51 部电影

2016 年 03 月 04 日

動物方城市是一座動物烏托邦的具體化,大城市裡頭如同動物園般,有專屬打造適合各種動物生活的環境,有沙漠區和熱帶雨林區、極地區、老鼠城等。這裡沒有人類存在,只有各式各樣的哺乳類動物居住著,而獵物與獵食者處於一個巧妙的平衡,就如同一般的大都會。 富有正義感的菜鳥兔子警官哈茱蒂,在追捕狡詐狐狸的過程中,發現事情背後似乎醞釀著一個更大且足以動搖平衡的陰謀,迫使兩人必須合作,聯手解決動物方城市中最大的危機。

1999 年 08 月 13 日


2023 年 04 月 15 日

Simón, a Venezuelan freedom fighter exiled in Miami, copes not only with trauma, but also deep guilt over a choice he must make: stay in Miami and start a new life, or return home to the losing fight against a tyrannical regime.

2016 年 10 月 14 日

James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge mistake and has inadvertently become involved in a dangerous human trafficking ring. The unlikely hero risks it all to shut down the trafficking ring and save the woman he is falling in love with.

2014 年 12 月 24 日

珊德拉在罹患憂鬱症後,公司的老闆打算將她解雇,並用1000歐元的獎金說服其他同事投下贊成珊德拉離職一票。但珊德拉並不甘心,她必須利用週末的時間,一一去說服她的同事們幫助她,其中不乏與她非常要好的朋友。 面對各個家庭不同的環境經濟因素,大家都有自己的問題要面對,兩天一夜的時間讓珊德拉歷盡煎熬、也漸漸對自己的遭遇釋懷。

劇場版的事件發生在動畫第一期結束後4年,2112年時擔任新人監視官的「常守朱」與執行官「狡嚙慎也」,和某位名為「槙島聖護」的男子相遇,而槙島身為某起事件幕後黑手,他動搖了維持世界和平的系統,並質疑其正當性。最後遭到狡嚙制裁後失去行蹤。 時間來到2116年,日本政府開始向海外戰亂國出口名為「Sibyl」的先知系統及無人駕駛機器人,企圖以此來普及人民心理數據化的管理方法,而正處於內戰狀況的東南亞地區「SEAUn」也引進此套系統,並讓水上都市「シャンバラフロート」獲得短暫和平。但這時SEAUn卻派出恐怖份子前往日本,企圖對系統中樞發動攻擊,其中也包含了某位男子的身影……

1923 年 09 月 15 日

A law student becomes an outlaw French revolutionary when he decides to avenge the unjust killing of his friend. To get close to the aristocrat who has killed his friend, the student adopts the identity of Scaramouche the clown.

2016 年 08 月 12 日

在民國初年,一個叫普城的偏遠城鎮裡,時值國家內戰不斷,軍閥割據,普城的治安由保衛團團長楊克難(劉青雲 飾)暫管,等待新軍閥曹瑛接管。教師白玲親眼目睹軍閥曹氏的少帥曹少璘(古天樂 飾)在石頭城無法無天,她辛苦從城裡救出一批孤兒,逃難到普城投靠表哥,路上獲得武功絕頂的鏢師馬鋒(彭于晏 飾)幫助,她想拜託馬鋒護送孤兒們到更安全的地方,但馬鋒曾經滄海,已不問江湖事而婉拒了這一趟差事。 曹少璘來到普城,認出白玲一眾,幾番戲弄下殺了當中3人,被楊克難逮捕,更決定處決他。曹瑛的手下張亦(吳京 飾)趕來普城救人,遇上多年不見的師弟馬鋒,馬鋒因未能保護孤兒心生愧疚,決意護送他們離開,同時,楊克難為著公義,堅決不放曹少璘,引發曹氏軍閥的突襲,導致普城傷亡慘重。 楊克難因此更下定決心要處斬曹少璘,引發更大規模的圍剿行動,普城的百姓轉勸他放人,也對他越來越不信任...曹少璘最終被釋放,隨即擒住楊克難,同時進行搶掠,普城變得生靈塗炭,而馬鋒及保衛團成員決心救出楊克難,更要為公義而戰。

2005 年 04 月 24 日

When a notorious German serial killer is captured after committing some of the most heinous acts against humanity ever imaginable, a farmer and police officer from a sleepy rural community on the outskirts of Berlin is drawn into the case as he searches for the answers to a murder that has shaken his tight-knit community.

1992 年 10 月 02 日

她從鄉里告到縣裏,又從縣裏告到市里,各級裁決都判定村長賠錢,可是村長一直不肯正式認錯道歉。秋菊不服,再向市中級法院上訴。在除夕夜,秋菊難產,村長不計前嫌,組織村民連夜把秋菊送到醫院,使秋菊?利生產。 秋菊以為她和村長間的官司就此了結,不料市中?法院此時判決下來,村長因傷害罪被捕入獄。本片以貼近真實生活的半紀錄片方式拍攝,大量採用真正的農民和警察演出,並且有很多鏡頭用偷拍方式完成,效果生動逼真。鞏俐洗淨鉛華挺個大肚子的演出十分精彩。

2018 年 02 月 02 日

A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history.

1951 年 12 月 14 日

A petty thief is put on trial for the attempted murder of a lawyer. Through a series of flashbacks, the intertwining lives of the thief, the lawyer, and the thief's defense lawyer are illustrated.

In 1815, young Jacquou lives an idyllic peasant life with his parents in the Périgord region of France. But one day, his childhood happiness is cruelly ended when his father is arrested, after a dispute with the arrogant Count de Nansac. With both his parents dead, Jacquou is adopted by Bonal, a kind priest, under whose influence he grows into an assured, morally upright young man. Now an adult, Jacquou has one desire. To repay the Count de Nansac for the evil he once inflicted on his parents...

2012 年 01 月 20 日

An investigative and powerfully emotional documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences.

The day after his funeral, the corpse of Varlam Aravidze, the mayor of a small Georgian town, turns up in his son's garden. Although it is secretly reburied, the corpse keeps returning until the police capture the local woman who is responsible. This woman says that Varlam should never be laid to rest since his Stalin-like reign of terror led to the disappearance of her family and friends.

1971 年 10 月 27 日

Giuseppe Di Noi, an Italian surveyor living in Switzerland, gets arrested at the border while going back to Italy with his family for a vacation. But can someone tell the man why?

2005 年 10 月 14 日

After being hit by an iron rod, Sanjay Ramaswamy, a business tycoon, suffers from anterograde amnesia. He is unable to remember anything beyond fifteen minutes. Under such circumstances, he sets out on a quest to find the people who were responsible for his lover Kalpana's murder.

1968 年 12 月 08 日

Set in tsarist Russia around the turn of the century and based on a true story of a Russian Jewish peasant Yakov Bog who was wrongly imprisoned for a most unlikely crime - the “ritual murder” of a Gentile child in Kiev. We witness the unrelenting detail of the peasant handyman's life in prison and see him gain in dignity as the efforts to humiliate him and make him confess fail.

2015 年 10 月 05 日

David Prowse is an eighty years old actor, who has lived behind Darth Vader's mask during three decades. A group of Star Wars fans find out why he has been apparently forgotten by Lucasfilm during thirty years, and decide to give him back the glory he never had. This is their last opportunity.

2006 年 03 月 09 日

Part drama, part documentary, The Road to Guantánamo focuses on the Tipton Three, a trio of British Muslims who were held in Guantanamo Bay for two years until they were released without charge.



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