. Februar 2008

LITTLE CHENIER: A CAJUN STORY is the story of a young man who lives a simple life on a houseboat in the Louisiana bayou with his mentally handicapped brother until one is accused of a crime in the small town.

1. Januar 2008

In Red Canyon, Regina and Devon return to their family home in the badlands of Utah to face the memory of a brutal attack - and put it behind them. But in coming home they awaken a killing rage in a town where everyone has ties that bind.

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