92 部电影

2024 年 03 月 01 日


全世界最性感的間諜繼續與狠毒的邪惡博士纏鬥不休,但是這次,邪惡博士即將和 1970 年代的大惡棍「金盟友」聯手對付王牌大賤諜。

2019 年 01 月 11 日

尚-克勞德·范·達美將主演動作驚悚新片《保鏢》(The Bouncer),朱利安·勒克萊克(《搶劫犯》《突擊》)執導,製片成本1000萬,風格類似《颶風營救》。范·達美將飾演Lukas,一個50多歲的夜店保鏢,艱難撫養8歲的女兒。某天他在和客戶的爭吵中失控,被關進監獄,女兒由社會服務人員照看。情形突變,國際刑警招募他來幹掉某個荷蘭犯罪頭目,以此換取女兒的監護權。Jérémie Guez(《伊夫聖羅蘭傳》)操刀劇本,明年一月開拍。

2019 年 05 月 31 日

已有四年未有新作面世的「老帕」 布萊恩·德·帕爾瑪(Brian De Palma )將拍攝一部名為《多米諾骨牌(Domino)》的動作驚悚片。《權力的遊戲》中的弒君者尼可拉·科斯特-瓦爾道(Nikolaj Coster-Waldau )將出演男主角。《多米諾骨牌》由彼特·斯卡蘭(Petter Skavlan ,《蘇菲的世界》)擔任編劇,故事中,男主角是一名哥本哈根當地的警察,在搭檔被神秘人暗殺後,他與搭檔的情婦合作追蹤兇手。不料在這個過程中卻被一個陰險的中央情報局警探暗算,被劫持到了西班牙。影片將在丹麥和西班牙拍攝,IM Global公司將代理其全球事務,北美事宜則將由ICM公司代理。

1959 年 06 月 18 日

After leaving a wealthy Belgian family to become a nun, Sister Luke struggles with her devotion to her vows during crisis, disappointment, and World War II.

2018 年 01 月 24 日

Antwerp, Belgium. The lives of four small-time drug dealers spin out of control when they steal a shipment of cocaine, triggering a full out war between an Amsterdam drug lord and a ruthless Colombian cartel.

2010 年 12 月 20 日


2014 年 12 月 24 日

珊德拉在罹患憂鬱症後,公司的老闆打算將她解雇,並用1000歐元的獎金說服其他同事投下贊成珊德拉離職一票。但珊德拉並不甘心,她必須利用週末的時間,一一去說服她的同事們幫助她,其中不乏與她非常要好的朋友。 面對各個家庭不同的環境經濟因素,大家都有自己的問題要面對,兩天一夜的時間讓珊德拉歷盡煎熬、也漸漸對自己的遭遇釋懷。

1999 年 11 月 26 日

剛滿十八歲的蘿賽塔才做到試用期就被工廠給開除了,心情顯得非常的沮喪和不安,除了要想辦法扶養她那酗酒成習的母親,還得住在毫無安全感的活動屋中,日子依舊要過下去,在這近乎悲慘邊緣的世界中,她只有一個選擇,為生活戰鬥下去,不然就選擇……死亡! 比利時兄弟檔尚皮耶和廬達爾塔涅(Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne )以家錄影帶式的拍片手法,成功營造出一種極寫實的氛圍,將本片女主角蘿賽塔在面臨生命錯愕時的神情,完美的刻畫出來,帶有濃郁紀錄式色彩和優秀編導製作的《美麗蘿賽塔》使得本片成為當年坎城備受爭議的作品之一,更奪下金棕櫚大獎及最佳女主角!

2016 年 04 月 10 日

A brutal home-jacking goes hopelessly wrong. Dave, one of the two robbers, manages to run off, leaving his brother Kenneth behind. Four years later, Kenneth is released from prison and much has changed. Dave has his life back on track and is trying to help Kenneth however possible, but is witnessing how the highly strung Kenneth tries to win back his ex-girlfriend Sylvie.

2022 年 12 月 15 日

It's 1997. Frank Verstraeten, a computer genius with a nose for business, a fascination for nightlife and an unhealthy urge to prove himself, only wants one thing: his own disco that not only outperforms the competition but simply humiliates it. The futuristic mega discotheque Zillion is a fact and Frank turns from computer dealer to the pivotal figure of the Antwerp nightlife. He parades with the most beautiful women in Belgium and forges an alliance with Dennis Black Magic, the porn king who provides the spicy extras. Unfortunately, beautiful songs don't last long either.

2003 年 08 月 29 日

As adults, best friends Julien and Sophie continue the odd game they started as children -- a fearless competition to outdo one another with daring and outrageous stunts. While they often act out to relieve one another's pain, their game might be a way to avoid the fact that they are truly meant for one another.

2003 年 09 月 11 日

Five American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War II struggle to return to Allied territory after being separated from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre.

2014 年 11 月 26 日

Michel, a murderous womanizer, meets introverted Gloria online and treats her to a whirlwind one-night-stand. Offering herself as an accomplice in his seductive crimes, the unhinged lovers embark on a deadly odyssey amplified by wild sex, unbridled jealousy, and passionate forays into the dark arts. This smart and gory shocker breathes new life into the lovesick horror genre to serve up a chilling tale of white-hot desperation and terrifying devotion.

2016 年 01 月 21 日

The story of two brothers who, even though they have absolutely nothing in common, open a bar together that quickly becomes a regular hangout for nighthawks. Despite the success, they must soon face up to the difficulties inherent in running a family business. Their brotherhood turns into rivalry, through no fault of their own.

2023 年 01 月 21 日


2019 年 02 月 16 日

Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges inspire unique chocolate combinations, but will their entry win without them losing their hearts?

2023 年 03 月 24 日


1997 年 05 月 28 日

Ludovic is waiting for a miracle. With six-year-old certainty, she believes she was meant to be a little girl -- and that the mistake will soon be corrected. But where she expects the miraculous, Ludo finds only rejection, isolation and guilt -- as the intense reactions of family, friends, and neighbors strip away every innocent lace and bauble. As suburban prejudices close around them, family loves and loyalties are tested in the ever-escalating dramatic turns of Alain Berliner's critically acclaimed first feature. Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film and a favorite at festivals around the world, this unique film experience delivers magic of the rarest sort through a story of difference, rejection, and childlike faith in miracles.

2008 年 08 月 27 日

Lorna is a young Albanian woman in a marriage of convenience with Claudy, a heroin addict. Just as Lorna is about to be granted Belgian citizenship, Claudy finds the strength to detox; this presents a problem not only for Lorna, but for the criminal who brokered the deal.



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