29 elokuvaa

19 lokakuu 2001

Salaperäinen tumma nainen Rita menettää muistinsa auto-onnettomuudessa ja harhailtuaan pökerryksissä Los Angelesin kaduilla hakee vihdoin turvapaikkaa eräästä asunnosta. Siellä hän kohtaa näyttelijän urasta haaveilevan Bettyn, joka auttaa Ritaa selvittelemään menneisyyttään. Tapahtumiin liittyy myös temperamenttinen elokuvaohjaaja, salaperäinen korulipas sekä unenomainen yökerho...

Jimmy. Dave. Sean. He ovat ystävyksiä, jotka varttuivat Bostonin työläisperheissä, mutta jotka ajautuvat erilleen karmean tragedian jälkeen. Vuosia myöhemmin raa'at tapahtumat yhdistävät heidät jälleen. Jimmyn 19-vuotias tytär murhataan kylmäverisesti. Davea epäillään teosta. Ja Sean, josta on tullut poliisi, kamppailee selvittääkseen rikoksen ennen kuin äkkipikainen Jimmy ottaa lain omiin käsiinsä.

23 syyskuu 2016

Voimakastahtoinen Tilly palaa hoitamaan sairasta äitiään pieneen, takapajuiseen kotikyläänsä. Palatessaan paikkakunnalle ensi kertaa sitten lapsuuden, hän on nyt maailmanluokan ompelija ja haute couture -ammattilainen. Samalla kun hänen asunsa saavat kantajansa kukoistamaan, tummuvat välit niiden ihmisten kanssa, jotka aikanaan saivat hänet lähtemään.

25 marraskuu 1947

Jeff Bailey seems to be a mundane gas station owner in remote Bridgeport, California. He is dating local girl Ann Miller and lives a quiet life. But Jeff has a secret past, and when a mysterious stranger arrives in town, Jeff is forced to return to the dark world he had tried to escape.

28 joulukuu 2007

A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage, intent on reopening it. Before long, her son starts to communicate with a new invisible friend.

7 heinäkuu 2000

Powerful businessman Russ Duritz is self-absorbed and immersed in his work. But by the magic of the moon, he meets Rusty, a chubby, charming 8-year-old version of himself who can't believe he could turn out so badly – with no life and no dog. With Rusty's help, Russ is able to reconcile the person he used to dream of being with the man he's actually become.

Omassa mielikuvitusmaailmassaan elävä koditon historianopettaja pelastaa rääväsuisen newyorkilaisen radiojuontajan tuholta.

25 joulukuu 1991

A troubled man talks to his suicidal sister's psychiatrist about their family history and falls in love with her in the process.

26 kesäkuu 2015

A landscape gardener is hired by famous architect Le Nôtre to construct the grand gardens at the palace of Versailles. As the two work on the palace, they find themselves drawn to each other and are thrown into rivalries within the court of King Louis XIV.

23 joulukuu 2005

Georg ja Anne elävät rauhallista keskiluokkaista perhe-elämää. Georg on televisiossa pyörivän suositun kirjallisuusohjelman juontaja, pariskunnalla on teini-ikäinen poika ja tiivis ystäväverkosto. Avioliitto ja arki ovat turvallista ja onnentäytteistä, kunnes…Ylistetyn itävaltalaisen ohjaajan Michael Haneken psykologinen trilleri, Kätketty, palkittiin 2005 European Film Awards palkinnoilla: Euroopan paras elokuva, ohjaaja, käsikirjoitus, miespääosa sekä leikkaaja. Elokuva voitti myös 2005 Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla Parhaan ohjaajan palkinnon.

15 huhtikuu 2005

A neo-nazi sentenced to community service at a church clashes with the blindly devotional priest.

Irena, a Ukrainian woman, comes to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.

10 lokakuu 1947

Amber St Clair, orphaned during the English Civil War and raised by a family of farmers, aspires to be a lady of high society; when a group of cavaliers ride into town, she sneaks away with them to London to achieve her dreams.

A musical romantic tragedy about a famous composer who moves back to his small hometown after having had heart troubles. His search for a simple everyday life leads him into teaching the local church choir which is not easily accepted by the town yet the choir builds a great love for their teacher.

9 kesäkuu 1971

After the death of his wife, wealthy retiree Justin Playfair creates a fantasy world for himself in which he is the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, even dressing like the character. Out of concern for Justin's money more than his health, his brother Blevins puts him under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Mildred Watson. As Dr. Watson grows fond of Justin, she begins to play along with his theories, eventually becoming an assistant in his investigations.


27 syyskuu 2018

John is a brilliant linguistic scientist with a loving wife and daughter but with a massive gap in his life. Eight years ago, he turned up out of nowhere, with no memories except a recurring dream. He is sent tumbling down the proverbial rabbit hole after meeting a man that shares a similar condition and learning that there are more like him, all amnesiacs with extraordinary abilities. He convinces his brother-in-law, private investigator Carl, to help him uncover his true identity before his past can rise up to destroy him and his family.

Three generations of a wealthy Bordeaux family are caught in the crossfire when Anne decides to run for mayor, thanks to a political pamphlet that revives an old murder scandal.

A woman and her daughter struggle to make their way through the aftermath of the Balkan war.

10 kesäkuu 2005

Paul (Macfadyen), a prize-winning war journalist, returns to his remote New Zealand hometown due to the death of his father, battle-scarred and world-weary. For the discontented sixteen-year-old Celia (Barclay) he opens up a world she has only dreamed of. She actively pursues a friendship with him, fascinated by his cynicism and experience of the world beyond her small-town existence. But many, including the members of both their families (Otto, Moy), frown upon the friendship and when Celia goes missing, Paul becomes the increasingly loathed and persecuted prime suspect in her disappearance. As the violent and urgent truth gradually emerges, Paul is forced to confront the family tragedy and betrayal that he ran from as a youth, and to face the grievous consequences of silence and secrecy that has surrounded his entire adult life.

An inspector who just suffered a family tragedy is looking for a missing older man. Man's family is of no help, or are they hiding something? He is helped by a ghost of an actress who died 30 years ago, or is he slowly going insane?

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