33 部电影

很久以前,有位相貌出众的公主名叫白雪(莉莉·柯林斯饰),白雪有位邪恶又毒舌的继母皇后(朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰)。皇后不仅嫉妒白雪公主的美貌,还成天肖想着帅气迷人的白马王子,并意图榨干他的财富与精力,却怎么也没想到白马王子竟然对白雪公主一见钟情;坏心的皇后见状立刻将白雪公主放逐到危机伺伏的幽暗森林,而白马王子也因中了坏皇后下的爱情魔药而沦为她的爱情俘虏。   被驱逐到森林里白雪公主不幸遇上了一帮矮人盗匪,却在盗匪们的训练下,成了七矮人山贼团的领袖!彻底改头换面的白雪公主,在偶然的机会下意外与白马王子重逢,但不甘心被坏皇后这般欺压的她,决定率领小不隆咚的手下们一同进攻邪恶皇后的堡垒,誓言夺权复仇!而白雪公主和坏皇后两人,究竟谁最后能永远过着幸福快乐的日子呢?

2018 年 06 月 29 日


劳拉(黛博拉•弗朗索瓦 Déborah François 饰)是一名平凡的大学女生,出生于贫困家庭的她一直生活在经济的困顿之中,无奈之下,她决定出卖自己的身体来换取稳定的生活。就这样,劳拉在网络上结识了57岁的乔伊(Alain Cauchi 饰),第一次,劳拉得知了,原来用自己的身体来换取金钱竟然是这样一件轻松的事情。劳拉在卖春的漩涡中越陷越深,尽管她的理智拒绝承认,但实际上,她已经是一名妓女了。与此同时,劳拉也震惊的发现,原来自己的身边和自己境遇相似的女生是如此之多。卖春成为了劳拉唯一的收入来源,在理智和情感的撕扯之下,劳拉渐渐感到力不从心。

2012 年 12 月 21 日


2022 年 04 月 13 日


2020 年 11 月 13 日


1933 年 12 月 28 日

奥利弗(莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 Lionel Barrymore 饰)是一名海运业大亨,经济大萧条让他的产业遭到了众创,为了维持生计,他决定举办一场晚宴,邀请财力雄厚的公爵夫妇参加,以打通人脉获得经济上的支持。

卡洛塔(玛丽·杜丝勒 Marie Dressler 饰)是奥利弗曾经的情人,身为演员的她有过一段辉煌的岁月,但现如今早已过气,她收到了奥利弗的邀请。帕克(华莱士·比里 Wallace Beery 饰)是撞了大运的暴发户,虽然他十分看不上奥利弗的人品,但在这场晚宴里他看到了商机,于是也准备出席。奥利弗的女儿波拉(玛吉·伊万斯 Madge Evans 饰)爱上了男演员拉瑞(约翰·巴里摩尔 John Barrymore 饰),她决定在晚宴上向他求爱。

1999 年 04 月 19 日

A slice-of-life story unfolds inside The Florentine, a bar in a Pennsylvania steel town whose brightest days are behind it, leaving behind many of life's disillusioned "losers." Its owner, Whitey (Michael Madsen), is deep in debt to the town's loan shark, Joe McCollough (Burt Young), and desperate for a path forward which won't cost him the bar. His sister, Molly (Virginia Madsen), is days away from her long-awaited nuptials, and then her former fiancé, Teddy (Tom Sizemore), shows up in town for the first time since leaving her at the altar years before. Ne'er-do-well Billy Belasco (Jim Belushi) runs a con on Frankie (Luke Perry) to steal the money for the wedding caterer, while long-time regular Bobby (Chris Penn) becomes a patron-cum-inhabitant as he hides from his fast-crumbling marriage to Vikki (Mary Stuart Masterson). Every plot in this multi-layered story seems to be at its nadir just as a pair of unlikely heroes emerge out of the backdrop to turn everything around.

2013 年 08 月 29 日

家乐(许家乐 饰)是个聪明却调皮捣蛋被学校视为头痛份子的小孩,怀孕的母亲(杨雁雁 饰)每天在公司和家事两边忙碌分身乏术的情况下,还会接到学校的抱怨电话总是相当无奈,最后只好找来菲律宾女佣泰莉(安吉莉·芭雅妮 Angeli Bayani 饰)来帮忙家事和照顾家乐。一开始相当排斥泰莉的家乐利用各种机会欺负她,但是为了要养家活口的泰莉只能努力在这个家庭里生存。家乐因为爸妈各自烦恼着自己的事情无暇关注他的情况下,让家乐和泰莉两人逐渐产生越来越深厚的感情,但是小小年纪的家乐却没有发现家庭风暴也日趋严重…… 而这是1997年,亚洲金融危机正在悄悄影响这个国家……

2014 年 12 月 27 日

利兹(詹妮弗·比尔斯 Jennifer Beals 饰)一直以来都饱受精神疾病的困扰,前不久才因为精神崩溃而被送进了医院,这会儿刚刚出院不久。除了精神痛苦外,利兹和儿子以及丈夫之间的关系也很紧张。儿子正值叛逆期,全身上下都笼罩着生人勿进的气场,而丈夫呢,一直以做音乐人为梦想的他已经很久没有收入了。 在这令利兹焦头烂额的节骨眼上,一个名为卡特琳(凯瑟琳·麦克纳马拉 Katherine McNamara 饰)的女孩敲响了利兹家的门,卡特琳声称自己是利兹丈夫和曾经的情人所生的私生女,在误打误撞之中,利兹不得不收留了这个女孩。随着时间的推移,利兹开始怀疑,这个女孩到底想要干嘛。©豆瓣

2019 年 08 月 17 日

萨曼莎(Samantha)在蒙大拿州(Montana)的牧场是她家族的遗产,因此当开发商出现要购买时,萨姆(Sam)对此并不感兴趣。 但是当他试图赢得她的信任和牧场时,山姆发现他也可能赢得了她的心。

2022 年 12 月 07 日

Sylvain, an Afghan veteran living off of petty crime, crosses paths with Nathalie, an upper-class CEO struggling to keep her lawnmower company afloat.

2020 年 10 月 16 日

Karolina (Katarzyna Zawadzka) works in a bank, she is energetic, self-confident, go-getting. When the latest currency product comes into her hands - a loan in Swiss francs, the woman gets a great chance to prove herself. Having the full consent of his boss - Adam (Tomasz Karolak), he unscrupulously starts persuading clients to take the most risky and unfavorable investments. Jan (Jan Frycz) is the gray eminence of the Polish financiers. In his phone, he has contacts to the presidents of the largest banks in Poland. His cynical ideas and decisions affect the economy and the fate of hundreds of thousands of people overnight. Such as Artur (Rafał Zawierucha) - an ambitious head of an IT company who decides to use currency options to develop his business. His partner is Mateusz (Antoni Królikowski), who dreams of independence, his own place and the longed-for move away from his in-laws.

How do 1.1 billion people around the world live on less than one dollar a day? Four young friends set out to research and live this reality. Armed with only a video camera and a desire to understand, they spend just 56 dollars each for 56 days in rural Pena Blanca, Guatemala. They battle E.Coli, financial stress, and the realization that there are no easy answers. Yet, the generosity and strength of their neighbors, Rosa, Anthony and Chino gives them resilient hope. They return home transformed and embark on a mission to share their new found understanding with other students, inspiring and challenging their generation to make a difference.

2014 年 05 月 16 日

The inspirational true story of a woman who decides to bake 100 apple cakes and sell them at $40 each in order to save her home – and how this idea completely changes her and her family.

A wayward youth of a rich father, Jomon is a carefree youngster who doesn’t care about ‘being responsible enough’ for his age. When the family lands in a financial soup out of the blue, a different side of the youngster surprisingly emerges. ​

1990 年 01 月 05 日

A lucrative real estate deal, or romance with the boss' daughter--that's the dilemma facing a yuppie in this comedy.

2020 年 01 月 27 日

One of the rooms inside the legendary Barba Azul Cabaret has become a shelter for the girls working there: the women's bathroom. Every night La Mami, who's in charge of the bathrooms, offers them the warmth and the advice they need to take on the challenge they face in the dance hall.

2020 年 02 月 19 日

A couple inherit a 'house of their dreams' and for a while they think they got lucky, but soon find themselves in the middle of a renovation nightmare.

1917 年 09 月 22 日

Behind in the mortgage on Sunnybrook Farm and barely managing to feed seven hungry mouths, mother sends young Rebecca off to Riverboro to be raised by her wealthy Aunt Miranda. The little girl is treated like a prisoner by her strict Aunt, yet she gamely does her best to get an education. When spoiled girls at school mock the spirited Rebecca as "missy poor-house," she soon makes them come to eat their words. Despite many difficulties, Rebecca manages to help the less fortunate and spread joy in Riverboro, dreaming that her reward will come when she is "all growed up." This version is notable for having been adapted by famed female screenwriter Frances Marion.



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