6 Filme

20. März 1969

On the evening of his decoration for bringing a murderer to justice, Washington DC Police Captain Frank Matthews' wife, and her lover are murdered in bed. Jailed as the prime suspect, with the aforementioned murderer released on a technicality Matthews escapes in search of the man he believes to be the real killer.

A police captain arranges the release of a criminally insane prisoner, who soon winds up dead. When the District Attorney takes on the case, he uncovers corruption in the department and vows to take down the man who's responsible.

26. August 1970

A gunman working for a crime ring is hunted by both the police and his employers after a cop is murdered.

22. Mai 1939

The Missing Daughters of the title are innocent young girls who've been led astray by seedy dance-hall operator Lucky Rogers.

21. Oktober 1989

A Los Angeles police officer named Mike Delaney transfers to Nashville joining his former partner. Together they battle gangs and get to know each other again. This is also a unofficial reunion film to the TV series Adam-12 which shared this TV movies two leads, Kent McCord and Martin Milner.

This entertaining film highlights the importance of integrity, justice, and appreciation for the environment. The compassionate and wise Captain is the hero, who is trying to stop long-time troublemaker and master of disguise Zero the Cat as he plans his biggest coup ever. Helping the Captain along the way are the bright Constable Eleméri Ede and seasoned secret agent Góliát. The resourceful Gólíat succeeds in locating Zero's hiding place, where he overhears part of Zero's newest plan. Although unable to get all the details, Gólíat reports to the station and it becomes clear that stopping Zero will be quite a challenge.

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