19 elokuvaa

Vauhdikas, valloittava ja viihdyttävä elokuva amerikkalaisen baseballmimmiliigan edesottamuksista 40-luvulla. Kun miehet lähtivät sotaan, urheilunnälkäiselle yleisölle oli tarjottava sitä mitä löytyi ja naiset saivat esitellä pelitaitojaan. Kaunis ja lahjakas Dottie värvätään pikkusiskonsa Kitin kanssa suoraan farmilta. Mukaan tulee myös täysillä elävä Mae Mordabito. Manageriksi he saavat viinaan sortuneen entisen huippupelaajan Jimmy Duganin, jolle maksetaan palkkaa "lippalakin heilauttamisesta yleisölle". Rockford Peaches on valmis lyömään kaikki vastustajansa ja tytöt yltävätkin loistaviin saavutuksiin niin pelikentällä kuin sen ulkopuolellakin.

3 heinäkuu 1942

Middle-class housewife Kay Miniver deals with petty problems. She and her husband Clem watch her Oxford-educated son Vin court Carol Beldon, the charming granddaughter of the local nobility as represented by Lady Beldon. Then the war comes and Vin joins the RAF.

25 joulukuu 1949

Based on a true story. The name of the real ship, that sunk Feb 5 1941 - during WWII - was S/S Politician. Having left Liverpool two days earlier, heading for Jamaica, it sank outside Eriskay, The Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in bad weather, containing 250,000 bottles of whisky. The locals gathered as many bottles as they could, before the proper authorities arrived, and even today, bottles are found in the sand or in the sea every other year.

13 huhtikuu 1984

In 1941 America, Kay and her husband are happy enough until he enlists after Pearl Harbor. Against his wishes, his wife takes a job at the local aircraft plant where she meets Hazel, the singer from across the way the two soon become firm friends and with the other girls become increasingly expert workers. As the war drags on Kay finally dates her trumpet playing foreman and life gets complicated

7 marraskuu 1943

Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.

7 joulukuu 1942

The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their task is to disrupt England's radar network in preparation for a full scale German invasion. Once the villagers discover the true identity of the troops, they do whatever they can to thwart the Nazis plans.

1 marraskuu 1987

A middle-aged man recalls his childhood growing up in and around London during World War II.

30 kesäkuu 1944

While husband Tim is away during World War II, Anne Hilton copes with problems on the homefront. Taking in a lodger, Colonel Smollett, to help make ends meet and dealing with shortages and rationing are minor inconveniences compared to the love affair daughter Jane and the Colonel's grandson conduct.

Three modern day pilgrims investigate a bizarre crime in a small town on the way to Canterbury.

1 syyskuu 1971

Dad's Army was a 1971 feature film based on the BBC television sitcom Dad's Army. Directed by Norman Cohen, it was filmed between series three and four and was based upon material from the early episodes of the television series. The film told the story of the Home Guard platoon's formation and their subsequent endeavours at a training exercise.

4 helmikuu 2011

Tuntematon emäntä elokuva kertoo oman aikamme ihmisille niistä elinehdoista, joiden varassa maaseudulla asuneet äitimme ja isoäitimme ponnistelivat sotavuosina 1939-45. Suomea puolusti talonpoikaisarmeija: noin 75 % maatilojen työvoimasta oli rintamalla ja maataloudesta vastaaminen jäi lähes kokonaan naisten varaan. He pitivät yllä maanviljelystä, karjanhoitoa, puuhuoltoa sekä metsätöitä. Samalla he huolehtivat lapsista ja vanhuksista. Lisäksi ilman miestä kamppaileville maatiloille asutettiin emäntien ruokittavaksi kaupungeista sotaa pakoon tulleet ihmiset sekä Karjalasta, Porkkalasta ja Lapista tulleet evakot. Tuntematon emäntä Elokuva etsii vastausta kysymykseen miten sota-ajan naiset pärjäsivät – miten ihmeessä he jaksoivat?

25 huhtikuu 1944

Glamorous Lorry Jones, the toast of a Missouri military canteen, has become "engaged" to almost every serviceman she's signed her pin-up photo for. Now she's leaving home to go into government service (not, as she fantasizes, to join the USO). On a side trip to New York, her vivid imagination leads her to True Love with naval hero Tommy Dooley; but increasingly involved Musical Comedy Complications follow.

Wealthy American society matron, Stella Hadley refuses to sacrifice her material comforts to aid the war effort until she realizes that her selfishness is cheating the boys overseas who are fighting for her freedom.

22 lokakuu 2001

The war in Europe is over, but the one at home has only just begun. The Second World War is ending and throughout Britain, evacuees are returning home to their families - but not the families they remember. Like so many other women, Peggy’s life has been transformed by the war. Living and working with good friends, she is happier than she has been for years. Yet Peggy’s life is not the only one changed by the war. Her daughter, Rusty, has just returned from the U.S., where she has been living as an evacuee for the last five years. After so long abroad, her home in England has become unrecognizable. Just as Peggy begins to restore normal family bonds, her husband returns from the war, damaged and desperate to make everything as it was before. Adapted from the novel by Michelle Magorian, author of Goodnight, Mister Tom, Back Home is the story of a family who struggle to make sense of their new lives in a world irrevocably altered by the far-reaching effects of war.

12 kesäkuu 1998

During World War II, the organisation "The Women's Land Army" recruited women to work on British farms while the men were off to war. Three such "land girls" of different social backgrounds - quiet Stella, young hairdresser Prue, and Cambridge graduate Ag - become best friends in spite of their different backgrounds.

29 marraskuu 1943

A tribute to the important work of female nurses during World War II.

2 marraskuu 1962

Sota-ajan Ouluun sijoittuva tarina kertoo viisipäisestä poikajoukosta, jonka mieltä kiihottavat kaupunkiin asettautunut saksalainen sotilasosasto, kauttakulkevat sotilasjunat ja ajan ihanteet.

18 joulukuu 1943

Maalaispitäjän kirkkoherra Ahti Helpi, joka kokee itsensä yhtälailla papiksi ja sotilaaksi, lähtee rintamalle jatkosotaan. Kotona raskaana oleva vaimo Lea huolehtii suurperheensä lisäksi seurakuntalaisista. Vaikeat ajat kestetään uskomalla Jumalaan, kotiin ja isänmaahan.

August 1941. Residents of the Ural town escorted to the front of men. Left alone, women take on the most difficult cases, showing outstanding organizational skills and will. Together with the evacuated plant, refugees arrive in the town. The heroine of the Film Anna takes to her house a woman with children — her example is followed by the rest…

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