10 편

12월 14, 1996

시골 가난한 농부의, 그것도 사생아라는 사회적으로 멸시받는 출생의 에바 마리아 두아르떼. 그녀는 나이트클럽의 댄서로 시작해서 라디오 성우를 거치며 자신을 천대해온 세상을 비웃어줄 수 있는 출세를 위한 야망을 키워 나간다. 영화배우라는 꿈으로의 첫걸음을 내딛을 즈음인 1944년,지진으로 인한 난민구제모금 기관에서 에바는 노동부 장관인 후안 페론(조나난 프라이스)을 만나게 된다.이 우연한 만남은 사랑으로 이어지고 에바의 운명을 단숨에 뒤바꾸어 버린다. 후안 페론과 에바의 결혼이 임박해 올 무렵,후안 페론의 정치적 역량이 확장되는것에 위협을 느낀 권력 기관과 군인들은 후안 페론을 체포하게 되고,페론의 석방운동은 1945년 9월 17일 민중혁명으로 이어져,후안 페론이 대통령에 추대되기에 이른다.이로서 에바는 천한 농부의 사생아에서 고귀한 아르헨티나의 퍼스트 레이디로 등극한다. 스스로의 의지나 노력과는 상관없이 소외당하고 멸시받았던 약자였음을 잊을 수 없었던 에바는 권좌에 있으면서 가난한 자들의 편에서서 기금을 모으고, 노동자들을 위해 헌신적으로 일하며 불평 등을 척결하기 위한 노력을 기울인다.이에 감화된 수많은 국민들은 에바를 부통령 후보로 추대한다.그러나 부통령 후보를 사임한 직후 에바 페론은 청천벽력과도 같은 암말기 진단을 선고 받는다. 1952년 33세의 젊은 나이로 세상을 떠난 퍼스트 레이디 에바 페론의 장례식은 아르헨티나 국민들의 비탄어린 통곡속에 장엄하게 치러지고, 결코 죽음으로도 잊혀지지 않는 에비타의 신화는 많은 사람들의 가슴 속에 영원히 자리잡는다.

6월 3, 2005

Joaquín Góñez, a novelist in his sixties recalls his emotions, his wild years in Buenos Aires, the memories of old friends, the meaning of loyalty and the intimate relationship with his mother, Roma.

6월 10, 2004

A film about the life of Juan Ramón Duarte, Evita's only brother. His ascent, his excesses, and his demise, in the times of Juan Domingo Perón.

Based on a true story, the film narrates the life of a fictitious Peronist union leader who, after years of militancy, gains power in the union during the 1960s and gradually becomes a corrupt bureaucrat.

In a popular auction that matches the sinister and colorful of a circus of phenomena, a couple adopts children in exchange for their belongings. The children there acquired, usually mutilated, are in their new home in order to prepare for access to the Peronist education program taught in only 10 state institutes.

The Pulqui jet was also designed and built in Argentina by 1947. It was the first aircraft of this type to be manufactured in Latin America. The project is the initiative of Juan Domingo Peron, who also wanted an aircraft capable of competing with the Soviets and the Americans. It is thus that the Pulqui has its baptism recognized flight before the MIG -15 and F -86 Sabre, suspiciously similar design to Pulqui. The project was cut short Pulqui the 1955 coup. But in the documentary, the plane Peronist have a second chance from the hand of the artist Daniel Santoro and Michael Biancusso engineer and metallurgist, who reconstructed thus scale to relive an epic Peronist.

Musical documentary based on the stories of four women who studied to become nurses in the school of the Fundación Eva Perón in 1948, which was one of the institutions that helped pave the way for change for women in Argentina. The testimonies from the protagonists are reenacted in the form of a musical, in a film that combines archival footage and choreography.

A powerful Argentine political film stands on the figure of an outsider intellectual, Sebreli, but manages to transcend it, he becomes a touchstone to go through Argentina and its dilemmas, through this country that is proud of almost everything it should be ashamed of. From national icons like Gardel, Evita, Che, and Maradona the film dialogs with recent Argentine history and it does so with extraordinary energy, supported by a rarely seen use of all kinds of archive material in an almost Dionysian state of sampleadelia. The film arrives to a surprising reflection on nationalism, demagogic governments and delusions of unanimity; problems that are common to emerging societies that cannot find their ways to a freer and more egalitarian society.

In 1946, President Peron started a secret nuclear project with the help of Nazis refugees which consisted in the use of a new method "Nuclear Fusion". Five years later, he would announce to the world his succeed. Even today, no country around the world has achieved it.

4월 30, 1989

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