36 elokuvaa

Ryhmä ihastuttavia ihmisiä kohtaa eriskummallisia ja vähemmän inhimillisiä olioita – vierailijoita kaukaiselta galaksilta. He ovat saapuneet Maahan pelastamaan meren pohjassa tuhansia vuosia maanneen salaisuuden. He jakavat yhdessä ihmeellisen seikkailun, täynnä rakkautta ja ystävyyttä, jollaista he eivät olisi koskaan voineet kuvitellakaan.

Sonny suunnittelee täyttä päätä toista hotellia ja omia häitään. Hankaluudet heittävät kuitenkin jatkuvasti kiviä rattaisiin, ja Sonny tarvitsee vieraidensa tukea ja auttavaa kättä.

Elettyään pitkän ja tapahtumatäyteisen elämän Allan Karlson joutuu vanhainkotiin uskoen sen olevan hänen pääteasemansa. Ongelmana on vain se, että hänen terveytensä on yhä erinomainen ja päivät käyvät sen vuoksi aivan liian tylsiksi. Kun Allanin satavuotisjuhlat, joista hän itse ei ole vähääkään kiinnostunut, lähestyvät, Allan ottaa riskin ja pakenee ikävystyttävää arkeaan. Tapahtumasarja imaisee Allanin hullulle ja odottamattomalle matkalle, jossa on mukana rikolliskopla, murhaaja, laukku täynnä rahaa, norsu ja epäpätevä poliisi. Kelle tahansa tämä olisi ollut elämän seikkailu, mutta Allanin kokemuksilla se on suunnilleen normaalia. Hän ei ole vain seurannut maailmanhistorian tärkeimpiä tapahtumia, vaan hänellä on ollut tärkeä osa niissä. Saamme seurata Allanin aiempia seikkailuja ja niiden uskomatonta vaikutusta historiaan, kuten esimerkiksi sitä, miten hän auttoi atomipommin keksimisessä sekä ystävystyi kaikkien kanssa, amerikkalaisista presidenteistä venäläisiin tyranneihin...

9 kesäkuu 2002

Bubba Ho-Tep on elokuva, joka sekoittaa komediaa ja kauhua. Pääosissa nähdään itse Elvis, joka ei olekaan kuollut vaan elelee hiljaiseloa teksasilaisessa vanhainkodissa yhdessä John F. Kennedyn kanssa. Kun mystiset kuolemantapaukset alkavat vainota kyseistä vanhuslaitosta, Elvis ja Kennedy ryhtyvät toimeen ja saavat selville, että 3000 vuotta vanha egyptiläinen muumio on kaiken takana.

10 marraskuu 1978

Ugo is an old actor who feels too young to be in an "old actor's house". He just can't stand the rules of the other old people so he escapes with a young girl.

A story of friendship between a young convict who is forced to work in a retirement home and a group of crazy old people. Together they organize their escape.

9 toukokuu 1937

At a family reunion, the Cooper clan find that their parents' home is being foreclosed. "Temporarily," Ma moves in with son George's family, Pa with daughter Cora. But the parents are like sand in the gears of their middle-aged children's well regulated households. Can the old folks take matters into their own hands?

The Beresfords investigate mysterious deaths at an old people's home.

26 lokakuu 1998

Gideon Dobbs is young, simple-minded man who has never stopped dreaming. He checks into a retirement home where he finds the residents have lost their lust for life. Through his innocence he changes their lives and teaches them that each day is a precious gift. They get back their self-esteem and their lust for life.

A troubled man starts working at a retirement home and realizes its residents and caretakers harbor sinister secrets. As he investigates the building and its forbidden fourth floor, he starts to uncover connections to his own past and upbringing as a foster child.

A boy who is helping lonely, elderly people revives their urge to live and receives in return their love and understanding, which have been denied to him by his parents.

12 maaliskuu 2007

A life-time criminal is on the run after completing a diamond theft gone wrong. She seeks her mother's help in staying on the run and resist the urge to reconnect with her daughter.

10 heinäkuu 2020

Neljä Vietnamin sodan vankileiriltä selvinnyttä veteraania päättää suorittaa viimeisen pakonsa - vanhainkodista. Pakosuunnitelman työstäminen seniilissä porukassa tuo kuitenkin omat haasteensa. Jokaisella on kuitenkin oma unelmansa, jonka vuoksi he ovat valmiita viimeiseen urotekoonsa - aina kun muistavat.

7 syyskuu 2014

An awkward teenage outcast finds unlikely companions in two aged residents of the retirement home in which she works.

22 toukokuu 2001

Tells the true story of the residents at Dalkeith Residential Home who sit around every day just waiting to die until staff buy them a greyhound. Naming the dog Dalkeith after the home, they discover she is a phenomenal runner and she is soon entered into the greyhound races. Soon residents are betting on the outcome of the races, and they are given a new reason to live. But the board of trustees learn what is going on, through the disgruntled daughter of one of the residents, and heavily handedly put an end to the fun and games. After the board's intervention the residents sink into a new form of despair as life becomes even duller and more boring than before. That is until the aloof pensioner, played by Ray Barrett, reveals he was once a high profile barrister and challenges the decision in court.

27 toukokuu 2016

A WW2 veteran destined for life in a retirement home escapes his difficult family situation and embarks on a cross country adventure to find the last remaining members of his B-17 bomber crew with the help of a beautiful accomplice.

1 huhtikuu 2011

Lake, a young theater actor with no respect for the elderly, is forced to make himself look old, in order to land a part in a Broadway-bound play. His ego drives his girlfriend away, and when research for the play requires him to spend a week in a nursing home, he is forced to review his life choices. Lake eventually learns to abandon his preconceptions and rid himself of the anger that has been holding him back, in pursuit of his dreams.

13 elokuu 2015

In retirementhome Avondrood there's a weekly bingo night. Feisty old lady Gerda starts a crazy quest to find the lost bingo ball.

A group of elders spends their weekdays in a retirement home in Sandim, on the north of Portugal, where they talk, do arts and crafts, practice yoga and pray. We follow them between October 2012 and March 2013, when an economic crisis overshadowed Portuguese society and unemployment rates reached record levels. Meanwhile, arrangements are made for the Carnival ball. Will they bring the first place home this time?

Daniel moves into a Seniors' residence because he is lonely. There he meets Violet and they fall in love. However, Violet's daughter-in-law does not approve of her starting a new relationship and does everything in her power to keep them apart. How much autonomy are seniors given to make their own decisions? At what point do they cease to be capable of making personal choices?

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