13 部电影

2011 年 11 月 23 日

------小男孩雨果(阿沙•巴特菲尔德 Asa Butterfield 饰)天生机械控。他寄宿巴黎火车站钟楼,偶尔会去玩具店偷些零件,用来修补父亲(裘德•洛 Jude Law 饰)留下的机器人。一次行窃,他被店主乔治•梅里埃(本•金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)当场抓获,因忌惮带猎狗的巡警(萨莎•拜伦•科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen 饰)只得就范。乔治拿走了雨果父亲的遗物——一本机械手册,令他心急如焚,他尾随至乔治家中,结识了养女伊莎贝拉(科洛•莫瑞兹 Chloe Moretz 饰),他恳求她帮自己保住手册。而伊莎贝拉则觉得此事蹊跷,于是两人结伴探秘。修好的机器人作画的落款却显示乔治的名字,让他们疑心顿起。终于他们发现了乔治家中装满画作的神秘柜子,并在图书馆的电影书籍中发现了乔治的身世。一位知情人的显身,让他们的奇幻冒险更添神秘……本片根据布莱恩•瑟兹尼克的同名小说改编,是马丁•斯科塞斯的首部3D力作。

2010 年 11 月 12 日

弗兰克(丹泽尔·华盛顿 饰)是一位即将被火车公司开走的资深技术职员,他非常不满老板聘请年轻人威尔(克里斯·派恩 饰)取代其职务,奈何还是要面对现实。年轻力壮的威尔第一天进入铁路公司工作就遇上了可怕的挑战,在另外的铁轨上正有一台疾速行驶并且无人驾御的列车正朝他而来。可怕的是,这列巨型高速火车还载满了有毒的化学物质,行进的过程中将会带来毁灭性的灾害。来自不同单位的警消人员意图阻挡,但都纷纷失败。法兰克虽然和威尔二人彼此想法不同,但遇上了这个从天而降的可怕事件,二人必须在最短的时间内想出办法来阻挡这场灾难的发生,时间越来越紧急,高速火车就要冲入人口众多的大城市,他们能够扭转这个可怕的危机吗?

2023 年 05 月 09 日

11-year-old gaming enthusiast Hedvig finds her life turned upside down when she is forced to replace her father as the town’s superhero much earlier than expected. But Hedvig is no superhero, and the challenges are far greater than her coaching father anticipated.

2002 年 05 月 19 日

十月里一个普通的湿气蒙蒙的日子,广告总监查尔斯(克里夫•欧文 Clive Owen 饰)错过了他的列车,但是在下一列车上,他却因一张车票,结识了金融投资顾问露辛达(詹妮弗•安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰),两人给彼此留下了良好的印象。其时查尔斯的女儿身患糖尿病,他不得不抽出更多的精力照顾女儿,而同时事业上却遭遇了挫折,妻子忙于工作,无暇给予他更多情感上的宽慰。之后的日子里,查尔斯与露辛达时常见面,两个各自有家庭的人越发接近,终于在一次约会后来到了宾馆,但这次独处很快被打破,一个名叫拉洛克(文森特•卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)的陌生人破门而入,用枪威胁他们,实施了抢劫并强暴了露辛达。担心私情暴露的两人无法依靠法律,而拉洛克的勒索却越发频繁,查尔斯决定用自己的力量,去解决这场危机。

1932 年 07 月 18 日


A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man William Shatner puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.

1973 年 09 月 29 日

A group of skiers are trapped inside a runaway train hurtling down a mountainside.

1929 年 06 月 15 日

The gang is playing around the railroad station, and Joe and Chubby's father, an engineer, lectures against the kids playing in such a dangerous area. True to his word, after Joe and Chubby's father leaves, a crazy man starts a train with most of the kids on it, save for Farina who is nearly run over several times.

Once Farina manages to climb aboard himself, the kids attempt to stop the runaway locomotive, but have no luck until the engine crashes into a grocery truck. As it turns out, however, the entire incident is revealed to be a dream Farina had as Joe and Chubby's father lectured the kids about rail-yard safety.

1937 年 10 月 05 日

Comedy in which a bungling railway worker is given the job of stationmaster at a rundown station in rural Ireland, where his sidekicks are a toothless old gaffer and a portly young loudmouth. Hilarious adventures ensue, including a locomotive chase after gunrunners make off with a train.

1934 年 06 月 29 日

Ruth Raymond works on the telephone switchboard of a large NYC office building. One day, a private detective informs her that she is actually the daughter of railroad tycoon Luke Carson, and that she had been kidnapped as a baby 14 years ago by Luke's vindictive brother Elwood, and placed with strangers.

1932 年 07 月 06 日

On the night express train from Los Angeles to San Francisco everyone’s a suspect when a jewelry magnate is found stabbed to death and an escaped killer is feared on board. It’s up to newspaper reporter Jimmy Hawley (Ben Lyon) to unravel the secrets of the motley group of passengers and find the killer before he strikes again in this tense and atmospheric whodunit.


2019 年 10 月 19 日

In Lisbon, a German married couple get aboard the legendary tramway no 28.

1927 年 06 月 21 日

Virginia Craig will become super-wealthy and gain sole control of her factory, unless insubordinate schemers can trick her into marrying one of their clique. Unfortunately for them, she loves Monty, one of her employees. When the schemers' plot is discovered, a chase starts away from the factory and onto a runaway train.



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