19 Filme

12. August 2016

Ex-Sträfling John Link versucht, seine zerstörerische kriminelle Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen und Ärger aus dem Weg zu gehen. Seine Familie hat ihm schon vor langer Zeit den Rücken gekehrt, bis eines Tages seine eigenwilligen 16-jährige Tochter Lydia hilfesuchend vor seinem kümmerlichen Wohnwagen steht. Durch ihre Beziehung zu Drogendealer Jonah ist sie mit falschen Leuten aneinandergeraten und ist nun auf der Flucht vor einem mexikanischen Drogenkartell, das sie tot sehen will. John kann dies natürlich nicht zulassen und setzt alles daran, seine entfremdete Tochter zu beschützen, koste es was es wolle…

24. Juni 2008

Der amerikanische Tattoo-Künstler Jake Sawyer will bei einer Ausstellung in Singapur die traditionelle samoanische Tätowier-Kunst erlernen. Dort trifft er auf Sina, in die er sich beim ersten Anblick verliebt. Doch beim Experimentieren mit einem alten Tätowier-Werkzeug entfesselt Jake unwissend einen mächtigen und bösartigen Geist, der jeden befällt, den er berührt. Seine Kunst erhält eine neue, tödliche Dimension, die zur tödlichen Gefahr für sein Umfeld wird. Um Sina zu retten, begibt sich Jake auf eine Reise in die Welt der pazifischen Mythen...

Fernöstliche Grausamkeiten wie sie noch vor hundert Jahren im weltabgeschlossenen Japan üblich waren , schildert dieser schockierende Film. Die Opfer waren vor allem die Frauen und Töchter der Armen. Die Qualen und Emiedrigungen, denen sie besonders in den Freudenhäusern der Reichen ausgesetzt waren, zeigt dieser hart-realistische Film von Teruo Ishiil Ein Inferno grausamer Leidenschaften und perverser Lüste!

23. Oktober 2015

Mittzwanziger Gus (Benedict Samuel) hat ein handfestes Drogenproblem und eigentlich nichts mehr zu verlieren. Nachdem der Rock ‚n‘ Roller einen weißen Rolls Royce geklaut hat, liest er auf der Straße die junge Tattoo-Künstlerin Ruby (Krysten Ritter) auf. Zusammen lassen die beiden den verhassten Großstadtdschungel New Yorks hinter sich. Ihr gemeinsamer Road Trip führt sie u.a. durch die Wildnis, zu einer Hippie-Kommune und ans Bett von Gus schwerkranker Mutter. Obwohl Ruby Gus davor warnt, sich in sie zu verlieben, müssen die beiden schon bald ihre Gefühle füreinander einordnen.

19. Februar 2021

A relationship is put to the test after the girlfriend is sexually assaulted and the boyfriend drives her from hospital to hospital in search of a rape kit.

16. Januar 2004

Fast, frenetic, and furious best describe the story of five teenage boys all but abandoned by the system, estranged from any parents, and discarded by life in general. They build a world of there own in which gangs, drugs, fighting, body piercing, self-harm, and even suicide are considered commonplace. The film highlights their harrowing place in time and this small world; where brotherhood is valued above all else. Impressively acted by actual street kids, the movie highlights a gritty side of modern-day Singaporean life.

Die Osteuropäerin Katia hat den Pfad der Tugend vor einiger Zeit bereits verlassen: Statt sich ihrer Karriere als Au-Pair in London zu widmen, investiert sie erbetteltes Geld lieber in Saufgelage und Partys. In einem Pub trifft sie den Tattoo-Künstler Bob. Nach einer Nacht voller Alkohol nimmt Katia Bobs Angebot an, sie nach Hause zu fahren. Als sie nach einem Filmriss Stunden später aufwacht, liegt sie gefesselt in einem Käfig in seinem Kellerverließ. Von da an beginnt ein schreckliches Martyrium für Katia, denn ihr Körper soll die Leinwand sein, auf der Bobs beeindruckendstes Werk entstehen soll.

12. Dezember 2016

A shy tattoo artist must infiltrate a notorious gang of surf witches to discover what happened to her missing brother.

Shrouded by the mists of time, she has been forgotten ... But there is always someone to remember. Gregório is a tattoo artist obsessed with Astaroth, a demonic entity lurking in the shadows with promises of desire and pleasure. With the art of tattooing and his arcane knowledge, he intends to rescue her from the mists of oblivion and bring her into the world of the flesh. Two young women are involved in her plans: the determined tattoo artist Dri and the sweet guitarist Lia. A friend of theirs, Mai is the young woman who will use her martial arts training to try to defend them and combat the designs of Hell.

4. Oktober 1984

Tattooing — "the world's oldest skin game" — is the subject of this iconic documentary. Writer/director Geoff Steven scored a major coup by signing Easy Rider legend Peter Fonda as his presenter. Travelling to Aotearoa, Samoa, Japan and the United States, the doco traces key developments in tattooing, including its importance in the Pacific, prison-inspired styles, and the influence of 1960s counterculture. Legendary tattooists feature (including Americans Ed Hardy and Jack Rudy), while the closing credits parade some eye-opening full body tattoos.

11. November 1981

A visit with a master of the Oldest Art In The World: tattooing. Disabled by arthritis since the age of four, confined to a wheelchair, his growth stunted, Stoney St. Clair joined the circus at 15 as a sword swallower. A year later he took up tattooing, and traveled with circuses and carnivals for fifty years practicing his craft. As we watch him at work, we see the determination which led Stoney to use his crippled hands in an art where mistakes are permanent, and we realize Stoney has overcome his handicap to heal himself and others with the magic of symbols. The film ends with a visit by New Age tattoo master Don Ed Hardy, who receives a permanent souvenir by Old School tattoo master Stoney.

4. Juni 2017

Ethan Dent is a bereaved English teenager. Dent's brother was murdered under suspicious circumstances and Dent has never fully come to terms with his loss. However, everything in Dent's life changes when he meets a man who has a striking resemblance to his brother. Slowly the man begins to convince Dent to get a tattoo to remember his brother and things begin to unravel from there.

1. Oktober 1980

A bold reveal of a rose tattoo opens this 1980 documentary on tattooing in New Zealand. The potted history includes visits to tattoo parlours on K' Road and Hastings, and the studios of industry legends Steve Johnson and Roger Ingerton. Tattooists discuss public stigma, people's reasons for getting inked, and popular designs: sailors, serpents, swallows and tā moko. Made for documentary slot Contact, Skin Pics chronicles a time when "folk art has become high art".

Ang Babae sa Likod ng Mambabatok unravels the multiple layers of the almost mythological figure-living legend, Fang Od, a 92 year old woman who has been called the ‘Last [Traditional] Tattoo Artist of Kalinga.’ The first layer of the story is the one she is most famous for-being a tattoo artist. At her eyes, she continues to exhibit sharpness and precision in the very demanding art and skill of tattooing. The second layer shows her many stories as woman who has reached the age of looking back. She regales us with stories of her many suitors, of her youth, the dancing and the feasts. She also looks back with not just a tinge of regret that she never married nor had children of her own. Her body covered in tattoos is a landscape on its own mirroring the map of a woman who has chosen wittingly or unwittingly a road diverging from convention and in the process became a culture-bearer.

17. Januar 2022

"Wäre ich nicht wieder aufgewacht, wäre ich einfach weg gewesen, ich wüsste nicht mal weshalb... Ich hätte einfach tot sein können... Mein Kopf ist eingebrochen, wie 'ne Nuss im Nussknacker. Ein Tritt mehr und ich wäre weg gewesen. Ich war blind auf einem Auge. Mir war eigentlich offensichtlich, dass ich nicht mehr malen kann..."

“The Inked Family” follows a couple of married Latvian-born tattoo artists – Anrijs and Monami Frost of online fame. They’re now living in Liverpool with their daughter, and their previous lives in Latvia seem almost surreal to them. The film traces Monami’s past, and the couple’s current lives and the success they’ve found as tattoo artists.

A terrible accident leaves a young soldier horribly scarred, but his rediscovery of art heals his wounded soul, in this brief but powerful animated documentary.

Horitoshi Sensei is one of the last accomplished masters of irezumi, the art of traditional Japanese tattoo. Pascal is a young French journalist specialized in tattoo who discovered Horitoshi’s designs in a magazine and felt in love with them. Although he does not have much money, Pascal decided to go to Tokyo to have all his back tattooed by Horitoshi. When the film starts, he is at his fourth trip, but his tattoo is far from being finished. Pascal is our guide in this travel to discover irezumi.

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