3 Filme

With global superpowers engaged in an increasingly hostile arms race, Superman leads a crusade to rid the world of nuclear weapons. But Lex Luthor, recently sprung from jail, is declaring war on the Man of Steel and his quest to save the planet. Using a strand of Superman's hair, Luthor synthesizes a powerful ally known as Nuclear Man and ignites an epic battle spanning Earth and space.

1. Oktober 1982

Australian pediatrician Helen Caldicott delivers a lecture on the potential medical and societal consequences of a nuclear war, and advocates for nuclear disarmament. The film includes newsreel records of the beginnings of the arms race and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as film records showing the Japanese who were severely scarred and burned in the bombings.

Five activists decide to break into Swedish arms factories to disarm weapons. Sweden is one of the biggest exporters of arms in the world today. The year 2011, weapons were shipped out for a total sum of 13.9 billion SEK. Among these importers you will find countries that are already in war or violate human rights. The activists quit their jobs, leave their homes and get ready to fight for their belief. If they succeed they are not only risking being sent to prison but also getting huge damages.

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