14 Filme

25. Dezember 2014

In a woods filled with magic and fairy tale characters, a baker and his wife set out to end the curse put on them by their neighbor, a spiteful witch.

27. September 1947

Jiminy Cricket hosts two Disney animated shorts: Bongo about a circus bear escaping to the wild, and Mickey and the Beanstalk, a take on the famous fairy tale.

27. September 1947

A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?

An adventurous young boy named Jack climbs a giant beanstalk to a magical kingdom governed by a greedy, tyrannical giant.

7. April 1952

A young boy trades the family cow for magic beans. Ascending the beanstalk with the butcher who sold him the beans, he faces the giant terrorizing his village.

21. Dezember 1994

A young boy finds a crate of green beans. When they're planted, they grow a beanstalk to the clouds, where a castle of giants are habited.

12. Februar 1955

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (as Jack) find themselves at the top of a beanstalk where they get chased around by a giant Elmer Fudd.

26. Februar 1967

A retelling of the popular fairy tale that mixes live action and animation.

15. Dezember 1947

Out of work, Woody complains about his not having any living quarters. A slick talking con man convinces him to buy some "magic beans" promising they will guarantee him a home. Sure enough, Woody climbs the resulting beanstalk and finds a huge castle at the top. Unfortunately, the castle is already occupied by a sleeping giant who Woody eventually outwits, turning his castle into a series of apartments with the giant as a bellboy and Woody as his manager.

Jack's mother throws Jack's magic beans outside under Sylvester Cat's sleeping box, and the cat is whisked to the world above, where he finds a huge Tweety Bird in the castle of the legendary Giant.

26. Oktober 1931

The mortgage is due by 6 p.m. or Grandma and Oswald will lose the homestead. Oswald is forced to take the beloved old milk cow to market. On the way, he's accosted by a scary old witch. She wants the cow and gives Oswald a bag of magic beans in exchange. The beans grow into a huge beanstalk which transports Oswald to a giant ogre's castle in the clouds.

Santa’s sleigh is stuck on the beach, and only one creature can help him: The Ice Cream Bunny! Unfortunately, the fire truck that the Ice Cream Bunny drives needs repairs, so he’ll be a little late coming from Pirates World, the run-down theme park that he lives in. We’d like to take this moment to remind you that, yes, this is a REAL movie that people ACTUALLY made. Filmed in front of a live audience at the historic Belcourt Theatre in Nashville, Mike, Kevin and Bill are delighted to inflict, er, present it LIVE for the very first time!

Bugs Bunny encounters the legendary giant.

1. März 1966

Woody Woodpecker inserted into the classic fairy tale.

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