11 部电影

2014 年 09 月 21 日

1950 年代的馬德里,患有廣場恐懼症的夢西,足不出戶,靠著針線扶養妹妹長大,眼見妹妹已是十八姑娘一朵花,步入中年的夢西卻依舊困在過去的祕密與陰影裡,控制妹妹的慾望也就越強大。某天,樓上帥哥鄰居失足跌昏在夢西的家門前,她排除恐懼將男人拖回家中,細心照料。封閉的生活,因意外訪客而起了劇烈的變化。這間屋子是新添一名禁臠,還是從此高牆倒下?

2018 年 12 月 05 日


1975 年 09 月 30 日

少女莉莉驅車行駛在天色昏沉的野外,遠處的爆鳴聲讓她充滿了恐懼,她目擊著人們自相殘殺,一隊兵不知何故槍殺了一些沒有武裝的女人,這樣的暴力使得她充滿了恐懼,一路上瀰漫著死亡的氣息。莉莉好不容易逃到了一個老太婆的家,這個臥床的老太不斷用步話機嘟嘟囔囔著什麼,莉莉發現老太竟然能和動物交談而她也聽懂了了動物語言。這個陰森的家似乎被某種神秘的力量控制著,一個長相奇特的獨角獸出沒在院落四周,它的出現總是有著異狀的發生。 在老太屋裡還有著一對關係曖昧的兄妹,妹妹時常以自己的乳汁讓老太恢復生氣,莉莉試圖想發現他們的秘密,牆上的一副獵手屠鷹的畫引起了莉莉的注意……陰森恐怖的大屋讓她再也無法分清時空的概念。遠處的硝煙和槍炮聲並沒有妨礙院子裡一般赤身裸 體孩童的玩耍。不久,大屋裡一副畫引起了莉莉的注意,那幅畫裡的場景有一天在她的面前活生生的展現了,神秘的大鷹在屋裡盤旋,兄妹齊心協力打敗了騷擾他們生活的大鷹,老太婆也神秘失蹤了,悲劇重新上演,莉莉替代老太上了大床,把自己的乳房獻給了獨角獸,她的明天又會怎樣?!

2011 年 01 月 28 日

A romantic thriller about a construction worker in hiding for killing his foreman who hides in the mansion where his girlfriend works as a maid.

2016 年 03 月 12 日

After a teenage girl is found murdered in a California town, a young woman is forced to prove her brother is innocent of the crime, discovering a disturbing dark side to the community.

1950 年 03 月 01 日

Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.

2000 年 04 月 07 日

A romantic suspense thriller and a classic who-dun-it about a relentless female detective (Cynda Williams) who investigates the murder of the wife ofn a prominent architect (Marc Gomes). Even though the husband is the prime suspect, his assistant Carrie McNichols (Kim Fields) gives him the perfect alibi. The case seemingly looks like an open and shut case. The detective finds herself hopelessly falling in love with him. Will her emotions cloud her judgement in investigating the case and if the husband didn't murderhis wife? Who Did?

1982 年 12 月 18 日

An archaeologist travels to Mexico to investigate rumors of the discovery of the ancient statue of a fertility goddess.

Wearing a mask to hide his identity, a deadly swordsman challenges a tyrant from the Ruling Council of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Both TANUMA Okitsugu of the ‘Roju’ (Ruling Council) and his son Okitomo, the Magistrate in charge of the gold mint, have been abusing their political power to steal gold by casting coins with only half the amount of precious metal and keeping the rest for themselves. TAKAHASHI Hideki stars as a popular Ukiyoe artist, KANO Hidemaro, who dons a purple hood to hide his real identity, has learned of their plot and fights to stop them. The Purple Hooded Avenger is a well-known and popular series in Japan, and he stands up against injustice from the powerful ‘Elder’ TANUMA of the ‘Roju’. The story told here occurred during the 'Tenmei' Era (1781-1789). An extraordinary movie, a must see!

2023 年 03 月 03 日

This short film follows an intoxicated character's journey through the mystery, beauty and eeriness of his environment.

2019 年 11 月 13 日

A talented girl realizes that her talents comes to waste



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