32 部电影

2015 年 06 月 19 日


2008 年 12 月 17 日


2003 年 09 月 29 日

Barbie as Odette, the young daughter of a baker, follows a unicorn into the Enchanted Forest and is transformed into a swan by an evil wizard intent on defeating the Fairy Queen.

1982 年 11 月 19 日


電影敘述小馬們的國度「小馬國」已經失去了魔法,陸馬、獨角獸、飛馬彼此分開生活,妄想與不信任已取代了友誼與和諧。這時,一隻充滿活力和理想主義的年輕陸馬晴晴星可(凡妮莎哈金斯 飾)仍然相信這分裂的世界還有希望,但是她過於異想天開的做法與行動導致她被貼上了不合群的標記,當她與一隻無辜地徘徊在陸馬小鎮「母馬灣」的迷失獨角獸伊茲月虹(貴美子葛倫 飾)成為朋友時,小鎮的居民再也無法忍受下去,晴晴和伊茲必須踏上史詩般的冒險,希望能改變小馬國的現況...

2019 年 04 月 05 日


2023 年 02 月 03 日


2013 年 06 月 16 日

Via a magic mirror, Twilight Sparkle travels into an alternate universe in order to recover a crown that was stolen from the Crystal Empire. Upon her arrival she is horrified to learn that she has turned into a human.


1975 年 09 月 30 日

少女莉莉驅車行駛在天色昏沉的野外,遠處的爆鳴聲讓她充滿了恐懼,她目擊著人們自相殘殺,一隊兵不知何故槍殺了一些沒有武裝的女人,這樣的暴力使得她充滿了恐懼,一路上瀰漫著死亡的氣息。莉莉好不容易逃到了一個老太婆的家,這個臥床的老太不斷用步話機嘟嘟囔囔著什麼,莉莉發現老太竟然能和動物交談而她也聽懂了了動物語言。這個陰森的家似乎被某種神秘的力量控制著,一個長相奇特的獨角獸出沒在院落四周,它的出現總是有著異狀的發生。 在老太屋裡還有著一對關係曖昧的兄妹,妹妹時常以自己的乳汁讓老太恢復生氣,莉莉試圖想發現他們的秘密,牆上的一副獵手屠鷹的畫引起了莉莉的注意……陰森恐怖的大屋讓她再也無法分清時空的概念。遠處的硝煙和槍炮聲並沒有妨礙院子裡一般赤身裸 體孩童的玩耍。不久,大屋裡一副畫引起了莉莉的注意,那幅畫裡的場景有一天在她的面前活生生的展現了,神秘的大鷹在屋裡盤旋,兄妹齊心協力打敗了騷擾他們生活的大鷹,老太婆也神秘失蹤了,悲劇重新上演,莉莉替代老太上了大床,把自己的乳房獻給了獨角獸,她的明天又會怎樣?!

A barbarian woman with a miraculous blue crystal staff gains the help of a group of adventurers as an army of dragons invades the land of Krynn.

2001 年 03 月 02 日

One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.


2006 年 10 月 11 日

Since her parents passed away, Princess Mona lives by herself in a castle with two hideous, ghastly characters, Goomi and His Lordship. One day her sobs draw the attention of a unicorn, called U, who wants to comfort and protect Mona for as long as she needs. U becomes Mona's companion, her confidant and her inseparable friend. While Mona grows into a beautiful princess, a group of charming, peaceful and fanciful Yeah-Yeah’s settles in the neighboring forest. They have no particular special powers, yet they soon bring about major changes in everyone's lives, especially in Kulka, the dreamy musician.

1998 年 01 月 01 日

As an 11-year-old boy struggles to cope with a disability, he finds a pony who gives birth to a unicorn which he takes care of.

Father-Daughter duo, Ridley and Elliot, hit a unicorn with their car and bring it to the wilderness retreat of a mega-wealthy pharmaceutical CEO.

2016 年 06 月 26 日

Join Barbie, Chelsea, and her puppy Honey as they swim through rainbow rivers with beautiful mermaids and fly through cotton candy clouds with fairies.

1956 年 04 月 17 日

Joe is a young boy who lives with his mother, Joanna, in working-class London. The two reside above the tailor shop of Mr. Kandinsky, who likes to tell Joe stories. When Kandinsky informs Joe that a unicorn can grant wishes, the hopeful lad ends up buying a baby goat with one tiny horn, believing it to be a real unicorn. Undaunted by his rough surroundings, Joe sets about to prove that wishes can come true.

2006 年 09 月 12 日

Rainbow Dash loves the time of year when Ponyville and Breezie Blossom are all about celebrating rainbows. Meanwhile in a new magical place called Unicornia, Rarity is being taught how to be a Unicorn Princess and the importance of making the first rainbow of the season. But she is quite a little rascal and embarks on an incredible ride, a huge adventure (with lots of mishaps) as she tries to get back to Unicornia. Rarity soon realizes that getting home in time to create the first rainbow of season is not an easy thing to do --- but it is fun!

1973 年 12 月 16 日

An aging Southern belle's preoccupation with her past and her dreams for her children's futures threaten to smother her painfully shy daughter and her aspiring writer son.

2017 年 11 月 24 日

When wannabe-singer Oscar is fired from her band and her boyfriend walks out, she heads to a remote cabin in the woods outside a ghost town called Tarnation to reflect on her life choices. But the woods are home to a demon unicorn, whose satanic master seeks Oscar's blood to complete a ritual that will raise Satan himself from Hell. Oscar must battle with a ungodly force of evil, capable of possessing any soul, to not only save her own life but to stop TARNATION descending upon the world.



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