16 elokuvaa

22 syyskuu 1995

Nomi Malone matkaa Las Vegasiin tavoitteenaan esiintyä topless-tanssiryhmän Goddess-showssa, mutta joutuu aloittamaan nuhjuisella Cheetah Clubilla sylitanssijana. Ystävystyttyään ompelijattarena työskentelevän Mollyn kanssa Nomi pääsee katsomaan Goddess-showta ja tapaamaan shown tähtitanssijan Christal Connorsin ja tämän poikaystävän Zachin. Cristal järjestää Nomille koe-esiintymisen, ja edetessään urallaan Nomi saa pian huomata, että julkisuudella on hintansa. Pelissä on niin ystävyys, oikeudentunto kuin sielukin.

10 marraskuu 1993

New York 1975. Lakimies saa entisen huumepomon Carlito Briganten ulos vankilasta muodollisuuden nojalla. Carlito ällistyttää paikallista alamaailmaa, kun hän päättää ryhtyä rehelliseksi. Mutta Carliton unelma rehellisestä elämästä horjuu joka käänteessä ja hänen vanhentunut "kunniasääntönsä" syöksee hänet raakaan taisteluun elämästä ja kuolemasta säälimättömiä voimia vastaan, jotka eivät suostu päästämään häntä menemään.

29 lokakuu 2021

Psykologinen trilleri nuoresta tytöstä, lahjakkaasta muotisuunnittelijasta, jolla on arvoituksellinen kyky matkustaa ajassa 1960-luvun Lontooseen. Siellä hän kohtaa idolinsa, häikäisevän laulajatulokkaan. Mutta svengaava Lontoo ei ole aivan sitä miltä näyttää, ja ajan alkaa hajota liitoksistaan kohtalokkain seurauksin...

23 syyskuu 2022

Lucía, a club dancer on the run, takes refuge in a sinister building on the outskirts of Madrid where her sister Rocío lives with her daughter Alba.

23 heinäkuu 1999

Gabriel is a young, aspiring musical composer whose life seems stuck in the First Act. When his new musical number gets a critical reception, a theatre colleague, Perry, tells Gabriel that he needs to get a life before he can write about one – so he heads straight for his local gay bar.

Three strippers seeking thrills encounter a young couple in the desert. After dispatching the boyfriend, they take the girl hostage and begin scheming on a crippled old man living with his two sons in the desert, reputedly hiding a tidy sum of cash. They become house guests of the old man and try and seduce the sons in an attempt to locate the money, not realizing that the old man has a few sinister intentions of his own.

24 elokuu 1968

Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.

1 marraskuu 2018

A comedy about a religious mother who is determined to stop her gay son's wedding. But her plans go awry when she accidentally befriends his fiancé and begins dispensing relationship advice.

1 huhtikuu 1969

Harry is a man whose friends throw him night-long bachelor party on the eve of him getting married. Harry flashes back to his many female "conquests" with the go-go dancers that remind him of his many past lovers.

25 huhtikuu 1968

A girl tries to become the top star in the glamorous world of Go-Go Dancing.

19 kesäkuu 2010

A skinny, naive go go dancer meets with unexpected rejection when he attempts to fulfill his childhood 'Flashdance' fantasy.

Coco Dupree is a New York performance artist who makes a living dancing topless in a bar. There she meets a mob boss who calls himself God, a thug named Richie, and a kept woman named Desiree.

Aliens have come from the planet Uranus to steal Earth's resources. Its up to a group of Go-Go dancing Private eyes to stop them!

Private Agent Steele investigates Go Go Dancers, High Level Criminals and 'infiltrates' cute Female Agents in this far out comedy about nudie cuties and criminal mischief.

1960s short film found on the Kiss Me Quick/House On Bare Mountain Something Weird Video Double Feature DVD.

10 tammikuu 1991

Harems is a love story between a screen-writer and a gogo-boy, the latter being typically representative of the image of seduction in the 80's. The screenwriter leaves on a journey and asks the gogo-boy to accompany him. A scandal breaks out and the gogo-boy's antics lead to both men's meeting with the narrator. She introduces the spectator to the psychological state of the screen-writer - who is in the process of inventing a mythic character based on his lover - and befriends and helps the gogo-boy in his quest for happiness. The narrator relates the story taking place between the two men and questions the relationship between fantasy and the reality of love.

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