10 Filme

13. April 1994

Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics.

9. Dezember 1988

Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate low life and is about to be killed by loan sharks.

16. September 1981

Renowned actress Joan Crawford, at the height of her career, adopts two orphans — Christina and Christopher — to fill the lonely gap in her personal life. However, as her professional and romantic relationships sour, Joan's already callous and abusive behavior towards Christina intensifies.

31. August 2018

Cynthia is a horror film about the 'perfect' couple and their desperate obsession to have a child which descends into a terrifying dark comedy.

An immersive film essay on tennis legend John McEnroe at the height of his career as the world champion, documenting his strive for perfection, frustrations, and the hardest loss of his career at the 1984 Roland-Garros French Open.

A kid strives to be perfect, and in the end realizes that individuality is more fun.

15. November 1997

When he pulls yet another prank on his little brother, Brian's parents decide to send him to a summer school which claims to be perfect. After being there a few days, though, he begins to suspect something sinister is afoot.

A woman in her 20s question time, perfection, and solace as she wanders the mundane city of Manila.

4. Juli 2023
1. März 2017

Everybody aspires to be a citizen of Perfect Town – but display a deficiency or a flaw and you will be stripped of your superior status and forced to the rear of the interminable line of those clamouring to get in.

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